Your best Trick Or Treater Pranks!

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Oh c'mon, surely we've all got our share of pranks to pull on those helpless little trick or treaters when they come to your door.

Rocks, shaken up coke, stuff like that. The best idea gets a cookie... Or not.

Oh, and happy Halloweve!
When a child comes to your door, kindly say "trick or treat" as you hand them their precious Halloween candies!

Then proceed to shoot them in the face until they die.
Thinking it would be funny to throw eggs at an owner's house as a halloween prank. Throwing it then finding the owner shooting you to death.(True story)
Best. Thing. Evar.

I usually Stand really stiff and Quiet...until...

I got punched in the Face once for doing that though =/ Still fun to do =D
Here are some phone pranks

Caller ID Spoofing
Make you phone number look like someone elsa. So like I can make my phone number come up as 666 on someones caller Id.

Enter two phone numbers and calls them both and links the calls together.
Really, I just sit in a chair outside holding a box of candy. When the kids reach in, I grab there hand to scare them. Or let out a really loud scream.
Get a really good zombie costume. Scariest zombie costume one can find.
Turn off all the lights, so it's completely dark in the windows.
Hopefully, the house will be rather secluded. Off the road, sort of in a forest. About as creepy as it can get, yet make it appearent that it's decorated for halloween. I mean, who trick-or-treats at a house that obviously doesn't seem to celebrate halloween?
Get a buddy, and have him tear up his clothes, use cosmetics to make himself looked scratched up. So he looks like he got in a fight with some sort of bear or something.
Now, here come the kids. The kids that seem to be under the impression that this house is a good place to get candy.
They knock on the door.
Have your buddy knock on the other side. A desperate kind of "Get me out of here, I'm gonna die!!" knock. Perhaps some screaming for help. If they don't open the door after 10 seconds, have him scream in a way that says plainly "Oh my god, my organs are being torn out!!"
Have your buddy get on his knees and lean against the door, and wait for a bit. If the kids don't leave, and decide they wanna open the door, have your buddy fall to the ground, pretending to be dead as a doornail. Make your grand entrance as the big evil zombie. Make roar-moans and stuff. Try to fake twitching if you can. Like you're having a seizure. I find large amounts of twitching to be freaky.

If the kids don't run for the hills, present each of them with a snickers bar, congratulate them on their intelligence/bravory/leg-lockedness, and bid them a happy halloween as you wave merrily at them.
Or if you wanna get risky, you could drink Diet Coke and swallow Mentos, and you could barf it up and spew blood on all the kids. Of course, you would probably end up injuring yourself, so that would probably be a bad idea.
That would be awesome FoxBlitzz! All I do is hang a dead body on the door and call it good. :P
jrose05 said:
Here are some phone pranks

Caller ID Spoofing
Make you phone number look like someone elsa. So like I can make my phone number come up as 666 on someones caller Id.

Enter two phone numbers and calls them both and links the calls together.
Halloween Trick Or Treater Pranks. For pranks on trick or treaters. NOT PHONE CALLS! >_>

SRB2-Playah said:
Get a really good zombie costume. Scariest zombie costume one can find.
Turn off all the lights, so it's completely dark in the windows.
Hopefully, the house will be rather secluded. Off the road, sort of in a forest. About as creepy as it can get, yet make it appearent that it's decorated for halloween. I mean, who trick-or-treats at a house that obviously doesn't seem to celebrate halloween?
Get a buddy, and have him tear up his clothes, use cosmetics to make himself looked scratched up. So he looks like he got in a fight with some sort of bear or something.
Now, here come the kids. The kids that seem to be under the impression that this house is a good place to get candy.
They knock on the door.
Have your buddy knock on the other side. A desperate kind of "Get me out of here, I'm gonna die!!" knock. Perhaps some screaming for help. If they don't open the door after 10 seconds, have him scream in a way that says plainly "Oh my god, my organs are being torn out!!"
Have your buddy get on his knees and lean against the door, and wait for a bit. If the kids don't leave, and decide they wanna open the door, have your buddy fall to the ground, pretending to be dead as a doornail. Make your grand entrance as the big evil zombie. Make roar-moans and stuff. Try to fake twitching if you can. Like you're having a seizure. I find large amounts of twitching to be freaky.

If the kids don't run for the hills, present each of them with a snickers bar, congratulate them on their intelligence/bravory/leg-lockedness, and bid them a happy halloween as you wave merrily at them.

You sir, win.

Here's one, find some huge hairy spiders and put each one in a little paper sack thingy. When they come, give them one of the little sacks and tell them not to open it until they get away from the house because it's very messy sometimes. And then, wait for the screams :D
Man, ehehe... Halloween's "trick or treating" must be great... Considering we don't have that here at Portugal :( ... We celebrate it as a almost normal day, just A BIT more scary. Still, if I had "trick or treaters", I would... Gently give them candy, until I'm all out. After that, is rock rock rock.
Cosplay as a headless, armless version of your favourite Anime character with the clothes stained with blood (or tomato ketchup). I wanted to do that once but i didn't have any clothes of anime characters.
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