Yet another "Why can't I host?" topic.

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Yeah so, I can't host. When I do, I show up on listserv, but my server doesn't show up on the master server.

I can wait forever, but nobody is ever going to join.

So... why can't I host? I know I'm not the only person with this problem...

Is because I use vista? Or maybe because I have satellite internet?
I've already tried that. It's possible I set it up wrong, but I doubt it since I can still browse the internet.
Also I could browse the internet, even so my servers were unjoinable.

Please, check your Internet settings as I pointed out there.
I don't think you understood.

I've already done what you told me to do. I was just pointing out that there could be a possibility that I did it wrong.

It's just unlikely since I can browse the internet after I did it.
I don't want to be premature on this involving vista, but check your router ports. Sometimes that's the main problem.
It definitely wouldn't be Vista.

Also, you probably need to open ports 5029 & 5030. And yes, you can be able to browse the internet without SRB2's online play working.
Rob said:
It definitely wouldn't be Vista.

Also, you probably need to open ports 5029 & 5030. And yes, you can be able to browse the internet without SRB2's online play working.
This may be the problem. I only opened port 5029, like Chaos Knux said.

I'll post the results when I'm done.

EDIT: And it didn't work... anymore suggestions?
I did what it said here, but instead of changing the inbound and private ports to 5029 - 5029, I changed them to 5029 - 5030.
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