Wizard Model Edit (player.zip) OpenGL

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1, scripts are crashy now cause SSN added coding that stupidly stopped those cause they supposedly lagged and all, also Hyper Sonic doesn't have red eyes, they're green.
Senku Niola said:
1, scripts are crashy now cause SSN added coding that stupidly stopped those cause they supposedly lagged and all, also Hyper Sonic doesn't have red eyes, they're green.
I already said the script thing, and I think that it was said that his eyes were green... or maybe it was the other way around...
See what you've done? You've made recolours even easier to 'make' now, all they have to do is change the colours of one image instead of over 100... >_>
but what if it was a recolor with mulitcolor spikes and two tails? You'll have to do more then just editing the skin. I tried that last month. The results: horrible.
That's actually easy to make. The tails might be a bit hard to pull off, but I managed to make a Tails MD2 from sonic.
Just use misfit to make the multicolored spines and use the back spines for the tails. The only downside is that he won't have backspines.
Hyper Shadic X said:
I'd like to see it! I think I can experament with the skin to make it flash colors. Hey, it's worth a shot!

EDIT: Light... Blue...? It looks more like light green to me. o_O

HelixTh said:
(it's a girl)

Uhh... Did you change sonic's gender or something? *shot*

...what...? No, that's in my signature, "I'm a girl." I just wanted to make it say, "Is", because I felt like it.

But aside from that, the eyes are green. And I don't know anywhere to host the model. D:>

Edit: I had to use a different model, so his quills are only big when he flies. When he stands, his hair looks like Super Sonic's a bit...In my opinion.
HelixTh said:
Well, I'm not sure if this is alot.


Resembles hyper sonildow with the light blue thing, and hyper!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hyper Sonic is a light blue. But I fixed it up a bit, instead of floating for his idle, he stands. And his waiting post is simple, he looks at the sky and taps his foot. I didn't get all the bugs worked out yet, so you'll be waiting for a little bit.
Hyper Shadic X said:
Ok, since when was Hyper Sonic's eyes green?!? I must have been under a rock to miss that. .__.

Someone already said that. IDK, but the model looks good. ☺☻☺
Okay, I may look stupid, or mabye not,

but I still have the MD2s from that old topic with the springs and rings and other stuff,

I'm not sure if I'm aloud to post them, am I?
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