What my ideal "Complete SRB2" would be


The darkest night isn't always that dark.

I did this post on one of threads,but that thread died,and i feel like i shuld have made an entire thread instead.I split the post into parts,so you can quote on any of them. So,without further ado,lets start this long post with the first part.

Part 1
Singleplayer Campaign
-All planned stages: Dark City,Grand Eggship (previously named Doom Ship,but changed because its nickname is the same as the Deep Sea one),and ERZ Remake
-True Final Boss level like in S3&K
-Loops added in few zones (GreenFlower,Techno Hill and Arid Canyon)

Quality Of Life Changes
-Proper menus
-Better presentation (Act Trasitions,Cutscenes; you get it)
-Allow to view the list for Secrets you have/need to unlock in the Menu

Additional Content
-7th character: Espio The Chameleon,unlocked by completing all Challenge Levels
*He has Wallrun and Double Jump, allowing him to go through 50% most of the routes the current 6 characters can go through.

8th character: Super Mario,by completing Pipe Towers.
*Has basic moveset:
Double Jump (works like in SM64), Wall Jump (has the special limit of 5 wall jumps per the first use [this means you can wall jump on 2 walls 2 times and a half],so it wont be broken) and Ground-Pound (works only on breakable floors)

-Removed Challenge Stages:
*Aerial Garden
*Azure Temple

-New Challenge Stages:
*Cupcake Bonanza Zone,a world with cupcakes of all sizes,shapes and kinds,but also attacked by Jetty-Sins!
*Ultimate Castle Eggman Zone (with the description of "Gauntlet Mode"),a gauntlet of all Castle Eggman levels of its history,featuring sections of 1.94,2.0/2.1,2.2 and Forest Fortress all in one (but some of them are balanced to be easier or harder).
*Space Calamity Zone, the remnats of Sky Base [from 8-Bit Sonic 1] and Wing Fortress being fused in space because of Ring Satellite's activity (the satellite from SRB1).

Part 2
Singleplayer Campaign
-THZ3 gets a transition to DSZ where the train you were on crashes and you go through a cave which leads Deep Sea Act 1
-DSZ transition is a whole new act: Badnik Sewer Zone,which at the end leads to CEZ
-CEZ2 gets finished
-ACZ2 receives 2 new sections:
*1 You go on loops while inside a minecart when you exit out of the cave
*2 At the ending,you get to a train station,which leads to Act 3
-RVZ gets 2 more acts,with a transition to Dark City
-ERZ2 gets a new transition because of the change below:
-BCZ1 is removed,and BCZ2 becomes Egg Rock Act 3,with BCZ3 being a standalone zone

Quality of Life Changes
- Sonic's Speed Thok gets unfortunately removed and replaced by Power Spin. However,you can switch Sonic's abillity to either be the thok or Power Spin in a new category for options. I'll mention it later.
-While loading into a Multiplayer server,you can choose an option to play a minigame until you load in. Minigame is called Whack-A-Minus,where you do what the Minigame title says.Your next a Whack-A-Mole machine which has Minus instead,so you have to whack as much of them as possible in 30 seconds.However,if you play the minigame and the server loads,you will be loaded into the server,and your score is 0.
-Bosses now have a hud,with their name and hitpoints left to beat.Opon reaching Pinch Mode,the remaining hit points turn from yellow to red.

-Metal Sonic's hover gets reworked,and the name is Electri-Float.Now,you float for a while with an electricity shield around you. After the the time for floating is over,he falls down with a new abillity:
*Holding the jump button while falling allows you to do the Speed-Pound,which allows you to get down more faster,leaving a little electricity circle around him upon getting on the ground (works like the Elemental Shield)
*Not pressing anything while falling does nothing special; you just fall
-Ultimate Mode remains in the game,but you get a single countinue if you beat a certain zone with a single Chaos Emerald gotten inside it.For example,if you get a Chaos Emerald in THZ and beat Act 3,you get a countinue. This shuld make the mode a bit easier,but still challenging,which also encourages for more All Chaos Emeralds runs for Ultimate Mode. However,you can change it to be like today in the new category for options.Speaking of which...

New Options
Say hello to Gameplay Tweaks,a brand new category in Options menu.Here,you can set how do you want your gameplay to be.This has many tweaks you can experiment with for your definitive Vanilla SRB2 experience (with NO mods enabled,that is). The options are in the spoilers

Sonic's Main Abillity
1.Power Spin
2.Speed Thok
4.No Abillity

Sonic's Shoes
1.Normal Shoes
2.Soap Shoes

Tails' Flight Abillity
2.Off (Sonic 2)

Tails' Blue Shoes
3.No Shoes (this just a joke option,and it works like Ultimate Cheat)

Tails' Flight Cancel Button
1.Jump Button
2.Spin Button

Knuckles' Hat

Amy's Outfit
2.Modern (just changes to clothes to Modern ones,and not the hair)

Fang's name
1.Fang The Sniper (Japan/Europe)
2.Nack The Weasel (USA)

Fang's Main Abillity
1. Pogo-Tail
2. Triple Jump (STT 16-Bit)
3. None (this is for challenge only)

Metal Sonic's eye colour

Metal Sonic's Main Abillity
1. 2.2's Main Abillity
2. Electri-Float and Speed-Pound

(Following options for Espio and Mario are only available once you unlock one of them)

Espio's Color Change

Espio's shoes

Mario's Voice
2.Mario Movie

Gameplay Changes
Life System
2.No Lives (Origins)

Time Over

Sonic & Tails' camera
1.Follows Sonic
2.Follows Tails

Game Difficulty
1.Baby (5 lives,more rings,less levels and 10 countinues)
3.Hard (2 lives,and 25 rings per level [5 for bosses])
3.Extreme (1 life,10 rings per level and 2 per boss)
4.Ultimate (1 life and no rings)

Cutscenes before Act 3

Ultimate Mode Options

Countinue Rework

More Spikes

More Boss Hitpoints

Music Preferences
Speed Shoes Theme
2.Speeded up Level Theme
3.Sonic CD (USA)
4.Sonic CD (JP)
5.Sonic Adventure 2
6.No Theme

Invicibillity Theme
2.Sonic 1/2
3.Sonic 3
4.Sonic and Knuckles
5.Sonic CD (JP)
6.Sonic CD (USA)
7.Sonic Mania

-Main Levels (also going to count Dark City,Grand Eggship,Act 2 of Red Volcano and Badnik Sewer)

GFZ1 - 1. Yes, 2.No
GFZ2 - 1. Yes, 2.No
THZ1 - 1. Yes, 2.No
THZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
DSZ1 - 1.Yes, 2. No
DSZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
BSZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
CEZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
CEZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
MMZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
MMZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
ACZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
ACZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
RVZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
RVZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
DCZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
DCZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
GEZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
GEZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
ERZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
ERZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No

Challenge and Bonus levels
HIZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
CBZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
UCZ - 1.Yes, 2.No

FHZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
PTZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
FFZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
TLZ - 1.Yes, 2.No

FFZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
TCZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
FCZ - 1.Yes, 2. No
CFZ (i dont think i got the name right :dramahog: ) - 1.Yes, 2.No
DWZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
MCZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
ESZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
CCZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
APZ1 - 1.Yes, 2.No
APZ2 - 1.Yes, 2.No
DHZ - 1. Yes, 2.No

Other jingles
Main Boss - 1.Yes, 2.No
ERZ3 - 1.Yes, 2.No
BCZ - 1.Yes, 2.No
Act Clear - 1.Yes, 2.No
Game/Time Over - 1.Yes, 2.No

Part 3
Singleplayer Changes

-GFZ now has a part from the OG track from the pre-2.2 days,obviously adapted for 2.2 sound quality
-GFZ2 gets fully revamped,with all new routes,new emblem locations,a secret Easter Egg to reference RedXVI interactions in Final Demo (for those long-time Final Demo fans),and a proper transition for Act 3
-Boss arena in GFZ3 gets updated significatly, one of the changes being a tunnel that leads to THZ1 (you cant go through it until you beat the Boss)
-THZ1's grass at the start is like the one from the eras before 2.1,and then transition to current look of the grass (for transition and reference purposes)
-THZ2 now gets new routes for Metal Sonic and Mario
-DSZ1 gets a better transition to Act 2,as you exit the water and get inside the Temple
-DSZ2 gets fully remade
-Mine Maze returns as a zone after Castle Eggman,with 2.2 style level design and not having confusing mazes (What happens is that Eggman escaped to Egg Rock,so for now you aint gonna see Eggman for some time.However,not even then will you be safe)
-MMZ3 would have a Boss where a giant Drilla Killa chases after Sonic (who is in a minecart),as you you need to control the minecart into a correct path (wrong path is shown as being blocked.At the end,you and Drilla Killa fall down into a pit of lava,but Tails comes to save you just in time
-MMZ obviously gets a transition to ACZ in the form of a cutscene that references the Mine Maze->Rocky Mountain cutscene planned for SRB2 TGF
-If you get to ECZ 1 and look whats outside,you can now see Ring Satellite (from SRB1) being next to Mobius
-In ECZ 2,you can find a room with green capsules,inside being badniks (a reference to a video on SSNTails' YouTube Channel)

Multiplayer changes
-A friends list is added,so now you can add your friends you met through Multiplayer into that list (obviously,the friend you want to add has to accept your request)
-Race now has new tracks,taken from the OLDC.
-Ringslinger dies and gets replaced by Battlemod

Additional Content
-Chaos Mode is now back as a mode in Singleplayer. Pick a character you want to play as and to through Endless waves of badniks. Only 3 lives,though!
-You can make a profile card for Multiplayer with your name,the most used color in servers, the date you installed SRB2,the amount of waves you passed in Chaos Mode and the vanilla character you use the most
*By beating Ultimate Mode,you get a Trophy that will be seen next to your name on the profile card
*Once you make a profile card,a new file named profile.dat gets created in your SRB2 folder. If your transfering all the stuff from the SRB2 folder on a new device,transfering your profile.dat will make your profile card be on that other device.

This is the end of Part 3,and probably the last part for this post. This part was primarly for Singleplayer,so im trying to fix that in the potential Part 4.Bye for now!
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I would rather name Grand Eggship Grand Doomship, to fit with the older name. Or Egg Doomship. I know they won't change the name again though.
*Automatically st.jr seeing this* great, it will be ready for version 3.0 :)
Wow, that's impressive.
I like the idea of the friends list and the profile card, as well as just the vanilla game overhauls in general.
However, I'm not completely sure about Espio being an unlockable character, I feel that Mario being unlocked after beating PTZ is pretty cool enough. There are enough characters in the current version as-is, too.
Letting Tails have blue shoes (and the option to turn em on or off) is also a clever idea, everyone(or...many people, anyway) love(s) blue shoes Tails. :>
-Ringslinger dies and gets replaced by Battlemod
Now, for Ringslinger fans at first. It would be bad if they have removed it compeletely, I bet that it would've had been better if they were actually to be together instead of removing Ringslinger compeletely out of existance.
Game Difficulty
1.Baby (5 lives,more rings,less levels and 10 countinues)
3.Hard (2 lives,and 25 rings per level [5 for bosses])
3.Extreme (1 life,10 rings per level and 2 per boss)
4.Ultimate (1 life and no rings)
I kinda like that idea, though this was in xmas anyway. It was then removed in v2.0 after words, so if this came back. I would like to see the devs make this a come back for once, clearly because it was removed and couldn't have change the world today. But this can be easily good for once, I guess?

EDIT: Made mistake, It wasn't in v1.01 actually. It's was in Xmas, in v0.90 to v0.96 obvoiusly.
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I kinda like that idea, though this was in v1.01 anyway. It was then removed in v2.0 after words, so if this came back. I would like to see the devs make this a come back for once, clearly because it was removed and couldn't have change the world today. But this can be easily good for once, I guess?
I was never around for the original difficulty levels, literally only being born after the 2.0 era ended, so I agree. This would be an interest reboot for something that's probably widely considered outdated currently.
I was never around for the original difficulty levels, literally only being born after the 2.0 era ended, so I agree. This would be an interest reboot for something that's probably widely considered outdated currently.
You can possibly see that by years ago man, It was the day were srb2 was getting it's devs ready to launch the full game. Possibly that's the time were it was growing better as it came, but This can be possible if it returned.
However, I'm not completely sure about Espio being an unlockable character
When making the OG post,i knew that Espio is perfectly balanced in terms of moveset,so i decided to add him in.Besides,not many Classic Sonic Fangames have Espio,so this would be a change of pace.

*Automatically st.jr seeing this* great, it will be ready for version 3.0 :)
Im not sure if they the Devs have saw this,as they are developing 2.3 as of writing this. Not sure if 3.0 will exist,though (fun fact: Rob,one of the three STJr leaders back in the day, said 2.2 would be 3.0,but remained being 2.2 because then people would ask "WHeRe iS 2.2 uPDatE?!")

I bet that it would've had been better if they were actually to be together instead of removing Ringslinger compeletely out of existance.
Personally,i think most people would play Battlemod instead,and Ringslinger would only be played by its long-time fans/possibly newcomers.I dont hate Ringslinger nor Batllemod,but that doesnt mean i like them.In fact,its kinda boring to play them after 2 years of me being in SRB2 community.

Thanks for everyone who found my ideal "complete SRB2" interesting,as this is was the longest post i have ever made.
When making the OG post, I knew that Espio is perfectly balanced in terms of moveset, so I decided to add him in. Besides, not many Classic Sonic Fangames have Espio, so this would be a change of pace.
Now that I think about it, that's reasonable. And you're right, we rarely see Espio anywhere. I suppose he could do well.
Thanks for everyone who found my ideal "complete SRB2" interesting, as this is was the longest post I have ever made.
You're welcome! Any expansive predictions, like this, about 2.3 are very interesting and worth my time, especially.
You're welcome! Any expansive predictions, like this, about 2.3 are very interesting and worth my time, especially.
I forgot to note: The list i made was NOT made for upcoming 2.3 update.Its instead made for the True Final Release of the game.
Multiplayer changes
-A friends list is added,so now you can add your friends you met through Multiplayer into that list (obviously,the friend you want to add has to accept your request)
-Race now has new tracks,taken from the OLDC.
-Ringslinger dies and gets replaced by Battlemod
another cool change would be matchmaking and official volunteer servers although that's probably a stretch because there's not much demand for them.

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