what is the best wad editor in your opinion?

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i just stated wad editing, and my current editor (XWE) is not working well...

if you know of a better one, post it!
For levels, I use DoomBuilder. I've only made one match wad so far with it, but I can say it's easy enough to use, as long as you know the basics of level wadding.
I've been using Wadauthor because Doom Builder's grid snap doesn't work at all. Yes, it's that annoying that I had to use a different wad editor.
Shuffle said:
I've been using Wadauthor because Doom Builder's grid snap doesn't work at all. Yes, it's that annoying that I had to use a different wad editor.
There's a button that turns that on, you know. In fact, it was on by default, so somewhere along the line you'd have to have turned it off.
I use WadAuthor for making my maps, a full copy, but not paid. :P I also use XWE for lump management/everything else. I'm the kind of person that hears about something "Better" and will refuse to switch.
I use DoomBuilder for maps, XWE for everything else WAD-related. I'm not using SlumpED until it become more fully-featured. XWE already does what I need it to, and it does it well.

And Shuffle, you can adjust grid-snap influence through the settings. Maybe it's set too low for your preference?
XWE works fine. You have to change it in the options.

If you can't find the options, I weep for you.
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