What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

Pretty sure we already finished discussing everything there was to discuss?
So far, anything that anyone has brought up was eventually shot down with something that at the core is "respect the author".

You're welcome to, you know... bring something up.
You're welcome to get a life.
okay here's the list
why are we still arguing about this?

why can't we be on peaceful terms?
ok, can we please lock this thread before it gets out of hand?
can we stop talking about the ws and saying "avoid the mods" it's kinda toxic to the original people.
we hate portlegs yes, but we needa stop being so relying on portlegs that makes the entire website bad.
Post automatically merged:

can't we just be on peaceful terms like jeez some of us don't want this to happen between the MB and the WS.
just to name a few
Shouldn't this thread have been concluded some time ago? It has veered significantly off course from the original question posed by the OP, with people repetitively reiterating their points while adding nothing of value to this thread like a bunch of snarky troglodytes trying to one-up each other?

In an effort to provide you, OP @Void Animates , with a more impartial response to your inquiry the best way to put it simply is that the WS serves as an alternative to the SRB2 message board. It caters to those seeking to submit wads, pk3 files, and the like, which do not adhere to this forum's rules, where explicit permission is required here, on the WS, proper attribution is the primary requirement. As articulated in the WS's terms and rules page, they grant a "non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service.

To put it simply, anything you publish there can be altered by others according to their preferences, as long as you receive due credit for your work in adherence to GPL laws.

To say more modding freedom and creativity for both private and public use.

The WS is split up into two distinct sections on its submission rules, mods that follow the srb2' MS' rules (blue sphere) and mods that don't (red sphere). In the blue sphere, submissions must be to the submission rules of the SRB2 Message Board (here). Such compliance grants the privilege of reposting these mods on the WS and ensures their preservation therein. Conversely, the red sphere within the Workshop Sphere affords creators greater latitude in their submissions, albeit not without some essential caveats. These caveats are elucidated in the WS rules:

"1. You STILL need to give credit to original author. Any resource/addon that you used should be credited."

"2. If you make some edit of existing addon - Make sure that edits to the addon were significant and valuable enough for the addon to be published."

"3. Don't try to publish someone else's addon and credit it as your own. Plagiarism is still not welcome here."

This also extends to materials which is considered NSFW including derogatory things but that should be common sense.
Pretty sure we already finished discussing everything there was to discuss?
So far, anything that anyone has brought up was eventually shot down with something that at the core is "respect the author".

You're welcome to, you know... bring something up.
Not to extend this thread forever but I feel my point about like. Morally why I don’t think it’s a great idea to make a mod non reusable was never properly disputed, outside of “uhhh cuz they want to” and some arguments that could easily be used against themselves
It kinda sucks bc I really want to know like. Why ppl view it this way. Like I want the reason why you *not saying you literally using it as an example* think your mod should not be usable by anyone in the community, and why you think that’s right, again not saying ppl shouldn’t be allowed to, but I want to know the reasoning behind it, bc to me it comes across as kind of selfish, and somewhat egotistical, almost as if ur saying ur mod is above everyone else who made theirs reusable, it really comes across as “my mod is so good no one else should be able to make things from it” and I feel like that might not be what ppl think, but I can’t find much else on it
I want genuine reasons why ppl think they should make their mods non reusable. Real reasons. Like I want the logic behind it. I’m just curious. This isn’t even any anger thing it’s more “I haven’t seen this point discussed or debunked from this side and I would like to know what the actual reasoning is”
To say more modding freedom and creativity for both private and public use.
That's really not what's at stake here. If only Workshop mods were being edited however they wanted on that forum, then there wouldn't be an issue. The problem is, the forum was created so they could publish edited MB mods without permission or consequence. That's theft, and should not be reduced down to "The WS is controversial because it has different rules." The different rules are not the problem.
I want genuine reasons why ppl think they should make their mods non reusable. Real reasons. Like I want the logic behind it. I’m just curious. This isn’t even any anger thing it’s more “I haven’t seen this point discussed or debunked from this side and I would like to know what the actual reasoning is”
Because if you want to use something from my work, I simply would like to know what for before giving permission. Marking something as reusable is up-front permission for it to be used for whatever, and I don't want to give a blank check on that front.
Because if you want to use something from my work, I simply would like to know what for before giving permission. Marking something as reusable is up-front permission for it to be used for whatever, and I don't want to give a blank check on that fro
I can understand that, but respectfully both a: the reusability system should have a thing essentially saying contact me first (so that someone can’t get permission, work on a mod forever, and then have it revoked)
Like you do understand how that looks right? It doesn’t come across as “just contact me first” it comes across as “don’t reuse this”
And b: I’m talking to specifically the people who set something as non reusable, with the intent of never letting anyone use it ever. Why. Like actually why. No “I put x hours of work in” or anything I want a genuine reason why you think that’s the right thing to do and examples of harm that would be done by not doing that
Shouldn't this thread have been concluded some time ago?
There are very clear signs this thread is played out now, and I do think its continuation will only serve to cause division and strife within the community. Take a look at some of the recent posts for an example of that. I believe the staff has already done its part explaining things in very clear language regarding both addons and the Workshop, but it is up to them as to whether the thread remains open.
I can understand that, but respectfully both a: the reusability system should have a thing essentially saying contact me first (so that someone can’t get permission, work on a mod forever, and then have it revoked)
This defeats the purpose of the reusability system in the first place. The idea is to make things easier, to know immediately that you don't even need to ask for permission. I brought up the examples from the other Doom spaces before. In those communities, you have to get explicit permission first, but SRB2 allows you to skip that process if it's marked as reusable.
Like you do understand how that looks right? It doesn’t come across as “just contact me first” it comes across as “don’t reuse this”
I include notes clarifying.
There are very clear signs this thread is played out now, and I do think its continuation will only serve to cause division and strife within the community. Take a look at some of the recent posts for an example of that. I believe the staff has already done its part explaining things in very clear language regarding both addons and the Workshop, but it is up to them as to whether the thread remains open.
Nobody is asking questions anymore. I was against closing this thread down at first. Now it's just people throwing insults at each other. Not at all hearing out what others have to say

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