What do you hate most about the game?

Wow, you didn't have to blow that steam at my face like that, it seems more rude since you're using caps lock.
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also the game doesn't use a lot of it's pallete, gfz only uses like 3 colors (green brown and blue)
thz1 has the same problems as gfz, (tan, orange, and purple)
however, thz2 and 3 are painful, they literally use one color
deep sea is also the same (tan brown and cyan) but it's mostly alright because.. colormaps
cez1 is okay, just grey, brown, and green but tinted orange
HOWEVER, cez2 is the best looking zone in the game, it's full of large enemies so that's some purple and red, and the SKYBOX.. god damn
arid canyon is the same as the last ones (orange, yellow, black)
red volcano is good ENOUGH to not look like a single color (red, orange, lava,) and once you go outside you get green and yellow
egg rock is better thz2 (grey, red, blue)
and i dont have to say anything about black core cause its just egg rock act 4, 5, and 6

also, don't say "because doom engine" cause modded levels usually look WAY better then the vanilla game
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also the game doesn't use a lot of it's pallete, gfz only uses like 3 colors (green brown and blue)
thz1 has the same problems as gfz, (tan, orange, and purple)
however, thz2 and 3 are painful, they literally use one color
deep sea is also the same (tan brown and cyan) but it's mostly alright because.. colormaps
cez1 is okay, just grey, brown, and green but tinted orange
HOWEVER, cez2 is the best looking zone in the game, it's full of large enemies so that's some purple and red, and the SKYBOX.. god damn
arid canyon is the same as the last ones (orange, yellow, black)
red volcano is good ENOUGH to not look like a single color (red, orange, lava,) and once you go outside you get green and yellow
egg rock is better thz2 (grey, red, blue)
and i dont have to say anything about black core cause its just egg rock act 4, 5, and 6

also, don't say "because doom engine" cause modded levels usually look WAY better then the vanilla game
If anyone did say "Because Doom engine", they would be either naive or lying.
There's ~254 + 1 colors free to be used in each level. If the Genesis games could make colorful levels with 60 + 4... actually, more accurately, 1 pallete line was just for player character use, so it's more like 45 + 3, then SRB2 can do it with 254 + 1.
I might as well throw my hat into the ring and write up a wall of my biggest criticisms. I've kept the criticisms mostly focused on the content new to 2.2, rather than the content that was kept mostly unchanged from 2.1.
  • The NiGHTS special stages, while a joy to speedrun and score attack, feel like tedious chores that break the pace of the main game. I especially don't like how the sphere count shows how many spheres you have already collected instead of how many spheres you have left. The gameplay feels like it's meant to be an exact replication of the original NiGHTS rather than considering what would fit a Sonic game, and thus tends to feel unintuitive. And with all stages except maybe the last two, once you know the level's layout it's impossible to mess up, and it feels like there's no risk to take. The fifth one (Dusty Wasteland) at least is fun and to the point though.
  • The unlockable NiGHTS stages (except for Black Hole Zone) aren't fun.
  • All the SRB2 shields' active abilities except whirlwind feel underwhelming and superfluous, without adding much gameplay value.
  • The levels often don't do a good job of visually conveying which walls can and can't be climbed, and which walls can only be broken by "strong" characters (Knuckles and Amy). And sometimes in Knuckles' paths, the excessive use of non-climbable walls feels like defeating the point of his character.
  • Sonic's thok is very uninspired and makes it near impossible to make paths exclusive to him, unlike all other playable characters. I also don't like that its speed doesn't stack with speed shoes or the spindash.
  • Tails' flight, on the other hand, is an extremely overpowered cheese machine that stacks with the spindash way TOO well.
  • When playing as Metal Sonic, most levels are designed in such a way that his boost mode is unusable.
  • Metal Sonic's hover is a cheese machine that conflicts with the character select screen's statement that he has the same difficulty getting through hazards as Sonic.
  • Greenflower is overall a solid introductory zone, but its enemies (blue Crawla, red Crawla, and SDURF) are painfully uninspired.
  • Arid Canyon's rope pulley gimmick isn't fun. I especially don't like that when you jump off of a rope, you lose all your momentum.
  • Arid Canyon's turtle enemies (the Green Snappers) have obnoxious hitboxes that feel luck-based. You never know when you jump on one of those pesky turtles if you'll kill it or get hurt, and it feels unfair.
  • The Metal Sonic race and battle are both excessively tough brick walls that are harder than the actual final boss.
  • And finally, there is absolutely no reason to not let every character have a super form.
My various gripes with this fangame I love, in no particular order:
  • Circuit being removed was a fucking mistake. I'm being entirely unironic about this. PVP gametypes are a novel concept but SRB2's physics aren't designed for them, and circuit accomplishes the competitiveness much better.
  • Math in SRB2 is kinda weird. We don't get to use decimals, so we have to express non-integers as a fraction of 65536. It's not a dealbreaker, just kinda weird.
  • THZ still has a dated look. THZ2 in particular still has boring silver everywhere.
  • The post-singleplayer campaign content is mediocre at best and terrible at worst. All of it needs to be either overhauled completely or thrown out and replaced. Haunted Heights Zone can stay though.
  • NiGHTS is poorly executed compared to the game it takes inspiration from. In the original, control is a lot tighter and precise. Doing multiple loops around a map is also encouraged; most SRB2 players who never played NiGHTS probably don't know you can do multiple loops around a map.
  • SRB2 is lacking in visual flair and special effects. The addition of blending modes recently is a good start. I'd like to see more stylised particle and sound effects.
  • Echoing Sev's point of 3D models being terrible to handle.
  • The current player physics underdeliver, every attempt at improvement overcorrects. Some may like any model of player physics, which is fine, but I'm yet to see one which solves my problems and doesn't provide new ones.
  • There's no reason to get more than, like, 80 emblems. The reward for getting all 200 emblems is just a menu version of the devmode commands.
  • In general, the game is unnecessarily difficult and poorly designed in areas for the sake of being "accurate" to the classic games. Rolling control, flight, air bubbles, undersized hitboxes, etc.
Full disclaimer: I guess you could call me a SRB2 Veteran. I've been playing this game off and on since 2006. Recently, I picked it up again in 2020 until 2 years to the present where I made the decision to uninstall the game completely off my disk drive (of course I backed it up on my external clouds) because the state of this game really disappoints me.

  1. I agree whole heartedly with those complaining about the colorlessness and frankly visual lameness of the vanilla stages that are consistently upstaged by modded levels. Someone had good wits about them to bring up the fact that Genesis was working with a far restricted color palette yet looked 20x more full of life, diverse, and colorful than the SRB2 vanilla stages does.
  2. There is an annoying tenacity within the dev team that will never let the game reach its true potential (in terms of gameplay, especially) because of the rigid faithfulness of emulating the classic gameplay style, which was often like that due to technological limitations (especially in the early SRB2 days). However, I find myself enjoying the momentum and physics of classic/adventure/modern Sonic games FAR more than I do (current version) SRB2's, with its limited jumpheight, strange air control, underwhelming moveset diversity, offputting slogginess, seemingly very restrictive space of how you can move the character in the traditional dynamic Sonic way. I mean, you can do some neat tricks if you use very specific key movements taking advanced of the restrictive space but Sonic is supposed to feel like a race car, not like chess. Once again, many modded characters vastly upstage the vanilla ones.
  3. The sound design is worse than in the older SRB2 versions, sounding more similar to Mario Golf than the jazzy, rock n roll, high energy soundtrack of the original Sonic games... It frankly bores me, even when I use a Genesis soundfont to cover up its underwhelming sound composition.
  4. THE NETCODE. It's AWFUL and hardly works most of the time. The only usable servers most of the time are those vanilla ones with maybe 1 or 2 addons (almost always modded Sonics as playable characters for some reason).
  5. THE COMMUNITY!!!! Sucks and a lot of them are the sensitive crybully types, streamer kids, people who clearly don't like sonic outside of this game so they think every criticism towards this highly flawed game is blasphemy, ego-tripping admins, toxic edgelords, ect. This is actually a big factor as to why I finally removed this game from my PC once and for all. Sad, because I actually used to really like this community during the 2000s/2010s. I used to wonder why mod content isn't made for this current era as much as it was for the previous versions, but now I get it. Nobody wants to take hours out of their day to create for a passionless and fractured community that is failing to retain players as time goes by. I don't see it getting better any time soon.
  • Cool!
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THE COMMUNITY!!!! Sucks and a lot of them are the sensitive crybully types, streamer kids, people who clearly don't like sonic outside of this game so they think every criticism towards this highly flawed game is blasphemy, ego-tripping admins, toxic edgelords, ect. This is actually a big factor as to why I finally removed this game from my PC once and for all. Sad, because I actually used to really like this community during the 2000s/2010s. I used to wonder why mod content isn't made for this current era as much as it was for the previous versions, but now I get it. Nobody wants to take hours out of their day to create for a passionless and fractured community that is failing to retain players as time goes by. I don't see it getting better any time soon.
... when was the last time you interacted with the wider community?

"I used to wonder why mod content isn't made for this current era as much as it was for the previous versions"
This, in actuality, is more because of the quality standards being higher now due to 2.2's quality jump.
Source: I am a modder and am friends with several modders.
i hate the sigsegv i hate server crashes and server lag, and i also hate ported mods because it gets you netgame banned and when i get a game over again and i have no more conutnies the game allows me to just get more lives wich makes no sence that i dont have any lives left but it kinda bothers me when i keep getting random lives when im in the contunite section
(also this happend back then when i was racing metal sonic)
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... when was the last time you interacted with the wider community? Also: "I used to wonder why mod content isn't made for this current era as much as it was for the previous versions" This, in actuality, is more because of the quality standards being higher now due to 2.2's quality jump. Source: I am a modder and am friends with several modders.
Last week, for 2 years.
"I used to wonder why mod content isn't made for this current era as much as it was for the previous versions"
This, in actuality, is more because of the quality standards being higher now due to 2.2's quality jump.
Source: I am a modder and am friends with several modders.
I thought the quality requirements were changed to make it a lot easier for newer modders to showcase their work in the addons section (since I believe it was mentioned by the staff after the old guard left). I would also think the upgrades to the modding tools like Zone Builder would also make things easier. Is that not yet the case?
I thought the quality requirements were changed to make it a lot easier for newer modders to showcase their work in the addons section (since I believe it was mentioned by the staff after the old guard left). I would also think the upgrades to the modding tools like Zone Builder would also make things easier. Is that not yet the case?
Well, it's less "requirements" and more so "what people say is a good mod" having changed DRASTICALLY with the jump from 2.1 to 2.2, and that puts off quite a few people. The vanilla 2.2 experience puts the bar so much higher than 2.1 that, as a result, people have higher expectations, and that leads to fewer projects released since more time has to be put in for that quality bar to be reached.
[*]The current player physics underdeliver, every attempt at improvement overcorrects. Some may like any model of player physics, which is fine, but I'm yet to see one which solves my problems and doesn't provide new ones.
This, big time. Without modifying the gravity, only amy can jump on top of 128 fracunit tall platforms and that hurts vertical platforming more than not have a vertical air ability.

Bear in mind, 128 is the minimum out of reach height.

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