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Wario & Waluigi in SRB2

My fav Mario character, Wario, is finally getting added (unless this is cancelled). Great!
Don't worry it's not cancelled.

Oh yeah update shit on the project.
A new design by OddGuy has been made still wip and not finalized.
Another note as that this might be the final design (of course it being styled and based off Wario Land artwork.


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Don't worry it's not cancelled.

Oh yeah update shit on the project.
A new design by OddGuy has been made still wip and not finalized.
Another note as that this might be the final design (of course it being styled and based off Wario Land artwork.
View attachment 73814
Alright so...
Turns out I was wrong because for starters this design wasn't very liked compared to some older Wario design.
However with the help from MotorRoach and MetalWario64 we've got the definitive Wario that everyone can agree on looks great.

Again just like earlier some changes n stuff may happen but yeah Wario
Alright so...
Turns out I was wrong because for starters this design wasn't very liked compared to some older Wario design.
However with the help from MotorRoach and MetalWario64 we've got the definitive Wario that everyone can agree on looks great.
View attachment 73860
Again just like earlier some changes n stuff may happen but yeah Wario
wow it's really 100% successful also I have a question how do you do the sprites? or how you will manage to reproduce the style perfectly because frankly I am really impressed:wonderful:
Wild Swing Ding

Yes this is the official name of the move apparently.
Anyway this is a throw move activated by pressing and holding C1 when you're holding an enemy. The move is similar to the Bowser throwing in SM64 however here you move forwards in the direction you're facing destroying every enemy in your path when they are hit with the thing you're spinning around.
Once C1 is released the enemy will of course the thrown like Bowser in SM64.
I have a question.
And I can Swing and kill all living things with the crawla?
If I may make a suggestion, maybe an aerial swim-type move (not a double jump midair) based on that special dunk he has from Mario Hoops 3-on-3 (the final fantasy crossover). Also, Waluigi would definitely have low friction on the ground (not ice slippery, but enough that by the time whatever he needs to do on the ground is done, he's still moving moderately fast) Another Idea is to give him some of Wario's attacks, "Waluigified". (different properties, utilities, usage, etc.)
Alright so as people clearly can see development and well everything has come to an halt.
Like seriously no nothing has been made ever since the last post.

However I am a little fixated over Wario yet again so I thought it'd be fun to idk revisit this thing.
Only issue is that OddGuy (the person who made the basis Wario sprite that MotorRoach and MetalWario64 refined) has a busy normal life outside the internet it seems. And as much of a disappointment it is for both of us (just assuming I'm not too sure how he feels about this all) he is unable to help work on the sprites for Wario that well once again is the definitive Wario SRB2 sprite. And well because of the lack in skills in my ability to sprite and draw (I have gotten better but nowhere near the amazing sprites OddGuy can produce) I am unable to actually sprite with this design as it's well just out of my skill level to sprite for a better lack of terms.
So well I am thinking about just making Wario's sprites completely based on the sprites from WL4 because well...

1. I am really shit at posing, which means that I can't make a good frames for animation because idk how to angle shoes, legs and arms.
2. Well as discussed earlier I am really shit at art and poses.
3. I really just don't know and if not obvious I am seriously lacking skill at spiriting.
4. I lack a lot of well motivation and ability to actually go onwards with projects without loosing interest or getting stuck and frustrated with my issues when making sprites and well being happy with the sprites I make resulting in me giving up hope and complaining.
5. I don't know anyone to help me out with sprites and everything because well I don't always have the mood or will to continue working on shit. (basically I think I'm procrastinating for a lack of terms and ability to explain)
So yeah my true vision may never come true or a well just a slice of a good Wario SRB2. God knows how much longer I'll bare with spriting or going forwards in this but yeah here's the result of a WL4 based sprite as a substitute for my lack of skills not being able to go forward with the definitive sprite and animating it.
Hope it's an alright substitute for an design.


So yeah this is actually all the progress that has been made.
Not much just one sprite and nothing more sadly.
But either way if you want to for some reason try and help me continue the work on Wario even if I might not be the most productive or helpful in the creation of and spriting my DM's are open here on the MB, Discord (Professor Eevee#6340) and Twitter (EeveeProfessor).

~Professor Eevee
Wouldn’t mind the art style changing. As long as my favourite gaming character makes the developer(s) surpass his/their supposed “limit of skill” (Which, by the way, is put WAY too down. You can do anything if you believe in yourself; even Sonic said that!), i’ll always be happy of the results!

Now, I’m sorry, but I have to suddenly mention a nitpick which may demotivate you with the spriting: The head seems a bit too wide... or maybe it’s just me. Other than that, the sprite is E-E-EXCELLENTE!
I think the WL4-styled sprite is the way to go, Seems easier to keep proportionally and animate. I really don't have a problem with it considering my love for that game to begin with.

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