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wad editing

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i am making a charector and i am using the shadow wad as a base for it, how to i take out the shadow wad sprites to rdit them?
Well, I thought you hated Shadow too *mutilated*

Anyway, XWE is your answer. Or ask donnyku. Latter is probly better, but go ahead and learn how to use XWE in the process, which I'm surprised you don't already know how to use... =/
i don't hate him, i just stoped being a hard-core fan
lmao owned..

I'm not a hardcore fan of any sonic character. I'm a hardcore fan of kittens..um..yeah...
Yes, it's all miniatureisized models/toys/action figures of Shadow and Shadowsfollower worships it before going to bed and first thing when he wakes up in the morning.
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