Violence in videogames

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Actually, I was thinking earlier; What forms of opinions would be based on earlier games like Pong or Tetris?

"ZOMG! My son and his friend started playing catch in slow-motion BECAUSE OF PONG!!"

"ZOMG! My son got into a mis-shapen block and jumped down a perfectly-rectangular pit, falling slowly and turning, then HE DISAPPEARED!"

MAVAV said:
Fact: Video games are proven to prevent proper development of social interactive skills which is needed for a happy enjoyable life. Gamers who pick up a controller very early in their lives are the most prone to life long burdens such as long term depression and sadness.
OK, now that's new to me o_o'

MAVAV said:
It is highly recommend that a teens bedroom be absent of all forms of electronic devices: personal computers, printers, video game console systems, television sets, cellular telephones, clock-radios, battery recharger’s, and calculators.
WTH, what can rechargers and calculators do to you?

MAVAV said:
Danger: Do video games make people violent?
Yes. What was once debatable is now a proven fact. Researchers have conclusively proven a relationship between behavioral violence and video game violence.
In the article posted at the top of this topic it says that there's no proof about any relation. Neither it increased or reduced violence. It's a neutral factor, does nothing.

MAVAV said:
Danger: Do video games teach people how to kill?
Yes. When video games were linked to a high school shooting, a frenzy of research was launched to gather facts and investigate links between shooting violence and video games. Research concluded that first person shooter video games train players for killing. This research was proven so conclusive that the United States Army developed a popular free recruitment video game used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulator.
TV, movies, books, etc. also teach how to kill people. Does anybody care, then? And anyways, in most of the cases it's just improvising :P
MAVAV said:
Fact: Publishers exploit cute, huggable and lovable franchises such as Pokemon and Splinter Cell, in hopes of hooking more potential gamers in today's youth. This is the same strategy practiced in the tobacco industry.

Splinter Cell is cute?
Name one cigirette company that uses a huggable character as their mascot.

MAVAV said:
Fact: Very hardcore gamers are known as "underground." Illegally downloading video games, multimedia, and software, known as warez, is the only acceptable standard of living in the underground culture.

So? People rob banks, does that mean we should shut down all banks?

[quote="MAVAV']Encourage your teen to be more active outdoors. Take necessary steps to arrange activities for them: schedule play dates after school, a party at your home, or even sign up your teen for an after school sport or activity.[/quote]

MAVAV, greetings from the 21st century. Regardless of the fact that most gamers do have activities like that, the fact that that's the way you did it, doesn't mean we can't have a little change.

MAVAV said:
A typical report card of a gamer:

English Poor
Mathematics Excellent
Science Poor
Social Studies Poor
Typing Class Excellent
Physical Education Poor

I have all A's, what does that say to you.

MAVAV said:
MMORPG's severely affects a persons mental and physical well being: increased anxiety and irritability, argumentative, paranoia, sudden gain or loss in appetite and weight, "raiding" behavior, impaired judgment, sadness and depression, loss of interest in appearance, and sleeplessness.

The only two things about that that's true for me are loss in interest in appearance, something I've never had, and sleepiness, something I always have.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
DroxSorcerer said:
The only two things about that that's true for me are loss in interest in appearance, something I've never had, and sleepiness, something I always have.
Are you sure that has to do with gaming? I'm like that too, but by nature, I always have been like that, even in those times where I couldn't use anything (no console, no computer, nothing).
Sik said:
DroxSorcerer said:
The only two things about that that's true for me are loss in interest in appearance, something I've never had, and sleepiness, something I always have.
Are you sure that has to do with gaming? I'm like that too, but by nature, I always have been like that, even in those times where I couldn't use anything (no console, no computer, nothing).
No, when I said I've always had that, I mean that it's by nature. I'm just saying it's the only two things in that that could describe me.
With flawed statements and arguments like that its surprising that they can gain any ground whatsoever... I could refute most if not all of those statements from my own experience just as easily as some of the others in this topic have.

As I said before, if someone kills someone, they should be blamed first, then their parents, then any other influences which likely would have come from real life trauma before a virtual reality. People are always so quick to shift the blame. We blame ourselves for dooming the world to inevitable disaster but we can't take responsibility for killing one another?

It is a sad reflection on humanity when games are considered the source of violence. And worse yet, thats not where it stops... =/
Like I said, whatever is the lastest technology will be the target of aiming when trying to spot out what causes people to act badly.

And also, they get ground with such stupid statements because the people that join them actually don't have any idea about what they're talking about.
It just goes to show you, people who didn't grow up with it overreact. Same with rap music, internet, you name it. If it's new, some one thinks it's corrupting society.
Next, I'm sure, is "MACAI" [Mothers against Computers and Internet]. Which will be funny, because I'm sure they'll make a website; no other way to comunicate efficiently.
Not really. When I read your post, I looked for that name just in case to see if it really existed. And got results. The scariest is that it appeared in the first page X_X
DroxSorcerer said:
I smell hypocrisy.
Same here. A big, stinky pile of it.
As stated before, the blame lies within the person who commited the crime, yet they go and blame something else because they don't want to get caught, and, due to simple human nature, most people do the same.
Lets see... Someone pisses me off. I can either kill them in real life and probably get life in jail... or I can just kill 500 Space Pirates on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and GET ON WITH MY ****ING LIFE. I choose pirates. Problem solved. No problems with people shooting each other.
They should just make the Mass Murderers mass murder Space Pirates. They can kill things. and not kill people. It's called an outlet for aggression. It directs the will to kill away from our world and places it into another. Thusly, violence in VGs actually makes the world a less deadly place. [/essay]

By the way, something also true, it is said that there's no relationship between violent videogames and violence outside them, but curiously the violence rate between young people lowered since them (check beginning of this topic if you think I'm just saying this to be nice with you all). Games are saving the world, hey! XD
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