Video Game Emulators...

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Chaos said:
How do you play Sonic 3 and Knuckles online? There's only two players, so you might as well share a PC with someone.

I did that so many years ago...It sucks doing that. Online play works so much better.
Meh. I downloaded Dolphin and Mupen64. All I can find is torrents (Which I hate.) with the games I want. Such as Kirby And The Crystal Shards and Super Mario Sunshine..... All I have right now is pong on my WhineCube Emulator! :eek: Fun for a little while. But it is getting boring....... If somebody sends me a PM of Sendspace or any other place I would be very happy. :P
Little problem. I got a Kirby 64 and Super Mario 64 thing and it has a .z1 or something like that as it's name. I changed it to ROM and it still doesn't work....... Please help. I don't want to play pong for the rest of my life :eek:
Load it up in the Emulator without changing the filetype. If it don't like it, it'll never happen. Emulators can read strange filetypes, but if it doesn't read it, it never will.
Renaming the extension does not change what the file is. If your emulator did not recognize it with the extension you chose, it is highly unlikely to recognize it with the appropriate extension name.
Maybe it's sometype of WinRAR file or 7zip file. Try downloading one of these programs, that might solve the problem you have.
I use alzip for unzipping files. It has a long list of file types it can unzip. It can open 36 archive formats.
I finally got WinRAR and played Mario 64 :P I am still looking for the Super Mario Sunshine ROM :P
I want an emulator that can use GameShark Codes. If anybody has one mind telling me the name?
Mystic said:
I use emulators all the time, and I still pay for games when they come out. As said earlier, they're an awesome tool to mess with the games, figure out how they work, and generally muck with the coding.

how do u "muck with the coding" ?! :mrgreen:

anyway i have a nes,GBA,and a snes emulator!
I really, really hope that that guy has stopped using timer events for movement. I've seen some of his earlier work, a few years ago, and it had timer events, which caused things like jumping to not always work at the correct height. Honestly, those can really throw off the timing of a game. Think anyone can ask that to him for me?
I want a emulator that supports GameShark Codes such as.... Moonjump, All gamedata, Invincibility, And many more.
I want to do alot of cheats and mess with the coding. If you have a Emulator that supports GameShark things and how to do them it would be awesome
Meh. I downloaded Project64 and I can't find it! Does anybody know where it is installed? Because it doesn't show where it is installed.
I just played Sonic Jam on Yabause because Satourne doesn't work for me.


Wow. Broken textures galore, no music in the games, and this annoying "Balu Baluu!" whenever you jump. You can only see the objects, and sometimes the background gets in the way. Still, only two more Sonic games to play and I'll have played them all, including the collections!

Still, Sonic World is fun when you get past the fact that you can't see the ground.
FoxBlitzz said:
BlueZero4 said:
I'd like to recommend Project 64.

Meh, Mupen64 is better. It works correctly with Kirby 64 and other games, doesn't have problems with sound sync, and it works with Lemmy's geometry/texture export plugin, as seen in this topic. Besides, you can take Jabo's video/sound/input plugins from PJ64 into Mupen64 and they'll work there.
Does Mupen64 have cheats already in it?
Shadow Hog said:
Correction: You just played Sonic Jam on Yabause because you have never heard of, or cannot run, the emulator known as SSF.

SSF works fine for me, but it keeps saying "Disc is not for this system."
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