Very strange SLADE problem

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What I intended to do was adding textures/flats but for whatever reason whenever I save my textures/flats with SLADE I get an error on testing the map.

The error is "*texture* has missing patches" or something like that, I checked in SLADE and it has a patch, however if I save it with SlumpED it runs without errors and the textures/flats show, I read the texture adding tutorials (preferably how to add texture with SlumpED, since SLADE is so similar in design and all)

I think this is a bug with SLADE but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, seriously when I saved/add texts/flats using SlumpED the game doesn't show up an error and works, I am using the latest official version of SLADE as well SLADE 3.0.0

Guess SLADE works well for Doom (as it was designed for it) but isn't all too stable for SRB2, I don't know for character wads and other misc data but appearantly it doesn't save patch data, I did click the save button on bottom right when you open TEXTUREx/PNAMES as well.
Hmm ... if I understand you tried to put personal textures but it does not work, right ?

On another forum:
"SLADE can change the MAINCFG. To the editor texture, use XWE or slumped."

If I understand your problem (see first sentence), I shoed you a quick tutorial.
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You may want to supply the WAD in question. Maybe just the TEXTURE1/PATCHES lumps with a dummy map using the texture in question.

You also didn't open it up with XWE at any point, right? Because XWE breaks SRB2's TEXTURE1 lump pretty badly (somehow)...
I don't use XWE anymore, I prefer slumped over it, maybe once I start doing some small character mods I'l think about it.

The problem was that if I save the textures/flats file with SLADE the textures do not show up in-game and it will say it is missing PNAMES while I am doing the normal procedure of putting new textures with SlumpED the textures work fine as they should, so I think the problem is with SLADE or if I was doing something wrong with SLADE.

SlumpED is working correctly so far.

Oh and btw I put the new textures in Texture2 lump.

This happens if I add new textures as normal with SlumpED and later open it with SLADE and I do no changes in it and simply save it with SLADE, it will show PNAMES not found when I launch the map, either from DB2 or SRB2 itself, the problem goes if I re-save it with SlumpED, it seems SLADE is not capable to save the PNAMES in a manner that SRB2 reads them or atleast that's what I think.
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That's what I am using for textures, so far I haven't seen any other errors by SLADE (but I haven't used it extensively yet, just for MAINCFG map data and some small misc things)
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