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Toontown Online: Sellbot HQ Maps!

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Nickrawls08 said:
This would be funny if you turned this into a Mod and named it
SRB2town. :lol:

Actually, it would be SRB2nTown if I was ever to make it. (Pronounced Ess Arr Bee Toon Town)

I still need your input on the above questions I've stated. Help me make it as good as it can be with your opinions!
Wow a toontown wad... aww the good old days when I played that game. Well I would say you need 1. More monsters. 2. Double (thats right DOUBLE) the entire size of the first part mainly because I dont fell like having a 2 second map really challenging(thats why they have lots of sell bots spawn and toons go slow).
In the second part(after you hit the goal on the right) add monsters(keep in mind that sellbots do spawn there also) About the issue of the VP...Please PLEASE dont make him a cheap eggman that everyone can beat in less than a minute. Do you have plans of spriting and making a wad of the VP?
"Oh, and I need your opinions. Should the ramp in the VS. Sellbot VP arena be on the left, right, or front? (View from stepping out of the elevator)" I say go with the original, two ramps on the sides. I would really like to see some more progress in this very soon! A suggestion, in the future you could make it a massive place like what was mentioned before just with the houses, you dont have to make the doors WORK at the beggining. Just make it a to-do thing when you get to it.
Dude i love that game! my character on it is Robo. i got like 68 hp but i quit the game. i was addicited to it. :?
9. Don't bump topics pointlessly. If a topic is more than three weeks old, ask yourself whether your post adds to the conversation or you have a good reason to post in the old topic. The following are _NOT_ good reasons:

Asking the author to reupload a file with a broken link.

Frivolous statements like "This is cool."
Likewise, do not complain if someone bumps a topic. Mention that the post was a bump, and you'll be banned along with him. The administrators are fully capable of moderating the forums without your help.


But seriously, it seems that some users think because the topics are still in the forum (granted in different pages) that they're still up for discussion. If you installed a

Segmint said:
for subforums inside subforums, you could send topics older than 2 - 3 Months to a sort of Archive, except exclusive to that subfourm (IE, Archive of editing forum would still be able to comment, but no new topics, and it doesn't get mixed up with all of the current threads of discussion). It would fix the whole "bumping" issue.
Well, you can bump relatively old topics, but you have to be adding something relevant to the discussion.
I would like to be nice, DashFox2007, but that person clearly broke the rules and it is my job as a mod to tell people off for it so if a new person sees this, they will realize that they shouldn't do that so they will follow them correctly.

[offtopic]That was good, Sonict! That was good.[/offtopic]

I havn't played the full ToonTown - only the free area - but this could become very good!

[edit]Of cource, if you turn this into a mod, then people could play a verson of ToonTown without having to pay to acess some areas!
Sonict said:
I would like to be nice, DashFox2007, but that person clearly broke the rules and it is my job as a mod to tell people off for it so if a new person sees this, they will realize that they shouldn't do that so they will follow them correctly.
Lawl, "job as mod to tell people off."

It strikes me that you're going about this in a way where you're actually telling them "Drop the smilies and pick up an English book before we haul in the ban hammer." You could actually, ya know, tell the people that we appreciate it when they don't use 16 smilies in a row and use their shift key.

And the worst part, that link actually led to a pr0n site. *shudders*
Sonict said:
I would like to be nice, DashFox2007, but that person clearly broke the rules and it is my job as a mod to tell people off for it so if a new person sees this, they will realize that they shouldn't do that so they will follow them correctly.


I think that may be the best post I've ever read in my life.
BlueZero4 said:
And the worst part, that link actually led to a pr0n site. *shudders*

Well, How the hell would I know that the web site contained porn? It was a fake link to begin with since you aren't suppose to ask a person to fix up a link. Also, I found out that I can't do: Edits like this, in a post anymore unless it is needed. I wish someone told me earlier so I would have stopped it before it became a problem.

ah2190 said:
[offtopic]That was good, Sonict! That was good.[/offtopic]
I havn't played the full ToonTown - only the free area - but this could become very good!
[edit]Of cource, if you turn this into a mod, then people could play a verson of ToonTown without having to pay to acess some areas!

Actually, this project has been halted for now to make way for Sonic: Gear One. I find it really frustrating that my main topic, the one I need criticism on to see if it is worth continuing, is being buried under the rest while this old one stands near the top. Even though I recently learned how to manipulate SOCs and linedef executors, it's all being thrown to the ground because nobody's interested in the one topic of mine that actually matters! Really, you'd be annoyed too if all your months of work was just haphazardly tossed aside in favour of craptastic music WADs and music WADs.
That's my rant for the day.
Sonict said:
I would like to be nice, DashFox2007, but that person clearly broke the rules and it is my job as a mod to tell people off for it so if a new person sees this, they will realize that they shouldn't do that so they will follow them correctly.

i see sorry for all the trouble.
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