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Alrighty, you guys, you're whining about the most idiotic thing ever.

This is a necessary addition to make administration of the master server a lot less painful. It will save time in the long run and is worth a little downtime to get it up and running. Mike has been banned for exceptionally inflammatory messages in here. Don't join him.

If you don't like it, fine, but insulting other people is not how to argue your point, and will lead to bans.
I don't get what people are whining over. I mean, hes improving the MS! Sure it might be down for a while, but in the end, we all benefit.
flyer3f said:
I don't get what people are whining over. I mean, hes improving the MS! Sure it might be down for a while, but in the end, we all benefit.

People can't survive without the MS up so they can break the rules, good thing some of the new bot features will help with that.

You can check if you're banned from the MS by using !amibanned in #srb2fun, and you can report servers using !report serverid logfileurl reason. Server ID is given when you !gamelist :3
I'm totally fine with all of this stuff as long as Cue doesn't magicially become some kind of admin or moderator.
I play by ip now

Cannot Stop Looking at Amy Rose's Avatar :)

right im not whining here but i need to know when the master server is actualy going to be on. yes i completly like the new idea for the master server but why did you actualy have to shut down the master server to do this. can we at least have a rough estimate on when its going to be back up
Um, does this mean that all currently banned users from the MS will be able to join again?

If so, that means n00b infestation goes up by the thousands. :x
Blade T. vampire said:
Um, does this mean that all currently banned users from the MS will be able to join again?

If so, that means n00b infestation goes up by the thousands. :x

yea i agree, make sure all the currently banned users are still banned other wise the first few days of it back up the servers will be chaos
Penopat said:
I'm totally fine with all of this stuff as long as Cue doesn't magicially become some kind of admin or moderator.

That happens when we move sites.

It'll be back up tomorrow, guys, my server admin needs to open port 28900 for me then everything will be in working order again, except that we can't get to point to the correct place so the MS list will be slightly different now. will be the address for the page until we move, then it'll be, kay?

Banned users will be added, yes.
Cue said:
Penopat said:
I'm totally fine with all of this stuff as long as Cue doesn't magicially become some kind of admin or moderator.

That happens when we move sites.

It'll be back up tomorrow, guys, my server admin needs to open port 28900 for me then everything will be in working order again, except that we can't get to point to the correct place so the MS list will be slightly different now. will be the address for the page until we move, then it'll be, kay?

Banned users will be added, yes.

thank god for that. i just hope your new idea actualy works other wise all this would be pointless.

by the way have you even tested this yet or is this going to be one of those wait and see things
I was testing it all day yesterday on my home PC, works perfectly.

great, well in that case im looking forward to the new system. oh and by the way anyone who askes me to go on srb2 city (srb2jte map23) or askes me to not finish etc.... will no longer be kicked

they will be banned insted
Cue said:
It'll be back up tomorrow, guys, my server admin needs to open port 28900 for me then everything will be in working order again

run the MS with this command: MasterServer 28900
you will need ports 28900/TCP and 28901/UDP

MasterServer 28321

ports 28321/TCP and 28322/UDP

Logan_GBA said:
Cue said:
It'll be back up tomorrow, guys, my server admin needs to open port 28900 for me then everything will be in working order again

run the MS with this command: MasterServer 28900
you will need ports 28900/TCP and 28901/UDP

MasterServer 28321

ports 28321/TCP and 28322/UDP
im just going to pretend to understand what you guys are doing

because if they rush this the master server might keep going down or been buggy. they need to make sure they do this right because they cant afford to make mistakes
Logan_GBA said:
Cue said:
It'll be back up tomorrow, guys, my server admin needs to open port 28900 for me then everything will be in working order again

run the MS with this command: MasterServer 28900
you will need ports 28900/TCP and 28901/UDP

MasterServer 28321

ports 28321/TCP and 28322/UDP

Still need to open port 28900 though >_>

Speedylizzard14 said:
Just asking, why cant it be sooner?

Server admin isn't around to open ports.
Wow, I didn't even know he was implementing these things. I thought about doing them myself, but Cue actually did it. Heh. Thumbs up.
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