The topic for sharing Art, Ideas, Stories, etc.

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@Warpshade: You drew that? Cool.
@Kaysakado: My friend on the SEGA boards, Cool Confucius, helped me with the ordered list.
Meh, That's really only helpful if you have a stylus to draw with.
I guess a mouse would work but seeing as I don't have one
and I use a notebook I don't mess with it in PS or AI.

sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:
Did you do that on the computer? The white space is so white and untainted.

Possibly photoshopped. There's a tool called the magic wand that lets you select areas that are the same color in varying tolerances. He could have
just selected all the gray then cut it or used a white brush over it. I do it all the time with band logos.
Uhh, no. When I say pen tool, I'm referring to the tool that draws bezier line segments. You don't need to have a tablet to do that.
omg, yeah, sorry I was thinking the brush/pencil tool...but then again its not that hard to use...honestly I don't know what I was thinking. I never use that tool...

Anyways, while everyone is posting drawings I may as well jump on the bandwagon and post proof of my lameness. If I decide this is worth it, I may redo it and photoshop some colors in...but I doubt I'll do it. (sorry about the quality, I think I need to adjust the dpi on my scanner or something)


SONIC + VANS + IBANEZ = ...This?
Meh, i drew this on the pc, as you can tell by the quality, i was bored
and as i always say, Age has nothing to do with skills
This isn't realy a sonic picture, but I still drew it. By the way, I'm also 13.
Note: My scanner was being stupid, so this is like 1/6 of the picture.
I think this is slightly better than that other one I posted, it's a design request I got last week and I just finished it today.
The actual drawing looks a bit better but once again my scanner screwed it up.
(sorry about the graphic nature of it but you gotta draw what they ask you :P)


(thanks to GCFreak if my crappy drawing was included in your compliment)
Thanks! I really appreciate when people like my work since I hate most of it. I'm sure Sentry or anyone one here that makes levels/wads can agree with the statement artists are their own worst critics. I don't want to fill Sentry's topic with my art when it's supposed to be about his but if you want to see more of my stuff my website link goes to my design company on myspace. :P

Um...It doesn't matter. Whatever floats your boat as long as I can tell you're talking to me. 814, xSCx, whatever you can think up I don't care. :)
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