The New SRB2FFH!

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Max upload size for a single file is now 25MB. Now you may go nuts. =P

Oh, also increased everyone's bandwidth to a nice 15GB which resets every two months. Yayhooray.
I've tested it several times and everything works might've just been a server malfunction. Try again.

Oh, and Draykon, Illuminum, Camo Man, and I'll Begin (Though he didn't actually message me about the free space per se, he still messaged me regardless and I kinda took that as a sign he wanted it. =P) all have had a 5MB bonus on your upload limits. Tell me if it works.

EDIT: The new Announcement on the FFH said:
Anyways, if you haven't looked on the front page of, the entire site is changing servers and a hosting plan, so this site might be down anywhere between a couple hours to a couple days anywhere between March 2nd and March 9th. Please keep that in mind and try not to flood the SRB2MB topic with pointless posts about how you can't access the FFH or your files. :)
Bad news. The server got kinda wiped...

As it stands, I've lost all the FFH data. The whole server changing thing never happened mainly because the money we were gonna use to get this change going was lost. Guh. So it won't be til the end of the month until we get back on schedule.

Worse yet, while attempting to back up the FFH...I lost connection half way through. Now I can't reconnect, mainly because the old server is now gone. So now all the data you've uploaded and stuff is...not there anymore.

If you're feeling okay with it, you can go ahead and upload your WADs to the Super Mario War FFH I had setup, which is still there at

I've already told the SMWar community about this. It'll be fine.
IF srb2 files are on the SMWFFH, rename it.

Look at all the files with the name Chaos or NiGHTS in it. We both made all of those.
Lawl, it waits until I leave to mess up.

Anyways, just a simple replace. All the previous announcements are gone but that's little to worry about. The files are all still there. (I think)
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