The new jet skating Shadow (New Download link)

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Out of all of your wads, I'd say your Luigi is best, don't get me wrong, I love the Shadow wads, but I like Luigi the most.

How do I get an Avatar for my profile? :roll:
Jman said:
But, it still wouldn't look as good as 8 frames. Shadow don't even walk in the real games. Seriously, on ever game with shadow, he skates from the start unless you push the analog up by 1%. Now if I made Sonic, he would have a walking and running. Sounds like ya'll want to see Shadow walk than skate.

Hell no dude, but, Shadow could perhaps use the frames like that, but the first 8 frames should be walk, and the 4 run frames with and only with the after fire (or what ever its called) on the bottom of the skates so he does skate when he breaks into his run frames
Yeah we know he walks in Sa2. But to walk takes like pressing up 1% on the analog. And Srb2's walking is fast compare to Sa2. I mean come on, play noob shadow and see his 4 frame skating which actually looks like running not skating. And the Srb2 sonic don't even really walks, he jogs. I mean if I put the walking animation on here from Sa2, it will look like he's power walking. And on Sa2 you press the analog all the way up he already has fire coming out his skates.
He still takes time to walk before he skates, which still happens in SRB2. It just looks natural. If you don't accept that, you're just avoiding work. D:
You have to go back and play Sa2 to see what I mean. you can't even see shadows walking if you wanna go fast, only way to see he walk is pressing the analog 1% up and stay that way. If you trying to go fast and even pressing the analog half way up he start tip toeing on his skate and then fire comes out right away basically. And 4 frames is not enough for skating, not even 8 really. 4 frames don't even look like he's skating. Skating > walking.
Now if I made sonic thats a different stroy, he would have walking and running. Sonic stays in his walking state longer and then hit running state.
To all the people who tried to just point some thing out to me, one word, sarcasim, I know he walks and skates
While it's true that Shadow only walked in SA2 if you used the "walk" trick with the analog stick (Which is common to pretty much every modern video game) that dosen't mean it won't look better if he walks before he skates.

Unless of course, you're operating under the assumption that SA2 was a perfect reflection of real life.
Who cares if he walks before he skates or what-not it's not like Jman's being paid to make these and it's not like the world is going to stop if Shadow doesn't walk.
Sonic games are running like hell not walking like hell, so stop complaining because if you want something better make it yourself.
I'm so going to get flamed for this.
Didn't I ardy say to stop yelling at Draykon, because his SOCs pown almost every character ever made.

If by pown you mean a gajillion times more fun. :?
Jman said:
You have to go back and play Sa2 to see what I mean. you can't even see shadows walking if you wanna go fast, only way to see he walk is pressing the analog 1% up and stay that way. If you trying to go fast and even pressing the analog half way up he start tip toeing on his skate and then fire comes out right away basically

I know what are you talking about Jman,in SA2 happen this.
if you pres 1% analog stick.
You see shadow walking
on Edge said:
Didn't I ardy say to stop yelling at Draykon, because his SOCs pown almost every character ever made.

If by pown you mean a gajillion times more fun. :?

#1.I'm not yelling because well you can't hear me.
#2.I'm not just saying it for Draykon I'm saying it for everyone complaining about Shadow not walking.
#3.Hire me a clown they cost 10 cents at Holmes-D-Pot, I've been really bored lately.
actually, you can use more than four frames for running.

SRB2 wiki said:
Additional Animation
Want more frames for the animation than are on there? Well that's really not a problem, simply name two lumps the same name and place them next to each other. For any one frame the first frame of that name will be shown, then the second, then the third, and so on.
I tried that so many times, but it really doesn't work.

You do something like this right:


that never worked for me.
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