[Open Assets] The -leveling up- Buff Gauge!

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I just noticed that if you have Greeneyes.wad and BuffGauge.wad added, Greeneyes has speed power. But when you Feel the Heat, it switches to fly power. When you jump you switch back to speed power, but when you land you switch back to fly power. Isn't that weird?


  • srb20002.gif
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I do not see your image -_-'
Concerning GreenEyes, weird things can happen when the character in question has Lua part on it, the buffes don't work at all on Metal-Anyone, for instance.
Do you think you can add the Sonic Heroes symbols for Speed, Fly, and Power characters?

I think the way that FC. lat' has it now is pretty good. If you decide to add the symbols though, I would suggest making them as sprites instead of a square image.
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Even if your idea's pretty neat, I prefer the gauge how it is now, since it FORCES you to get 30 Rings to get the max upgrade, also, 90 Rings + High Speed boost is silly, I mean, you will lose your rings way too fast.

I feel that the way the gauge is now,you get 30 rings fairly early on, and then just kinda forget about the gauge entirely. (unless you get hit, of course, but if you're really good that's unlikely to happen, especially if you make sure to grab shields as much as possible.) With more boosts available, you're always searching around for rings so you can get more out of the boost. And also like I said in my earlier post, ring amounts and what gets boosted can easily be changed around, but it should probably follow a pattern of:
Level 1- lower boosts than what we have now.
Level 2- around the amount of boosts we have now
Level 3- Higher boosts than what we have now.

Even if you still decide not to use my idea, I feel you should use those other sections of the meter for SOMETHING, otherwise what is the point of having it sectioned off if you could just use a normal meter?
Even if your idea's pretty neat, I prefer the gauge how it is now, since it FORCES you to get 30 Rings to get the max upgrade, also, 90 Rings + High Speed boost is silly, I mean, you will lose your rings way too fast.

I think that's a better reason to add it; it rewards the player for keeping their rings.
Soooo,15 RINGS
Little speed modification,
Speed we do have here

And same for other characters?
Soooo,15 RINGS
Little speed modification,
Speed we do have here

And same for other characters?

It would be basically what you have now,only with a few additions:
minor boost in stats at 15 rings (Probably half of what they are now),
the boost you already have at 30 rings (Although maybe also add on another minor buff or something for characters who only have one, like a minor accel boost for sonic, or a minor jump height boost for knux),
and an upgraded boost at 60 rings (Maybe around 1.5x or 2x what they are now, including added buffs), probably adding in an extra minor buff for all characters (Maybe a minor buff in jump height for sonic, a minor speed buff for tails, and a minor speed buff for knuckles)

Of course, everything here is just suggestions, and things can be added, removed, or changed around with this idea,and I still think it would work out fine.
Alright!I will add something for telling to the player how many Rings he needs, gotta work on this today!
You could give a generic buff, like give the character a slight boost in jumping, acceleration, and actionspeed.
How's about for ability-less characters that the editor can make the adjustments themselves. (I only got the idea because in the Jump thok script you can optionally make it either the original or the SRB2 Riders one)

Alright!I will add something for telling to the player how many Rings he needs, gotta work on this today!
If you're gonna do that, try to make it designed like Sonic Riders' Ring Requirements.
How's about for ability-less characters that the editor can make the adjustments themselves.

My problem with this is that most character wads won't support other wads with it, which include this one. While it'd be neat to let other people who want to support their characters do their own buffs, most people won't take the time to do so.
Anyways, this gauge should stay as it is, I don't want it to turn in a boost gauge or something like that :/
Also, I do not see what I could do with SH symbols.

I think he means it showing one of the SH symbols in according to what ability you have, such as characters with the two thok abilities, air drill, or jump boost would have the Speed type icon next to the gauge. However, I personally would say do not do that, we really do not need an overcrowded HUD, so I think it is good as-is.

Anyway, I personally cannot wait to try it out. I also like how you generalized the bonuses, so that even abilities like double jump would be able to share bonuses with fly and not have them be totally useless (such as if, say, fly got an extended fly time, all other abilities that share bonuses with fly would get practically nothing).

EDIT: ACh, did not see there is another page where he demonstrated what he meant, my bad. Either way, though, I would personally leave it out unless it was shrunk majorly from what is shown is his GIF.
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Hey guyz, guess what? This old thread's going to have a big bump because I updated it !(I mean, I nerfed that old thing because it was OP :|)
The update is ready since a lot of time in fact, that's just because I waited that 2.1.9 for stable netcode for making people using it in their server for me to be more popular! Evil laugh

No seriously, I just forgot about it. Concerning levels when a single segment fills up, I don't think it's a good idea as it still buffes a lot the characters.

So, I hope it will be used a lot in netgames for the my pop- what am I saying? I wanted to say that I hope you guys will like it as it was liked before!
So, I was bored because Ors was working on Icefield Volcano 1, so I am updating this once again... And this screenshot describes future things to come...

I know this text is ugly and has an error, but eh...

The nuke thing is already basically done, it just needs a fix, and the missile thing is a rail-explosion ring.
Also, the Speed+ is supposed to disapear while super, it's kinda a developement leftover for the moment
And hop, updated once again, now supports Super Sonic, but I had to remove the missile because I had no idea on how to make it work with Lua, and also because I really suck at Lua... Tough, you can still Nuke (multiple times) in air, if you have enough Rings...
Check the first post for download (I hope this will be the last update...)
This makes me think of the ring upgrade system in sonic riders, this could be edited to work a bit like that.
Yup, it works a little like this, except there are no upgrades for collecting 15 or 30 rings.

I thought this would be the last update, but I see you guys cleary want that a segment gives to the player a level... All I want are opinions for what Knuckles will be awarded for its other levels, Sonic will have:

Accel + for his first level
Speed + for his second level (a mediocre upgrade to the regular speed)
and Speed ++ for his third level (Actual Speed).

Also, the text is now made out of strings instead of shitty text made with MSPAINT.
For knuckles, it could probably go something like this:
Glide speed + for first level
Accel/speed + for second level
and Jump height +/Glide speed ++ for third level.

Also, do the level effects stack, or does sonic lose the 1st level Accel boost at level 2?
The level effects do stack, and I found out by myself that knux goes well with a small speed+ addition to go at something like sonic's speed with the same glide speed.
First post updated for the download of the last version!
The major changes of this update includes...
-The gauge now level up, instead of having to collect the maximum amount of Rings
-The buffes and the number of Ring required are now made out of Strings.
-Rebalanced the gauge again
-Every player can now have 2 buffes at once.
(Undomented in first post)-The buffgauge now supports players with CA_FALLSWITCH and CA_NONE
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