Super smash flash cheats

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FoxBlitzz said:
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
That IS exactly what it is.

Not "exactly". Yoshi is missing, see. Super Smash Brothers always has to have Yoshi. Plus, the movement, control scheme, announcer voiceover (seriously, a non-echo-y girl voice? WTF?), slower speed, horrid pixel resize that Flash always has, bad sprite offsets, overpowered characters.... I could go on. Point is, this isn't Super Smash Brothers. It's not at all legit. Try another game.

Obviously one fan game basher has only played the crappy New Grounds version.

EDIT: You know, a lot of work went into that game.
Yes. Click the link on the title screen to get to the site with the latest download version that has 0 slow down.
Oh, well, does it have anything else, like bug fixes or anything? Because I find it okay, but the physics handle terribly. <_<
Im making a game fighting game somewhat like it. I would bring out a demo but i cant right now.
...And a bunch of missing first-party characters. Seriously, how would you feel if your favorite character was left out?

Correct me if I'm wrong on this... the downloadable game may run faster, but it doesn't make it any more fun to play. It's still a miserable game, for the reasons I listed above.

You know, a lot of work went into that game.

That's always a given. Any large game project will take a lot of work. However, I don't think he put as much work into the actual design of the game. It just feels very sloppy as a whole.

And "basher"? I am a game critic. I have the right to criticize people's work. If you don't point out the flaws, how will they be fixed? I don't restrict criticism to just fangames, you know. I criticize any game that is just, well, terrible.
What is considered good is an opinion, and therefore can not be mistaken. Maybe you think he is mistaken for disliking Shadow, but in reality, he can't be "wrong" because his opinion is what he believes is right. You can not correct that.
If we are talking about why it sucks, then the AI and damage effects of certain attacks are cheap as ****. I was knocked off of Final Destination by Inuyasha, just after a perfect game in Adventure Mode.
TimberWolf said:
FoxBlitzz said:
I criticize any game that is just, well, terrible.
Problem is, you sometimes mistake good games for bad games and critisize them eg: Shadow the Hedgehog.

I agree about the shadow part.

So this game sucks huh.

Well it has no chance with my game at all. I wish i can release it the way it is, but its not stand-alone. Afraid someone might steal it.
Bloodylightning said:
Can someone give me some cheats?
I have a one for you. Play the game without the cheats and guess what happens.....

YOU WILL GET TO THE END WITH NO CHEATS!!!Amazing huh? Besides you can only unlock people by beating the game with different people ( I have the download version)
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