Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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The Battle for the Smash Ball
And then there’s an element known as the Pity Final Smash. Once a significant point advantage is reached, the losing player is given a bonus chance. When you get this, you will reappear after a KO in Final Smash standby mode.

X: Tunnel Scene
Of course, there is no X stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but this time, the songs in Smash Bros. aren’t limited only to those series represented by characters and stages. We’ve pulled some that are from completely unrelated games.
Sounds like they are going to have some great music in this game.
Again with the stuff we'd already learned about from E for All. Of course, I suppose it's a good idea to verify it on the site.
Pity Final Smash sounds interesting, but I'd definately like a way to turn it off.
Julian, no, a citation is NEEDED. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof, and your claim that you have inside information on Smash Bros is both ridiculous and completely false. You'd be under NDA and would be risking your job saying anything, and for what? Kudos on a Sonic the Hedgehog forum? Not to mention that your personal website says nothing about voice acting.

Your claims are ridiculous, and there is no physical way you're saying the truth. If by some miracle you DO have some inside information, PROVE it. Otherwise, take your fakery somewhere else, because it's not welcome here. This topic is for facts, not hoaxes and someone's speculation posted as fact.
Ashura The Hedgehog said:
I don't really know if Sonic is really playable because some people say he's not. :?
actuly he is in the game,i checked the book about the game and it had his description in there,

how dare they say!:"yoshi is the weakest dinosaur ever,barney could whoop him."
oh yeah?then what if i call barney now and get him to beat them up?!?
i'm gonna wash their mouths with soap...
Mystic said:
Julian, no, a citation is NEEDED. Fantastic claims require fantastic proof, and your claim that you have inside information on Smash Bros is both ridiculous and completely false. You'd be under NDA and would be risking your job saying anything, and for what? Kudos on a Sonic the Hedgehog forum? Not to mention that your personal website says nothing about voice acting.

Your claims are ridiculous, and there is no physical way you're saying the truth. If by some miracle you DO have some inside information, PROVE it. Otherwise, take your fakery somewhere else, because it's not welcome here. This topic is for facts, not hoaxes and someone's speculation posted as fact.
No, YOU, require proof from me, I don't NEED to prove anything, like I said, if YOU WANT/NEED proof, then look in the game's instruction manual or in the games credits or any other source where you can find my name in there because I don't HAVE to prove it, it's already there.

Just because you're an admin doesn't give you any right to talk to me like you know me. I am who I am and that's me, I'm no faker, I'm the realist dude you will ever meet and just because someones does a voice for Nintendo doesn't mean you work for Nintendo full time. Ryan Drummond didn't work for SEGA, he worked with SEGA, he worked for the voice talent agency that got him the gig.

Anytime SEGA needed him, they'd call him or they'd get someone else, it was his choice whether or not he wanted to do the voicing or not, he can't get fired because he doesn't work there, they'll just stop calling him. And you're the one being ridiculous saying that there's no physical way I'm saying the truth, because like I said, you don't know me or what my talents are capable of, I could be telling the truth, there is a possibillity.

And, there is a voice acting section on my website, it's under the "Acting" section". Look, I said it once, and I'll say it one more time, I Julian Clarke (and I'm not going to repeat this again) am playing the voice of Sonic The hedgehog in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii.

I called Nintendo, spoke to an operator who transfered me to the media line, I did an impression of Mario, Sonic, Knuckles and many others over the phone, they gave me an email address, I recorded a voice demo with 23 different characters, I sent them the email.

They emailed me back a few weeks later saying that I did a perfect Mario, but they want me to do Sonic. So I flew out to California and met up with some of the people, signed some papers, and then I flew out to Redmond, Washington, did the voice and then I flew back home. My name is in the credits of the game, so where ever you can find it, find it. Proving my self to any of you is personally a waist of my time. So I'm done talking about it...

Moving on!............................I wonder why they insist on making updates about things we already know about. I mean, it's just like you all said, the updates have been getting lame lately, I just hope they add something that will really surprise us.....
He's not acting like that because he's an administrator. He's acting like that because you have no proof of your claims. Hell, I could claim that I struck gold under a hidden cave where I dug up a two-thousand year old tree and am now the richest man alive. Doesn't make it true in the least. Unless, y'know, I actually prove I did it. Something you have not done. Instead, you just tell us that "I emailed Nintendo, and they added me." Amazing. Prove this. And no, not a copy of the e-mail they sent you. Let's see some real documentation from Nintendo, or proof of your credibility. Until you can prove such, you will be considered a liar.
You should be aware that you're going to continue seeing responses like this until you can provide hard evidence that what you're saying is true. Repeating the same thing you said on the last page isn't going to make you look any more legitimate. It's a plain fact that if you make outrageous claims with no evidence to back them up, people are going to call you on it.

I suggest you quit while you're ahead. Continuing with this is only making you look less credible as time goes by.
Dark Warrior said:
He's not acting like that because he's an administrator. He's acting like that because you have no proof of your claims. Hell, I could claim that I struck gold under a hidden cave where I dug up a two-thousand year old tree and am now the richest man alive. Doesn't make it true in the least. Unless, y'know, I actually prove I did it. Something you have not done. Instead, you just tell us that "I emailed Nintendo, and they added me." Amazing. Prove this. And no, not a copy of the e-mail they sent you. Let's see some real documentation from Nintendo, or proof of your credibility. Until you can prove such, you will be considered a liar.

If you're the richest man alive, what the hell are you doing coming here and why are you still living with your parents?
That is, quite simply, the most hilarious story I've ever heard, and is completely laughable in several areas. Prove it. I don't take kindly to hoaxes, and you're clearly trying to cover your lies with more (even more obvious) lies. You can't provide proof for a much simpler reason than what you said; you're lying, and it's incredibly obvious.

If you can provide proof of your outlandish claims, you can feel free to bring it up again. However, continued posting of blatant lies will lead to a ban. Discussion over.

Back to speculation on whether they bring Marth back for SSBB. I sure hope so.
NDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement. It's a legally binding agreement signed by people who work on projects with some secrecy that essentially says "Don't say a word about this to anyone else or we'll pwn your ass."
Ah, So he'd probably Be sued by now. But we're of that subject now, but what draykon said, i guess they are running out of ideas, maybe they'll show tails as an assist trophie...
Well, there was a lot of stuff shown at E for All that I suspect they'll be showing for the next month or two as filler. Hopefully they still have a few more bombshells to give out, but I bet they'll be a lot less frequent.
Well i can guess what they'll have as an update tommorow, Level settings on AI, :P or item select, or stock matches, or some other boring thing
Speaking of computer AI, I seriously hope they improve the AI so it's much better. Walking right into charged smash attacks isn't a good idea, and even the level 9s in SSBM do it.
Indeed. What ultimately frustrated me the most in SSBM was when I screwed up, and the AI didn't beat the crap out of me for it.

Of course, one thing I'd like to see, is different AI configurations beyond just power levels. Like in the SSBM debug menu how you could configure Link to only use his bombs, or a random character to just jump in place. But more flexible, like an AI be primarily offensive, or focus mainly on evasion.
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