Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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Kaysakado said:
tailsmastermind said:
Just a liquid snake sticker.
Fail hath been acheived kthxbai? The Liquid Snake sticker is like OVER 9000!!! to trophy drops, so if you want to get the trophies for the bosses, you'll pretty much need that sticker, and be good at intense.

lolwut? all powerful Liquid Snake? Could it possibly be OVER NINE MILLION?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ground The Fox said:
I think I only will get Smash bros brawl in the xmas

I will get a Wii and SSBB once we move into our new home. Until then, I enjoy the game with people in the dorms who have it.

JEV3 said:
I'm curious as to what characters everyone is playing as most frequently...

I'm actually using Sonic, Pit, Lucario, Snake, Ike, and Falco. I use Zelda/Shiek, Pokemon Trainer, Wolf, and Marth also, but not as frequently.
ROB, Metaknight, Olimar, and Sonic are my most-used characters, in no particular order. Overall, though, I'm not really picky when it comes to choosing characters.
Good: Fox, Samus, Link, G&W, Pokemon Trainer(squirtle & charizard), Pikachu, Pit, Mario, Luigi, Lucario(on and off-days), Zelda/Sheik, Ness, Toon Link, Wolf, Marth, Ike, Snake, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Yoshi.

Bad: Pikmin & Olimar, Jigglypuff

Decent: Everyone I didn't say except...

Never played with: Sonic

Btw, the cruel brawl was easy. I hung on the edge like other people are saying right now.

I used a hammar one time and that was to open up another hammar. I have 3 right now and I can't unlock anymore hammars.

P.S. Did anyone ever beat all the challenges?

All the characters have been "balanced" (degraded) for ease of use, AND winning is item dependent now.
I guess my best are Mario and Sonic. I've just trained with Sonic alot because I wanted him to be one of my best, and I succeeded. Combine follow-up attacks, an attack-run style, feints, and short-hopped arial attacks for close combat fighting for a dang powerfull playstyle. As for Mario, he was my main in Melee, and I've got heckloads of experiences with him. I have even got a ton of strategies and combos up-a mah sleeve, but its too bad I can't actually remember them. They just happen at the right time, right place.

Samus, Link, Pit, Fox, and Captain Falcon are some awesome players too. Well, Captain Falcon is always different. The one time, I screw up the entire match, the other time he even exceeds Mario and Sonic's level.

I used to be good with Sheik and Marth too, but Sheik is kind of weak now, and Marth just doesn't suit my Brawl playstyle.

As of now, I'm training with Snake. He has an unique playstyle, and I'm willing to master it. Gotta mix quick fighting with his sneaking moves. And I'm still no good with the grenades, and I oughta forget about Snake's down B/down Smash alot. Well, I guess I'd rather keep it safe.

EDIT: Say, Earuto. Why didn't you even try Sonic? Don't tell me you're one of those haters that don't have any real reason to hate him as a character? He's one of the most potential characters there is. Some of his games are just pure faillure.(Sonic spinball, I'm looking at you.)

He's a pretty good character, he just uses spindashing attacks too much.
I'm not that big a sega fan and as you know I hate Sonic. I just don't think sega should make a crossover with something like brawl. It could be any game that he could be in if you ask me, anything. Plus, I just don't think he is that great in any way.
Chrome the hedgehog said:
Earuto said:
Plus, I just don't think he is that great in any way.

Agreed, his attacks can be pretty cheap at times. (final smash)


Isnt the final smash SUPPOSED to be cheap?
Your fault for letting them get it.
Anyways you could dodge the moves.
The downside to Sonic's Final Smash is that he's hard to control. Think of it as Super Sonic on a NiGHTS track going really fast.

@ Earuto: Is that why you always use Knuckles on the netgames?
Also, unless the person as Sonic is going slow, it is really easy to dodge the attack. And when going slow, they seem to do less damage and knock back.
Ok, say people get in my way and he just happends to get it. I dodge his attacks right? Well, what if the player controls Super Sonic to make sure I can't ever dodge it? Not all final smashes are cheap, Mario's takes good positioning for it to work well, Marth's may be an instant kill, but you need good timing. Pikachu's may be the same but is alot harder to control which balances it out. I could go on, but it would take me too long. My point is that all of the final smashes have some way to balance it out, and I don't see that in Sonic's.
The weakness in Sonic's is easy. It only does much damage/knockback if you are going fast, and it is easy to dodge when he is fast. Also, he struggles in maze-like stages.
barbie girl music in the backround?

Also you can still dodge it,unlike other finalsmashs when you get caught your died.(usually)Unlike sonic he has to get his oppenets to high damage.
Autosaver said:
Chrome the hedgehog said:
Earuto said:
Plus, I just don't think he is that great in any way.

Agreed, his attacks can be pretty cheap at times. (final smash)


Isnt the final smash SUPPOSED to be cheap?
Your fault for letting them get it.
Anyways you could dodge the moves.

I'm not even talking abbout the final smash. dont get your underwear in a bunch because of something someone else had said. Also, I never let anyone get it. If they d then other people would have to gain up on me for them to do that.
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