
Can you people let us use single-player-only commands like devmode in offline multiplayer? I can understand not allowing them in online, but I see no reason they should be banned in offline MP. My friend and me would love to mess around with these in coop.
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This is a very specific suggestion that, frankly, is unrealistic and more of a question than anything:

Why no Casino level? They're pretty iconic for Sonic games. I imagine they might be tough to properly pull off in the Doom engine, with bumper and all.
This is a very specific suggestion that, frankly, is unrealistic and more of a question than anything:

Why no Casino level? They're pretty iconic for Sonic games. I imagine they might be tough to properly pull off in the Doom engine, with bumper and all.

My first guess would be because the original SRB2 didn't have a Casino level. My second guess would be because of the physics.
This is a very specific suggestion that, frankly, is unrealistic and more of a question than anything:

Why no Casino level? They're pretty iconic for Sonic games. I imagine they might be tough to properly pull off in the Doom engine, with bumper and all.

Decades of inertia. Despite the insane expansion in scope, SRB2 is still mostly locked into the zones, story, music, etc. that 12-year-old Sonikku made up in 1998.
Personally I'm against this, and here's why:

SRB2 is designed around the abilities the characters have individually. Pairing any two characters together and giving them team abilities on top of that would change the entire dynamic of the main campaign and force large scale rebalancing in level design.

The idea strictly on it's own is fine, but in my opinion it would be much better for a level pack with levels built around this concept, rather than put into the vanilla game.

While I'm not pro duo-mode, I think something similar to "Encore Mode" would be fun. You can start as Sonic and find item boxes to team up with the other cast members. No lives; you Game Over if you lose every character. No rebalancing would be necessary since the characters would act individually of themselves, except for Tails and Sonic of course.
Don't they ever find that rather restrictive?

Staying true to the original set of levels might seem restrictive on the surface, but it doesn't stop them from including new levels as bonus levels separate from the main campaign. Who knows, maybe eventually there will be a casino themed bonus level as an unlockable.
I'm hoping Dark City will incorporate that CNZ aesthetic, of "dark city lit up at night"

If it's based on the OVA, then the Robotropolis/Eggmanland there is quite colorful, with the skyscraper lights arranged to form Eggman's shape, which must've been a nightmare of city planning but I guess that's the benefit of being a robot dictator.
I'd like to talk about emblems.

Collecting them is very fun. I love the obtuse nature of their placement, especially with the haiku poems serving as a hint guide. However, I think players should still be encouraged to collect them upon replaying the game.

When you encounter one of the emblems, you're added an emblem to your tally, and potentially get a reward for doing so if you meet certain criteria. Great! However, perhaps they can grant the player an additional reward? Think about how Super Mario Odyssey utilizes Moons upon obtaining them multiple times. If you collect 1, you obviously get the moon, but if you collect it again you are given a few coins for your trouble, continuing to reward the player for engaging in challenging platforming or risky exploration. I believe Star Coins in NSMB do the same.

I think collecting medals could give the player one of the following possible rewards:

* Extra rings
* Extra points

Extra rings could be a good reward; somewhere between 50 and 100 would entice players to increase their score, get an extra life and just feel safer in general. I know that when I get to Egg Rock, I like to stockpile my lives and continues.

Granting players specifically extra points has me thinking that it could encourage score attack speed-runs of the game. "Who can get the highest score?", ya know? This could add an extra wrinkle to the game's depth and replayability, imo.

What do you guys think?
Granting rings for recollecting an emblem doesn't work with the eventual plan to have normal gameplay count toward Record Attack runs.

Speaking of Record Attack, extra life monitors are already replaced with monitors that give you a score bonus. (There used to be Score Emblems in the previous version of the game, but they were cut because they were unpopular.) I suppose Emblems could give you a score bonus the first time you collect it and all subsequent times. That would make it consistent for Record Attack.

...Record Attack causes a lot of problems when it comes to giving out bonuses during gameplay.
Record Attack causes a lot of problems when it comes to giving out bonuses during gameplay.

This is generally why I'm opposed to it being mandatory. Limiting the general design of the game around Record Attack causes quite a few losses just to gain a few conveniences. I would much prefer the Record Attack Campaign be a separate mode as opposed to the Record Attack ruleset being forced on everyone whether they want it or not.

As it's own mode however, I can see a lot of potential for it. Local leaderboards for both per level and full playthroughs (Categorized into Score, Time, and Rings), the ability to download ghost data from other players to race against, etc. Perhaps even allow for infinite lives and grant score for anything that usually grants a 1-up or continue as well.

The other Campaign mode could be called something like "Classic Campaign" and have it's own ruleset. Finite lives, Emerald Tokens granting 50 Rings when you have all emeralds, and perhaps even incentive to re-collect emblems such as already collected emblems granting continues or something. Things like that, etc.

Having the two modes (Classic Campaign and Record Attack Campaign) separate also allows the easy distinction in which a game flagged as modified will allow a player to play in Classic but not in Record Attack, easily conveying to the player that Record Attack doesn't allow you to cheese it with cheats/addons, but Classic allows you to play as addon characters, you can play around with cheats, pandora's box, etc. The only penalty being you cannot save your progress and you cannot unlock anything.
I'd like to talk about emblems.

Collecting them is very fun. I love the obtuse nature of their placement, especially with the haiku poems serving as a hint guide. However, I think players should still be encouraged to collect them upon replaying the game.

When you encounter one of the emblems, you're added an emblem to your tally, and potentially get a reward for doing so if you meet certain criteria. Great! However, perhaps they can grant the player an additional reward? Think about how Super Mario Odyssey utilizes Moons upon obtaining them multiple times. If you collect 1, you obviously get the moon, but if you collect it again you are given a few coins for your trouble, continuing to reward the player for engaging in challenging platforming or risky exploration. I believe Star Coins in NSMB do the same.

I think collecting medals could give the player one of the following possible rewards:

* Extra rings
* Extra points

Extra rings could be a good reward; somewhere between 50 and 100 would entice players to increase their score, get an extra life and just feel safer in general. I know that when I get to Egg Rock, I like to stockpile my lives and continues.

Granting players specifically extra points has me thinking that it could encourage score attack speed-runs of the game. "Who can get the highest score?", ya know? This could add an extra wrinkle to the game's depth and replayability, imo.

What do you guys think?
Though rewards for recollecting emblems would certainly be welcome, I want to point out that many emblems in the game are surrounded by extra lives or other rewards already. For just one example, the emblem in Castle Eggman Act 1 where you go through a hole hidden behind a flag is surrounded by two 10-ring monitors and an extra life, meaning that there's a reward for going there even if you've already found the emblem.
This might have been suggested already, but it would be nice to have a command that lets you type in Lua code to execute from the console. E.g. "lua print('hello world')" would display "hello world" in the console. Perhaps it could also display what the expression evaluates to if applicable, so "print" is optional.
Shield abilities should be moved to a separate button to allow rolling characters to do rolling landings with shields without using moves that get in the way of that maneuver (force stop, elemental stomp, whirlwind jump, armageddon blast), as well as allowing Amy to keep all her hammer actions on Spin without conflict (maybe let Fang shoot while airborne, too?).

This isn't a suggestion to open room for new aerial moves on Spin, I'm suggesting this only to declutter the Spin button and give players more options in any given moment. Also because my brain refuses to wrap itself around using Amy's hammer with Jump.
Instead of mappers being forced to tiptoe around each other when picking map names, I think the next major release of srb2 should use a kind of "freeslot" system where mappers can define maps in a pk3 like so:

Level GFZ1
Levelname = Greenflower
Act = 1

The game would search for any map named GFZ1.wad in the Maps directory of the pk3, and then slot it into the next open map number, ignoring the lump name of the map itself. When using the console command 'map map01' players would instead use 'map gfz1'.
It'd be nice to have a way to reuse animations without having to copypaste identical sprites for the different anim prefixes. Maybe something where you'd put
in the S_SKIN of a character and then the game would use SKID in place of PAIN and DEAD and so on.
Support for fading between 2 music tracks / dynamic music using lua or linedef executors would be amazing
I would like it if when you get a 1-up or speed sneakers/invincibility, when the level music comes back it picks up where it left off instead of where it would be if it was never interrupted. Sometimes the best parts of the music get cut off.
This is kind of an unneeded thing, but I would like to see this added in the game at some point:
Models rotation, but for slopes; I really miss the Community Build :'v.

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