
Frostav said:
-she should be able to use her hammer spin attack after hitting a spring. This would give her a distinct niche as the only character who defend themselves after hitting a spring

Amy being able to use hammer out of standard rise/fall states is something that I had been thinking of when playtesting, but it's less so because of the utility it would provide and more because of the visible intuitiveness. Probably Amy's biggest design flaw right now is that there's no way to tell for sure when Amy can and can't use her twinspin until you've done it a few times and you're actively keeping track of her "thokked"/jump state, because her jump frames currently don't convey that information due to being the same as her spring frames. I have no problem with Amy not being able to use hammer in these situations from a mechanical perspective (since it's technically consistent with how every other character works), but it would be easier to justify if Amy used different jump sprites for when she's allowed to hammer. Otherwise, allowing Amy to hammer at any point in the air is probably the next most intuitive solution and is unlikely to have any negative consequences on her gameplay.

-she should be able to use her hammer while running to make a large leap. One of the best things about SRB2 is the fact that you can get ridiculous airtime compared to other platformers, and this is a thing she could already do in the Advance series! I don't know how it would exactly, but being able to make huge leaps as Amy would be a lot of fun.

I could see the appeal of this, but the issue is that running and hammering already has utility for extending the range of Amy's hammer particles. Making it vertically thrust Amy on top of this might constitute a clash in utility that the end user is forced to work with.

There's also an argument to be made that one of the strengths of Amy's current design is in its relative simplicity. It may be better to give Amy more hammer uses by rewarding her with extra height when she destroys an object with her air hammer -- much like what happens now when Amy hammers a spring.

-It would be cool if her hammer flip in mid-air gave her a slight forward boost and a tiny bit of air, like a tiny upwards thok. Not enough to be useful as a true double-jump, but a way of extending her already impressive jumps even farther.
I have no thoughts on this on its own, but I will say that I lobbied for Amy being able to use hammer on spin in the air because it felt much easier to play than hammer on double-jump. Currently it's still the case that Amy will use shield ability instead of hammer on spin, if she has one. It would tidy up her control scheme and give her extra utility if spin allowed Amy to user her hammer and the shield ability at the same time. Maybe hammering an enemy out of elemental drop could have additive rebound properties here, as a start to giving her more hammer tricks for mobility purposes.
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I'd like the option to cancel super forms (perhaps with the punishment of losing all your rings). I still sometimes activate Super Sonic accidentally, usually when trying to land into a spin and messing up the timing.
I could see the appeal of this, but the issue is that running and hammering already has utility for extending the range of Amy's hammer particles. Making it vertically thrust Amy on top of this might constitute a clash in utility that the end user is forced to work with.

I always thought it'd make more sense if it worked this way:
Currently, hammerflipping and holding the button used to attack will cause Amy to transition into a regular hammer attack immediately upon landing. I always thought it'd make more sense to have her do a hammer jump via this method instead. This wouldn't take away any simplicity either imo, as this is an input that already exists: you'd just be changing the action a bit.

That said I have no real problems with Amy as she currently is, aside from echoing that maybe she should be allowed to hammerflip at any given moment if airborne, even multiple times.
Suggestion for patch: Pandora's Box & Level Select shouldn't be ?????s on the Extras Checklist, maybe also just rename it "cheat menu". Just noticing another wave of players questioning what it is, and going for 200 emblems only to go "this reward stinks", even though all 200's only meant as a challenge for people who like emblems.

(Also, I suggest that Knuckles stay the same forever, he's the most enjoyable he's ever been and I finally feel like my time wasn't wasted doing a playthrough as him)

((Also also, regarding the Amy discussion, I always wanted to suggest giving Amy extra crawla-bounce strength, that would make Amy literally perfect IMO and wouldn't need any more changes))
Weapon panels in fps modes should turn transparent when they've been picked up. I am not familiar with any of the levels and because of this I have absolutely no idea where half the weapon pickups are because the players who do know grab them the moment they're available. If they were transparent I'd at least know to come back later. It's quite frustrating having 120 automatic ring shots but not actually knowing where the gun is to actually use them!

I mean, yeah, I'll learn eventually, but these modes are already quite different from most fps' to begin with and it makes the learning curve quite harsh.

On a more positive note, my love for Counter Strike has made me kinda want a bomb defusal-esque mode where the terrorists and counter-terrorists are replaced with eggman-aligned traitors who have to plant a roboticizer (originally I thought of a capsule, but that would be too big and bulky) and a group of freedom fighters who have to either kill the other team entirely or deactivate it before time runs out. I understand that that's just a pipe dream but man, I think that could be really fun if done right.
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This may of been mentioned but for fps game modes,

When you get hit - dont drop panels you picked up, just drop ammo & rings. I feel like it makes sense to just drop panels on death


+1 to the panels being transparent once picked up to help new players find out whats where.
Could you please get rid of Knuckles' crouching and losing all his speed when he lands after gliding?

It doesn't really add anything, just makes Knuckles annoying to play as by interrupting you for no reason. I know it's a thing from the classics, but it was an unnecessary hindrance in those games too.

I'm just gonna bump this further because this change was ridiculous. You will rarely find anyone who enjoys playing Knuckles in 2.2 because of it.
A way to disable the "super duper tech button display" at the bottom-left corner of the screen in Record Attack and NiGHTS Mode would be nice.

I don't care about what exact inputs are being done at a given time (I'm a casual player), so at best, I can ignore it (which I can most, but not all, of the time), while at worst, I find it distracting (which I do some of the time). I just play, and then the game just happens as I play.

The "Hold to retry..." message should still be there when pressing the "Run Retry" control, but the rest of the information there is just not something for me.
If a player doesn't respawn at a checkpoint (or turn into Super Sonic) during a level, it'd be cool if that replay automatically saved to Record Attack.
Warning: This suggestion contains spoilers related to the reward for collecting 80 emblems.
Make sure that you've collected that many yourself before opening the spoiler below.
The Emblem Radar gets set to "Off" whenever you select a level through the level select and/or return to the main menu.
Considering that if I have the Emblem Radar active, I'll likely be playing a level as one character to get Emblems as that character, then returning to the main menu to switch characters to get other emblems as that character, that's annoying.

I suggest making it so that after activating the Emblem Radar, it stays active until either one manually disables it or one reboots the game.
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I think it would be really neat if after completing the main campaign on a save file, you unlock the option to change the character's color pallet similar to while in multiplayer mode when you play on that save file again.
I suggest updating the sky texture of Deep Sea Zone 2. I like the theme of having a night sky with a full moon, but it's just so poorly made when compared to the much more detailed skies in other levels
I suggest updating the sky texture of Deep Sea Zone 2. I like the theme of having a night sky with a full moon, but it's just so poorly made when compared to the much more detailed skies in other levels
Playing Frozen Hillside Zone and looking upwards, I noticed the skybox also became skewed. As in rows of trees on top of rows of trees. I think some skyboxes need fixing but not all of them.

That and SRB2 camera really doesn't like looking up or down too much. Looking around in FPS is useful to judge distances and aiming but doesn't appear the DOOM engine was made for it.
I understand the devs reasoning for no longer including official circuit maps--Sonic is too strong in them--but why can't a race server simply default to randomizing which character each race lets the players use (of course, with a console variable to disable this and allow free character choice).

I'm a very big fan of the basically-dead Motorstorm series, a series which I feel has surprising similarities to Sonic in that both are series which emphasize complex multi-layered level design combined with distinct characters (vehicle classes in Motorstorm's case) which have distinct routes throughout each level to take, in genres that normally don't do that kind of thing. Bikes and ATV's could take thin higher routes, rally cars and racing trucks took flat middle routes, and big rigs and monster trucks took bottom routes full of slippery mud and other things the other classes couldn't handle. Of course there's the problem of balancing, a thing Evolution Studios got around by simply having the game randomize which classes players could use each race (at least in Apocalypse? I think the others did too). Like, Pacific Rift had the exact same problem as SRB2 in that Monster Trucks IIRC were just blatantly better than every other class in almost every way, but it wasn't a problem there since oftentimes you just didn't get to use them. So, if everyone has to play Knuckles in a race, the problem of Sonic just thokking his way to victory is completely sidestepped.

And while you may say that limiting player choice like this is bad, I feel that the strength of Classic Sonic--and thus a strength of SRB2--is the variety that the multi-layered level design and highly differentiated routes each characters can and often must take. One netgame race you're flying high as tails--later on the same course you're instead gliding and breaking through walls as Knuckles.

I dunno. I just love the idea of racing people in this game on dedicated maps for it and yes, I know, SRB2 Kart exists but...I wanna platform, ya know. I feel there's a way to make it work.
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Make golden monitors keep momentum when hit.

Preferably as a flag(?)
1. Add a Save Game & Load Game option like in the 1.X and 0.X versions. You can unlock this after beating a stage and you can only use it on already beated stages.

2. The Savedata from Old Games should be compatible with the New Releases (Example: I got my 2.1 Save File and i want to use it on 2.2. So when i load the game, all my Emblems and Save Files would come back.)

3. Super Compatibility: All Characters can transform into Super and they have their own Colors.

Well, at least that's what i think it should be nice on the Next Update. (If will exist one at least)
Amassing enough continues should give you infinite lives on a completed save without having to go through the process of repeated game overs
Horizontal springs are basically more hazardous than helpful in 9 out of 10 cases with very little way to tell until you get shot into a bunch of cacti. How about adding a set of springs with an Eggman symbol on them? It would be purely decorative and used for springs leading into a trap. Impossible to tell from distance, but obvious something's wrong from up close, so there would still be the hazard of going too fast and hitting them. But if you're exploring or just taking your time, it could prevent backtracking or an unfair loss of rings.

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