
If you look close in GFZ2 the end area where you head up to the area with the token, The creators already implemented a good ramp it doesn't look brick from a far and speed accelerates when you dash down it and slows down when you go up. So why don't they just do that same thing for other ramps in the game?
If you look close in GFZ2 the end area where you head up to the area with the token, The creators already implemented a good ramp it doesn't look brick from a far and speed accelerates when you dash down it and slows down when you go up. So why don't they just do that same thing for other ramps in the game?

Actually, that's not right. That ramp only looks so good because of the type of texture on wouldn't look as good with a different texture. Also, what do you mean? It doesn't change your momentum.


I've been keeping quiet about this for a really long time because I thought that no one agreed with me. Actually, I still don't, but I want to say it anyway.

I liked the 1.09.4 shields better.

Don't get me wrong, I like some of the innovations. The Force Shield is nice, and I like how the Whirlwind Shield can now work to save you from falling off a cliff. But I dislike just about every other change to the shield system.

The Elemental Shield is overpowered and really doesn't make sense to me. Why are the elements being combined into a single shield that allows you to make a fire trail and breathe underwater? I actually went back to old discussions of this change back when it was brand new, just to see the logic behind it, and it said that it was because of the underpoweredness of the Inferno Shield.

I understand that concern, but what about the Liquid Shield? That was quite useful it even more advantages threw off its balance. Plus, I actually don't think the Inferno Shield was much more underpowered than the Attraction Shield...which, by the way, I think should protect against Electrical Damage.

If you ask me, the ideal solution would have been to add another trick to the Inferno Shield, not merge it into the Liquid Shield. Perhaps it could spew a ring of fire when the player jumped. Or maybe it could stop you from losing momentum in a Spindash.
big post agreed with Eliwood about shields with more info

Well Fawfulfan, I can tell you, that I said the exact same thing beforehand, and I'm sure you read up to that point (as I believe it was just the last same page).

I agree with you fully, I honestly think that all those ideas are good, and like you said, just add more knacks onto it to make it less underpowered in certain stages. I think, adding onto that, someone mentioned a bubble shield not too long ago. I think instead of that, giving you the water shield should allow you to run on water. In fact, I think some of the shields could replicate like it did in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Instead of the whirlwind shield, the electric shield could give you a double jump when you press the spindash button -without- making you vulnerable to getting hit when you land. And like Fawfulfan said, the fire shield could spew off a small ring of fire around you when you jump or keep you from losing momentum. And I already said the water shield could allow you to run on water.
3D options save. For some reason my computer (and I suspect other's) move very slowly when in OpenGL UNLESS the texture filter is set to "nearest." So every time I want to use OpenGL I have to slowly get to it and change it, witch is time consuming. So it would be nice if once set these settings would save like the controls and window
A suggestion I have been thinking about here...
Since technically, both Tails and Knuckles have two actions (Tails can fly and "swim", Knuckles can glide and wall climb), I was thinking about this: what if we gave Sonic another, albeit minor, ability? Like possibly a Sonic 3 - esque shield thing, where each shield gave Sonic another ability? Or maybe a move from Sonic Adventure/ DX?
I am sorry to RANT but... pshssssssssshhhhhhh BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just cant FUCKING beat egg rock zone 1.
It was hard enough before on version 2.0.1 but now on 2.0.6 it is so FUCKING impossible.
My head is about to explode from the difficulty.
Tell me that you can beat it with 21 lives and all emeralds as sonic with full speed and a gamecube controller adaptor.

If there is a newer version made,please make it where it is not so HARD like putting secret shortcuts with loads of powerups and/or a secret exit earlier in the level.

This game is supposed to be fun it is not supposed to give you a brain tumor or stress attack,or for some people,it is not suppoed to make you destroy your computer.
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This topic isn't for whining about not being able to do what about 50 other people can do. But, here.
First, tak ethe LEFT turn at the beginning. Not the RIGHT. Use Tails to fly through the part. then up the platforms. Now when you get into the room with lazers, grab a ring, and run through as long as you can. If you get hit, grab the ring(s) and keep going. Now manuever the upside down treadmill part. now fly up the lava wall, jump up the hole, fly up to the next check point, fly throught the next part, jump on the springs, and you should be at the next checkpoint. go through the zoom tube, and as soon as you get out of it, mash the jump button and turn left to head towards the air thing. land in it, then spindash and jump and fly to the finish. Not that hard.
I just cant FUCKING beat egg rock zone 1.
It was hard enough before on version 2.0.1 but now on 2.0.6 it is so FUCKING impossible.
What? 2.0.1 to 2.0.6 was a bug fix, IIRC nothing is different expect ERZ3 with the gravity and stuff.

Tell me that you can beat it with 21 lives and all emeralds as sonic with full speed and a gamecube controller adaptor.
Why are you using a gamec- nevermind

This game is supposed to be fun it is not supposed to give you a brain tumor or stress attack,or for some people,it is not suppoed to make you destroy your computer.

*cough cough* this is the last zone. while there are some zones missing like dark city (which makes ERZ even harder thanks to the difficulty curve)
Just practice it using host
cheats on
setlives 99.

Anyway to suggestions, how about the ability to drop emeralds in regular match. (So we can avoid that recycle.)
I just came up with a 2 new gametype ideas.
Steal the Bacon:
Similar to capture the flag, Steal the Bacon is played with teams of Red and Blue, each team on oposite but equal sides of a map. Unlike Captuer the Flag, in Steal the Bacon, there is a place where a grey flag spawns, that is in the middle of the map, but a tad bit harder to achieve, such as using spindash to open up a door to the flag. Now, the person that grabs the flag, must bring it to the opponents base, which is gaurded by the opposite team. If you can bring it to their base, you score a point. The scoring system works similar to Capture the Flag: first team to 5 points (for a default setting) wins. Also, you can play this with 3 or 4 teams, with each team trying to bring it to another teams' base, scoring a point if able to do so.

New tag mode (unnamed): Instead of the normal tag, this tag starts with one plyaer (the "IT" player) being it, with a countdown time starting at 2 minutes (or for shorting games with more people, 30 seconds). The time goes down by one second, and the "IT" player must tag someone else, thus making them the "IT" player. If the time counts down to 0 seconds, that player is eliminated, making another player IT. The last person standing wins.
New gametype (again :P):
Emerald Scramble: This game type is somewhat simple. It can take place in any type of multiplayer map, and can be played with 2 people, but is generally more fun with at least 4. At the beginning of the round, the green emerald appears in the middle of the map. The player that grabs it will have his score increased by 50 points each second he has it. If hit, either the emerald will fall out of the player, or the oponent who shot the player will recieve it. Another way to play could include more emeralds;
1 emerald, just the green one, or 3 emeralds, where the green scores 50, the blue scores 100 but respawns in different areas, and the grey scores 200, but (if this mode is made and the devs choose this) will move around the map (If the devs don't like this way, the emerald can just respawn in harder to reach places, such as the higher platforms). There can be a score limit or a time limit.
I liked the 1.09.4 shields better.
(alibi quote to make clear I'm answering to your post)

The problem is the following:

  • In water stages, the Liquid Shield is powerful because you can breathe underwater. The Inferno Shield is powerful because you can create fire trails.
  • In stages with water damage, the exact same thing applies, except that you don't get hurt with the Liquid Shield
  • In FIRE stages however, the Inferno Shield has both qualities while the Liquid Shield vanishes on contact with lava and has absolutely no other use.
I think that's actually a good thing. The Liquid Shield is pretty powerful and useful, and its nice to offset it with one vulnerability. Also, didn't the Inferno Shield vanish on contact with non-fire-damage water? That meant it was at a disadvantage in water stages almost as much as the Liquid Shield was at a disadvantage in fire stages, and if I'm wrong about that, that is one more thing we can add to its capabilities if we brought it back.

Besides, there was one thing the Inferno Shield never did no matter what the situation: protect from drowning. You could always drown in lava. So the Inferno Shield had its uses, but it wasn't at a mega advantage over the Liquid Shield. It was just advantaged in some ways and disadvantaged in others.
I totally forgot about that. I think the problem is that the usefulness of those two shields would depend very much on the type of liquid used, which means the would be an undesired item in certain stages.
Here's the thing Fawfulfan. Lava is not suppose to be downed in. Lava is suppose to be solid, like it is in most situations, apart from the Lava falls. If it isn't, then how is it any different from slime?
Also, the Elemental Shield is only overpowered if you plan a whole stage based around Lava and Water. The two are generally not seen together, meaning the dual advantages it gives are never put fully into play.
The Magnetic Shield is also pretty overpowered in Match/CTF.
Ok, if these two shields don't combine separated, we can remove only fire trail of the elemental shield and make a type of fire shield, that have a fire trail and can enter in lava, but can drown. and, for the water, we can make the bubble shield, but without the bobbing effect, only with a slowly falling when the player press the spin button.So, we have 3 shields : a shield that only makes you enter in lava, other that makes you can't drown, and other that makes the 2 things and one more, makes the player enter in slime.


Elemental only can enter in slime, fire only can enter in lava and bubble only can enter in water.

Also, instead of a shield, make water sneakers, that allows the player for a certain time, runs on water. I think this will have a long time of use, only more than the super sneakers.
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Yes, but many people here wants a water run ability, so, we can only consider the water sneakers.

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