Stuff to put in 1.09

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If you push a gargoyle into a sky pit, it immediately vanishes out of thin air upon entering the sector, not getting the chance to fall in (Map77)
The gargoyles in that map aren't Deaf, Mystic :P

Speaking of Map blunders, in Map70, the FOF bridge things in the center grass pit? The bottoms of all of thems have the wrong flat, so I assume
I only realized that until four hours *after* :P
I'd make you look like you have no clue what you're talking about, but I can't delete the post >_<
The thing is, a441, that binds are abusive when they change characters, since they eliminate the drawback. After all, you can even eliminate Tails' drawback by thokking and then switching to Tails.

I use them to switch characters if I wanna change, because it's faster than figuring out where in the menu it is. I don't, however, use them to cheat. Why do you think GR_FOV doesn't work anymore? I used it, it was gay, and I got AJ to get rid of it in netgames =P
I don't even know what GR_FOV is.

I think, as long as we're making the game fair, we might as well get rid of mouse aiming, because it's so cheap how that eliminates the drawback of holding down the keys. And it's no fair how those cheaters who use OpenGL get to aim all the way up and down.
GR_FOV is field of view. It is an OpenGL command which controls the 'zoom', and is how the sniper bind worked. I got AJ to enforce it to the default in netplay, because it's gay.

Mouse control is better than keyboard only, no question. My question is: Why aren't you using it? It's not like it's a bind or some secret. By default, mouse control is on. If you move the mouse, Sonic will turn, albeit slowly, something that can easily be changed to your taste. It will probably take a little getting used to, but it gives you a LOT more control over your character's turning.

I can and occasionally do play with keyboard only, but I don't like to. It's like playing Mario 64 with a keyboard. I can do it, but you lose a LOT of precision without the analog stick for directional control. In splitscreen, I don't have a choice; online, I do. Hence, you only see me play with mouse and keyboard, but just to prove that it's possible, I did beat Special Stage 7 by over 50 seconds with a keyboard last demo to shut someone up.

OpenGL mode is a technical advantage, but no more of an advantage than playing at 1280x960 is. If I can win at 320x200 software, OGL just makes it look a lot prettier, and lets me shoot the idiot you hit the vertical spring right after me ^_~

There is no way to make it completely fair to all players. My objective is to make it as fair as possible, and binds can be abused very severely. Unlike mouse control and OGL, which give subtle advantages, binds give a very drastic advantage to the person who is using them. Hence, it needs to be fixed somehow.
Why am I not using mouse control? Why aren't you using binds? Mouse control by default turns very slowly and moves forward and backward very slowly. The BIND command is much more well known than the ALWAYSMLOOK and MLOOKSENS variables. If those are in the menu somewhere, I couldn't find them.

What you use to your advantage can just as readily be called cheap as what I use to my advantage. As for mouse control being a "subtle advantage," you've told me on several occasions it is the reason you play so well, so I do not believe that. If anything, binds are the lesser advantage; typing SKIN SONIC doesn't take me too much longer than pressing 1.

Edit: Okay, it's in Mouse Options. Still, it's a lot easier to add a bind than to reassign every key and mess with all the mouse stuff.
Two words: Slope Converter.
Floor height = slope bottom.
Celling height = slope top.
Linedef angle & leingth = slope detail & dir.
What it does: Converts your sector into little tiny steps. Saves HOURS of time making little tiny steps. Line leingth = how many fracunits each step is big.
Yeah, right. Does doombuilder have stair builder? Does XWE have stair builder? I don't think so, and they are the only two tools that I use. (apart from Lumpmod.)
Don't use the mouse to move forward and back...ick...I don't know why it even does that when always mlook is's pointless.

I'm not talking about using binds the same way you'd use the console, though. I'm talking about the people who use binds to have a sort of omni-character. I'm all for using binds to make life easier. I have binds for switching characters too. What I object to is people using binds to do things like switch to Sonic on a straight area, then quickly switching to Knuckles to climb something, then switching back to Sonic, and repeating. As I said, try thokking and then switching to Tails, and jumping again to fly. You'll notice Tails isn't so bad anymore, since you can fly at thok speed all the way across the stage. Basically, if you could do the same thing by opening the console and typing, then I'm fine with it. If you NEED the bind to do it, you're cheating.
Mystic said:
As I said, try thokking and then switching to Tails, and jumping again to fly. You'll notice Tails isn't so bad anymore, since you can fly at thok speed all the way across the stage.

Heh, try spindashing and flying. Same thing really, and it doesn't require any evil binds.
How 'bout a list for mappers of all the THING types? How 'bout a thing that is like a flashlight. It always hovers about Sonic's head, and shines ahead. Usefull in caves. Just like "Squakers" in Donkey Kong Country.
That's easy to make. All you have to do is "bind" a light to Sonic. I'd tell you how, but I haven't bothered to try what AJ told me yet ;) But yeah, just make Sonic emit a light, that's all.
Hey, here's an idea: rotating flats! I can't really think of a lot of opportunities where this would be useful, but it would still be a nifty feature. In addition to this special, there could also be the option of carrying objects along with the rotation.

Given some time to think about it I realize that this would probably be hell to program, but I'm not learned in writing code in C, so I really have no idea.
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