Stuff to put in 1.09

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How about gravity-effected rings? They'd behave as though they were dropped by a player... except they don't dissapear.
That'd be great! like... You'd push a button, and a door opens on the roof, and some rings pour down on you.
The height they bounce when they drop can be decided with direction. like, if they face north, they will never stop. If they face north east/west (Depends on whether the bounce-decrease is clockwise, or counter-clockwise), They don't bounce. they just hit the floor with a smack.

Then, gravity-effected water blocks. You could choose between solid, and liquid. Liquid, if it hits the floor, will spread through the sector, untill it covers the whole sector floor. Solid won't spread out if it hits the floor. (You can still swim in solid. I just don't know what else to call it. :roll: ) With liquid, the linedef length can decide how fast the liquid spreads out.

How about that?
SRB2-Playah said:
How about gravity-effected rings? They'd behave as though they were dropped by a player... except they don't dissapear.
That'd be great! like... You'd push a button, and a door opens on the roof, and some rings pour down on you.

Bleh, I had that idea a few weeks back and it got smacked down.. some sh-poop about being crushed by the rings when they fall from the cieling or something like that. Tough luck :/
Yeah, only those dissapeared after a while..
While we are on the subject, is it possible to make a end capsule-doohicky filled with rings and stuff and have it NOT end the level?
Liquid, if it hits the floor, will spread through the sector, untill it covers the whole sector floor.
We're more likely to have floating platforms going side-to-side than that happening, IMO...
How about sector-specific weather effects?
Like, you'd have one sector raining, and one sector snowing, and another sector not raining... or snowing.
It might be possable with control linedefs/sectors.

What does IMO mean?
In my opinion.

I'm glad you're thinking, but IMO, your recent ideas, even if they were practical, wouldn't have much use. Why would you want snow in one sector and rain in the next? What kind of sense does that make?
That was just an example.
Someone would probebly want to make a level where you'd be climbing up some kinda mountain, and once you reach some point, it'd start raining. and at some point after that, it'd start snowing.
Or, someone would want to make a crazy level where it's snowing and raining at the same time.
One good use, would be... Y'know my Cloud Match level? I just submitted it to the contest. You know that raincloud? the one really high, in the middle, with the water in it? Being able to have it raining only under it would be useful.
I tried to make makeshift rain. Having a bunch of streams of water under it, but 1. It lagged BAD. 2. It looked wierd. :eek:
I'm sure SOMEONE would make good use of it. :roll:
Per-sector rain would be da' coolest thing evar.

Having the leaf texture kick up leaves when you run on them would be cool, too.
Shadow Hog said:
Liquid, if it hits the floor, will spread through the sector, untill it covers the whole sector floor.
We're more likely to have floating platforms going side-to-side than that happening, IMO...

Nah, it seems simple enough. When the block hits the floor, it traverses all touching sectors to determine where it should spill, and the volume of the block determines by how much it spills.

You'll get your sideways moving platforms soon.... just not in SRB2. :mrgreen:
Sideways moving platforms isn't really a bad idea. They pulled it off in Duke3D by just forcing the platform to remain within its original sector. I took heavy advantage of this effect in my level designs by making massive vehicles that moved through a level, circular columns that would crush you if you touched them, and platforms you toggled on one end then rode across to another.

The only trouble is that SRB2, just like Doom, runs off of BSP trees, right? Duke3D does not. In a 2D BSP tree you can't really make a sector move back and forth without doing some serious dynamic calculations that I don't think the Doom BSP processor was ever designed to handle...

*shrugs* Ok, scratch the moving platform/sector idea, unless you want to rebuild SRB2 to not use BSP trees... which is an idea so lame I'll probably be hunted down and killed just for sarcastically mentioning it! *runs*

--- Gemini
How about an object that moves back and forth until it hits a wall, and you could stand on it. Isn't that one of the most simple things to make?
I'd bring up how the floating platforms could be limited to just square MD2 models that float around, but I'll get mauled because

A) Models don't work too well yet
B) Even if models did work, they're OpenGL Exclusive for now, and OpenGL is, unfortunately, not favored

Bah. If I could only code myself. :[
BlazeHedgehog said:
Bah. If I could only code myself. :[
Would you make the OpenGL renderer not reboot my computer anytime I run it in a sane resolution? Not look like crap in every level that uses a colormap or a translucent wall? Not get the view stuck in walls constantly? Light the floors and walls in a way that has a smidgen of realism? Handle colormaps sanely instead of turning them clear or black for no reason?

The OpenGL renderer isn't disfavored because I'm a moron. It's disfavored because it's a piece of junk. Fix those issues and I'll favor it 100%.
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