STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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SSNTails is "?" age, but he looks like in the 30s and I think his fav character is tails because of his name.

Chisuun said:
I'll scan the newest sprites in tonight, I assure you they WILL be scanned.

Are you sure, Once I think you said that and then I didn't see any. Is it gonna take long to scan them? Here's another question. Are the people in color?
Usually when I use the computer it's for Radiant Way. I will budget some time into the coloring of the sprites, but it'll take some time. Also, I'm uploading the sprites right now.

Alright, here are some new sprites:

And the kid is done, so I can start coloring him.

EDIT: And I know the kid is steeping on his foot in the first frame. I'll fix that.
Chisuun, you draw very nicely. The only thing I'm afraid of here, is how these sprites will look like in the game. They aren't exactly SRB2 style, and they would look even stranger in OpenGL.
*got rid of this post because it was already there.!* Any way since this post is here and i can't delete it I'm working with wave ocean mach speed. (A.K.A WOMS now) I added some more paths to the level. I can't add some more paths to WO prt 1 & 2 because it is already lagging in software sorry =(. I think im going to finish dusty desert all the way.
i have put in the video now it comes under sth360.wad or anything related. I am also putting an advertisement thing for it.
The credit for everyone is put in there.
astar said:
Thats what I was thinking about ice. The sprites look awesome but imagine it in srb2.

Hey, is your internet connection alright?
yeah, I was using my phone to post and I was at school. (lol, I know, I can be bad sometimes ^^).

How do I make this an exe. I want it to be just like srb2 but with different maps and music. how do I do this?
[off topic]
STHE123O said:
An exe would be cool but I don´t know how to do it :( maybe Chaos Zero 64 can help you

A exe modification would be cool, but I don't know how to do it. :( Maybe Chaos Zero 64 can help you with it.
Fix'd. =P
[/off topic]

Well, if you don't know how to, why aren't you taking C and C++ lessons?
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