Srb2: The Dark Adventure Project

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Alright, Now you've waited, and now its here, the new DARK WORLD MAP!
(sorry for the double post)

i only did this link for sendspace users, and the one of the FFH websirte is not updated to this one:

Special thanks goes to JTE for helping me with the map at times :D
and special thanks go to ree-c for mass major Texture editing and effects and stuff like that :mrgreen:

Thank you both :mrgreen: cause without them, this map wouldnt be here and JTE would still be saying "why hasnt anyone made a darkworld map yet?"

EDIT: Ok, why arent people posting?
EDIT (2): I released thedarkworld map and still waiting for a response (Feedback maybe?!), you know, if you guys domt post, im not going to finish this darkworld map project :evil:
You know, this should probably be fixed for OpenGL compatability. All the walls are glitched up with grass edge textures overlapping them.
FoxBlitzz said:
Ah okay, didn't notice the link above. Thanks, I guess.
yeah, but i think i'll just try to get GFZ2 done and GFZ3 (the boss), and afterthat, im going to be done with this project, and JTE will be happy :mrgreen:
i'll work on more of it when i feel like it
thats a nice name :D
(im keeping it)

since im so nice, i decided to work on another map (which is coming along good)
Darkworld Airborne Temple Zone

cept its sorta messed up, which im trying to fix right now (the line defs are on the celing)
Darkworld is just a simple mod where you get to the end, hit some button, go back to the beggining and be poofed to a castle-eggman motif without any FOFs
SuperSonicRules! said:
What the...?
I just get normal GFZ without that annoying enemie at the start!
What's goin on?

your probably using (or something thats not JTE)

it has to be JTE for this to work :D

and well due to my lazyness, im putting off working on GFZ2
I use to run it, the darkworld just makes useless shadows from the other world appear.
the darkworld works in

i never knew...
well i think i'll start working on GFZ2 darkworld sometime in the next 2 weeks or so :?
SRB2JTE's darkworld feature only makes "Shadows" of things in the opposite world, all they do is just be there, its not different in either.
Super mystic sonic said:
First, run SRB2JTE. Then add the wad. Somewhere in GFZ1 is a teleporter that leads to the dark world.

The teleporter is right beind you when you start the map...
you have to activate the button which is at the end of the light world (then you run through it like its an extended version of GFZ1)
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