SonicQuest - Beta 0.6 [mtf_sonicquest_beta06.wad]

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Agent Hack

Known as Wind on SRB2
SonicQuest is an un-finished moddification of the fangame SRB2 designed to add content to all aspects of SRB2's gameplay including graphics, levels, and music.
SonicQuest - Beta 0.6 - Change-log

-3 match maps: Green Canyon Zone and Emerald Valley Zone, and South Island Zone
-2 CTF maps: Icicle Ridge Zone and Combat Coast Zone.
-SQCMDS Script
-Level select pictures have been imported
-Item placement redone in Icicle Ridge Zone
-Item placement redone in Combat Coast Zone
-Minor sector tweaks in Combat Coast Zone
-South Island has been imported
-Life icons have been changed
-Intermission time reduced
-The crash that happens when a match ends has been rectified.
-Various Script bugs patched up
-Technical bug regarding the bustable walls in Combat Coast Zone has been fixed.
-Custom title screen removed
-Custom item boxes removed
-Custom tunes removed
More info on SonicQuest
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Sorry for the delay in putting this in releases. The one thing you should fix is that level pack doesn't start on the new maps when you are in a new game. SPSTAGE_START = 101 should fix that.
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Sorry for the delay in putting this in releases. The one thing you should fix is that level pack doesn't start on the new maps when you are in a new game. SPSTAGE_START = 101 should fix that.

Oh alright. Thanks
Well, The level design is good ,though Insanely hard. I usually get farther on ERZ than I can on Toxic Plant.
It's the hardest practical level pack I've played since Mystic Realm.
Anyway, Good job Hack, miles better than what I could do, Keep it up!
Well, The level design is good ,though Insanely hard. I usually get farther on ERZ than I can on Toxic Plant.
It's the hardest practical level pack I've played since Mystic Realm.

...One area.

The ONLY HARD PART. Everything else is a cakewalk and boring. EPECIALLY Act 2.

Anyways, you know how I feel about these levels, but I'll remind you of the major things:

- ALL of the levels use SRB1 Mode and Forceskin Sonic due tot he level number placement. at least, from the version I played.
- JHZ2 is very boring near the end, and short
- TPZ1's opening is far too hard for a beginning level. Usually, you'd stick that in the middle of a further level.
- TPZ1's instadeath red block makes no sense. Just make it act like a lazer. It's an unnessesarry punishment, and looks bland.
- TPZ2 is too quick and boring. FAR too quick and boring, and the scenery is AWFUL. come on, Scenery is 2D's strong point! No need to worry about people having to climb all over it, just go all out! (Keeping in respectable limits to reduce graphic errors and lag, of course)

I didn't take a look at South Island Match yet, but I shall. But why is there GFZ textures mixed with GHZ textures? The colors really clash, just use GHZs.
Ok, so I decided to try this, and here's my feedback.

Jade Hill Act 1: 5/10, average, but has it's flaws, first of all, the enemy placement is bad. There's quite a lot of blue crawlas crammed in certain spots. Spread them out, and get rid of a few, you don't need that many in a certain area. Your spikes don't work. In v2.0, spikes only work if you have a invisible FOF with the special sector having the spikes effect. Scenery wasn't too bad, though it was fairly bland in certain areas, and the 1 ups were too easy to get, plus too many in the stage with the fact there is no risk vs reward scheme to it.

Jade Hill Act 2: 4/10 most of the level is way too easy, but it also suffers from bad enemy placement, cheap deaths, and certain areas cramped pathes. Sceneru isn't too bad, but I think this level needs a lot of work done to it.

Jade Hill Act 3: 5/10, only big problem is the level is way too large, and has no rings. At least the boss is not too hard.

Moving onto Toxic Plant Zone.

Toxic Plant Act 1: 3/10 the level is ridiculously hard for a beginner's stage. There are tons of cheap deaths everywhere, very bland, bad enemy placement. I couldn't find the exit. You need to start this one again.

Toxic Plant Act 2: 2/10 way too easy, just thok to the finish. This looks like a 20 minute job on Doom Builder. Too small, the scenery is awful.

Toxic Plant Act 3: 3/10 it has cheap death written all over it. The level is oto big & bland, and pretty much what I said. This level needs to be redone.

Hidden Forest Act 3: 1/10, bland, turret fire everywhere, too small, can't even get the boss. I can't say anymore about it

South Island Zone: 6/10 the best level in the pack. It's nice, a bit too big, but nice enough to move around, has good scenery, a lot of rings & enough ammo. The issues are the level is a bit too big, and needs to be shaped down a bit, and the level design feels SP like to me. It is also quite bland in certain areas, and needs more escape routes when in the water. If I spot anything else, I'll add it to my comments.
Thanks alot for your review. I'll try to work some things out.

Sonic Quest Beta 2.1 has been released.

Change log:

Changelog - Sonic Quest - Build Augest 28, 2009 - Version Beta 2.1

Sonic Quest has been made a few changes and fixes. I'll list them here.

-All levels have been moved to MAPB1+ - This allows players to use any character and dose not
use SRB1 mode any longer.

-The music in Jade Hill Zone Act 1 has been changed.

-3 New stages have been added. Hidden Forest Zone Act 1 and 2 and Shadow Circuit Zone.

-The MAINCFG file has been modified some. Consfails are less likely to happen now in a boss

-Subtitles have been added to Shadow Circuit and South Island.

-Subtitle mistake in Toxic Plant Zone Act 3 has been fixed.
Hidden Forest Act 3: 1/10, bland, turret fire everywhere, too small, can't even get the boss. I can't say anymore about it.
You know that the point is to get the turret on the other side to hit the boss?

That being said, I agree with most of what Hyperknux said. Will try out the new version though.
I was thinking, what should I replace the pipe platforming in Toxic Plant 1 with? I was thinking just a couple of hills. I don't know. Also I was trying to give that FOF sector a lazer tag but it wouldnt work. HALP?
I was thinking, what should I replace the pipe platforming in Toxic Plant 1 with? I was thinking just a couple of hills. I don't know.

Bobbing fountains with wide FOFs on 'em would seem nice. both visually pleasing, and functional.
Should it look like it coming out from a slime pipe or without it? And any help with the lazer FOF issue?
Should it look like it coming out from a slime pipe or without it? And any help with the lazer FOF issue?

1: Have a mix of clear water and slime. The water ones would be safe, while the slime ones would have to be skipped.

2: Sorry, no idea about that. Try the wiki?
Why must there be ALL toxic water? The regular water would have to come from SOMEWHERE...
And where there are pipes, there are cracks to exploit. and where there are cracks in pipes, stuff is bound to come out. Experiment a bit.
Ah. I see what you mean. Well I wont be working on the SP maps for now. I'm gonna put some more focus into the lacking part of this Mod, The Multiplayer maps. What CTF/Match/Race maps I get done will be in Sonic Quest Alpha 2.
lol Thanks. I plan on using those screenshots as Level Select pics in a future version of Sonic Quest.

Green Canyon Zone - (Match&Tag)

I sure is making some progress on Alpha 2. Green Canyon is 100% done. Tag Player Start Support and everything. :3
I really enjoyed the exploration oriented parts of the pack, but I didn't enjoy the action-oriented parts of the pack.

Also, Forest Zone 3's boss was a nice idea but it could've been done way better.
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