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Sonic X-Treme WAD(with correct jumping sprites)

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Edit: Um, when you said "Spinball", I thought you meant on the Genesis. The jumping frames in this wad are perfectly fine.
Ahh... Firelaserbeam, the guy who lags my server so much that I am now going to ask for a permanent ban feature for 1.1.
The WAD may look a bit strange when spindashing(why don't we have spindashing frames?), but at least these jumping sprites are actually real.
Actually, I did the same thing. The page layout for our public WAD server just really sucks.
I would have screenshots if I knew how to take them with out the command box being in the way...
Put this in the console:
bind [insert key here] screenshot
That's it. Just replace "[insert key here]" with a key, like, say, Z, and you're good to go. Hit that with the console up.
Or use FRAPS. Or, you can just simply use the Print Screen key on your keyboard, which I can't believe not everyone knows how to use.
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