Sonic Colors!

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This is awesome, now time for the big question; is this online, or offline...or both?

Probably both, unless you can go splitscreen. Also, I hope you can choose your own color for Sonic for online play. Because I don't want to have to be a pink Sonic when I play online.
It is interesting that the two characters don't inhabit their own split screen. Maybe the objective is to keep the two players as close as possible? Or maybe teamwork will factor into play?

Its on the Japanese amazon page.
@Bigboi - >.>

Edit: Oh crap, I have an odd feeling about this. Here is my prediction.
This multiplayer may be similar to Nights Wii. It'll be online thus the reason there is no splitscreen. The Red Sonic is actually the other player.
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Probably both, unless you can go splitscreen. Also, I hope you can choose your own color for Sonic for online play. Because I don't want to have to be a pink Sonic when I play online.
It's red

what you're seeing there is some pretty spiffy lighting with that auto generated track, so red looks more like pink.

Either that, or they made the red sonic have a more darker tint at the bottom.
The picture was removed. I'm having some ideas.
1.It was fake
2.It was special stage where you race a Wisp Sonic(Or recolored ghost Sonic)
3.Leaked multiplayer
3.Leaked multiplayer
Remember the whole ASR thing with Banjo and Kazooie on the X-box cover? Man... their denying it was so hopeless. They should have just fessed up to them being in the game.

And I've a feeling that might be the case for the multiplayer of Sonic Colours.
I read THIS on the latest ONM. It REALLY sparked my interest in Sonic Colours DS.

Points of interest highlighted. :3

While it's fair to say that Sonic hasn't had the best console career since his switch to 3D back in the Dreamcast days, the opposite could be said of his handheld history. The three Sonic Advance and two Sonic Rush titles are excellent 2D platformers which lead many old-school Sonic fans to claim that the GBA and DS have been Sonic's real home these past few years. So, with a new Sonic game that promises to be surprisingly good heading to the Wii, it's only fitting that DS owners won't me missing out. Sonic Colours is coming to the DS aswell.
Sega could so easily have messed up the DS version of Sonic Colours[/b] by going own the route so many other developers take. Developers like to trumpet the DS as being more capable than it actually is, and set about trying to make the DS game look as close as possible to the Wii game rather than focusing on the handheld's strengths. What this usually results in is a mess of polygons with shonky gameplay (see LEGO Star Wars) when the developer finally realises that, no, the DS isn't capable of matching the Wii, by which the time it's too late to start again. Sega isn't messing around with all that rubbish.
Instead, Sonic Colours is completely different from its Wii counterpart. While the Wii game is inspired by Sonic Unleashed and Super Mario Galaxy, Sega is sticking with what it knows best on the DS and keeping Sonic Colours strictly 2D. This means it'll play just like the Sonic Rush games, and with developer Dimps at the helm (The studio behind, well, the Sonic Rush games) it's more or less guaranteed that DS owners are set to be treated to another great Sonic game.
(.. There's more, but the rest just tells you about gameplay you already knew about.)

Looks like there's two DIFFERENT Sonic Colours games, eh?

PS: Paragraph 2 isn't pointless, the whole thing is a giant point of interest. That's why I didn't highlight it.
I don't exactly want to read 15 pages of information. >.> So I just posted what I found in the latest ONM.
White Boost - Allows Sonic to boost at any time.
Cyan Laser - Turns Sonic into a laser which can bounce off surfaces and travel through power lines.
Yellow Drill - Lets Sonic drill through soft ground.
Orange Rocket - Blasts Sonic upward to tremendous heights.
Looks promising, looks like a Sonic Unleashed 2. (Nooby title XD). When I heard first of it, I literally thought Sega Team were on drugs. Looks like daytime stages.

You're typical Eggman.

Nice powerups.
I hope they pull this off.
Minus the Werehog, add the Wisps. Also hoping for the DS version to be awesome
Hmm... interesting. I see this coop mode as a fun addition. Not only do you get to play as two Sonics, but apperantly, you can choose your own colour or your Sonic robot (I say robot because apperantly this coop mode ties in with Eggman making Sonic duplicate robots). I can't wait until this game comes out for the Wii.
Only one last question I have about it: is it GameCube controller compatible? That is the determining factor of wether or not I will get this for my birthday in a few months.
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