Rate the above user's avatar! Version 2

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It's cute, but not the best done. and it's not like your models are even 20% the quality of mine. I'm not saying they're good, I'm just saying that yours are worse.
As I said on IRC, very nice, Shuffle. Me and my friends all got quite a good laugh out of it, in combination with your signature. 9/10
Draykon said:
I'm just saying that yours are worse.
I'd have to disagree with that. D:
It's SRB2's ugly shading (or lack thereof) that makes it look worse..
8/10 on Mystic. Been the same for years, and it's not half bad.
Well, it's a, umm... flashing emerald. You might wanna choose some more interesting pics. <.<
Draykon said:
It's cute, but not the best done. and it's not like your models are even 20% the quality of mine. I'm not saying they're good, I'm just saying that yours are worse.
O_o Yours is a 4/10 too, pal.
Whoo! It's Sonic wearing a cape backwards!
-5 for lack of apparent effort
-3 for just looking plain bad. ;D
Digiku: cool sonic picture 8/10 :)

Firelaserbeam:: 6/10 a silver DS lite they should be out by next week or 2 :)
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