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Cheesy script warning !!! If you don't like cheesy scripts, then don't read this thread.

Have you ever wanted to go on a photo safari, taking screenshots like crazy? If so, then have you found yourself struggling with keyboard binds and chasecam controls? Yes? I thought so.

Well, this script allows you to specify 1st person or 3rd person with one touch of a button, and then snaps a picture (saved into your SRB2 directory) insanely quickly at the highest resolution that your copy of SRB2 can support with none of those evil 'Score Time Rings' counters. After that, it returns you to your normal playing state. This process takes anywhere from 0.2 of a seccond to 2 secconds, depending on how fast your computer is. This way, you can just type EXEC Polaroid.txt in the console, and snap away. I've gotten some pretty good shots (such as a red buzz about 1 inch away from me almost hitting me) with this script.

Unlike most scripts, though, this one takes a little pre-use setup. You should see the file itself for directions.

Download: http://www.sepwich.com/hotdog/other/Polaroid.txt
-_- Meh. It certainly seems to be as advanced as SRB2 scripting gets, which doesn't say too much... ... ... Good job.
And of course, we all just make a new topic each time we write a new script, guess there's no point in trying to prevent it by singlehandedly upholding a topic for scripting in general with crappy palette hacks and whatnot.
It was Kogen's idea to make an SRB2 Snap!-like game out of this for SRB2JTE or something. Rest assured that should I do such a thing, it won't be using this script, even if it should look like it does. Rather, I will make it a very close replica of Pokemon Snap!, though it would require maps specially designed for it, and thus wouldn't be seen much unless someone had the guts to make a map for it.
Ah, Kogen. Good conversationalist (From a point of view...). I could make a bestseller book from his inane ramblings.
For some freakish reason, people confuse Kroze and Kogen a lot. It seems to be rubbing off on me. Sorry, but my brain is spaghetti. Liek teh Flying Spaghetti Monster.
SRB2-Playah said:
Ah, yeah. Kroze. That's who I meant.

1. This amuses me that I am confused with Kogen so much...
Maybe I can pin the blame on him of creating the Spidey Knux theme and get away scott free!

2. Yes, I had the insane idea of making a Sonic Snap! type game using this and I accedently blurted this to JTE while talking with him....

3. Think about it:
You are going through Eggman's castle when you start to hear a low sort of rumbling...
You turn the corner and see Eggman in bed with a Crawler...
Mucho Grande for incrmiating pics!
You win!!!

Or, if all else fails, have a mini game where you take pics of Mystic in teh shower *shot*

Think of all the fun!
hotdog003 said:
It's crawla, not crawler.

Its Kroze, not Kogen

Yeah, ANYWAY....
Good luck on the Sonic Snap! thing JTE....
I just relised that there's no possible way for the game to judge the pics you take....
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