Official Level Design Contest Voting: September/October 2008

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I finally put all my votes in my previous post. There isn't much time left in the contest to put your votes in, so you better edit your votes quickly if you have a change of mind.
Voting Results! I am pretty sure I did it correctly. Remember to look at what people had to say so you can improve on your maps for next time.

D means dropped, X means 10.
Freezing Flare Zone, Act 2 by Simsmagic: 544544D8545665447 = 5.000
Skyline Paradise Zone by fawfulfan: 434433D25433222224 = 3.059
Electric Dungeon Zone by Roy: 45525442633314537 = 3.882
Red Desert Zone by SonicMaster: 9D878779778799989 = 8.000
Dimension Glaber Special Stage 2 by Glaber: 522D6374833338464 = 4.438
Frost Mountain Zone, Act 1 by HyperKnux: 767868957765D547 = 6.467
Water Ruins Zone by Donovan The Hedgehog: 10111011331203103 =1.294
Snowpoint Land Zone, Act 1 by Superusuario: 2423335D622323223 = 2.938
Geothermal Volcano Zone by verifiaman: 11041113341111003 = 1.529

MAPA1 - Gameboy Valley Zone by SonicMaster: X585865D4 = 6.714
MAPA2 - Treehouse Sanctuary Zone by Ice: 948646545 = 5.667
MAPA3 - Grassy Pier Zone by astar: 332111012 = 1.556
MAPA4 - Submerged Sanctuary Zone by ss47: 62534547 = 4.500
MAPA5 - Dark Fort Zone by Knockout The Echidna: 95645666 = 5.875

MAPA6 - Opposition Zone by SonicMaster: 848X7673 = 6.625
MAPA7 - Green Valley Zone by N.Cenz: 55D 6555 = 5.167
MAPA8 - Contaminated Gourge Zone by Shrike: 75524232 = 3.750
MAPA9 - Lift Bridge Zone by Ezer.Arch: X6788947 = 7.375
MAPAA - Zero Star Zone by ss47: 54337231 = 3.500
MAPAB - Techno Base Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog: 85925775 = 6.000

MAPAC - Quicksand Forest Zone by SonicMaster: D5647655 = 5.429
MAPAD - No Name Forest Zone by Glaber: 45563346 = 4.500
MAPAE - Warped Woods Zone by Jazz: 757D3X77 = 6.571
Wow, got 2nd this time round, and is my personal best. Now to try to get to that 1st place =P

Hopefully, the next contest will be a better one.
Superusuario said:
Well...At least i'm winning 2 of the Single Player entries.

Urmm... I think it would make more sense to say "at least I beat 2 of the Single Player entries", right?

Even though that is the case with your level, it's final score shows that it wasn't that good to everyone else, despite the fact that it's not even 2nd worst, let alone the worst of the SP entries for the OLDC this time.
Some of the votes were not quite accurate, and apparently Fawfulfan has admitted that he didn't play the multiplayer maps in the gametype. The winners have not changed.
Torgo said:
Some of the votes were not quite accurate, and apparently Fawfulfan has admitted that he didn't play the multiplayer maps in the gametype. The winners have not changed.

Yeah, and again, I'm sorry...I hadn't realized that was a requirement. I must note, however, that this isn't a recent development; I admitted that almost a week ago.
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
I mean the actual contest pack.


Well, I've had another play through your Red Desert Zone, and I found the secret! :D That remix of Snip! wasn't bad. Did you make it?
SonicMaster, I have to give you alot of credit on Red Desert Zone. I would have voted, but I never got around to downloading the levels. RDZ is one AWESOME level, and it's perfect for a desert level. I liked the whirlpool of sand, and the textures fell into place with eachother PERFECTLY. Good job man.
Nathan Speed said:
I would have voted, but I never got around to downloading the levels.

I played the SP levels, but I never got around to voting. X(

I wish I could have had more time so I could try and get to at least play the multiplayer maps and try to get voting in.
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