Official Level Design Contest Voting: March/April

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Mystic said:
MAP10 - Power Ring - Walter - 3/10
While it's obviously a "My first map" and really ugly, with painfully repetitive music, I actually had a bit of fun on it. Look at other maps to see how to improve, but it's a pretty decent first try.


MAP19 - W.A's Soccer - Walter - 0/10
Auto-Explosion is automatic failure. The REDWALL sky, flashing colors, and total lack of anything redeeming also makes the map totally unplayable.

Wow. i dont think that they are SO bad! Queston: can i updated them for the next Levelpack?



Dragon Valley 2 - 3
Too cramped and too dark, I'm afraid.

Green Land 1 - 5
I felt a little hemmed in: the walls, I think, were too high. Also, the level lacks anything in particular to engage the player; it's mostly a matter of running to the exit.

Radical Highway - 2
Daaark. Coupled with the death pits, I found it very difficult to play.

Sunken Palace - 7
Good size, and distinguishes itself from the group by being open and giving the player a choice of direction, but I feel this goes a little too far: I was never quite sure where I was meant to be going. Nicely done, though.

Paradise Cove - 2
Again, dark. And the enemy placement needs more thought. Too cramped, as well.


Waterfall Warfare - 5
Being a little large, it favours the player who runs rather than fights, which means that action can sometimes be lacking. Also, there was a strange lag problem that seemed to be brought on by the underwater yellow springs.

Abyss Highway - 2
Bah-doom. I don't have much to add to what's already been said about this map.

Toxic Turmoil - 7
The slime was a little annoying, but I played some fairly fraught - and hence exciting - games on this map. Good with a small number of players.

Rocky Ravine - 8
Very nice. Open, but not too big. Not so sure about the homing, but very well done nonetheless.

Agrabah - 1
Rings please! Match maps need lots of easily accessible rings. Unless they're powerup rings right next to one another... Also difficult to move around in.

Aquatic Caves - 6
The water doesn't put me off -- together with the blue shield, it adds another strategic element to gameplay. A little too vertical though, I think, and a bit spartan.

Molten Core - 7
Good work - using the pipes to divide the areas at the edge works well. Could maybe use an auto ring, or something.

Techno Heights - 8
Perfect size and layout, I'd say. Slightly weapon-ring-deficient, but that doesn't affect things too much. My only other gripe is that it can sometimes be difficult to work out where the platforms stop, and before you know it you find yourself in a death pit.

Greenery Hotel - 9
Great map. My one concern is that the areas with the teleport monitors are a touch on the small side.

Power Ring - 5
Hugely unbalanced, of course, but that can sometimes get interesting.

Searing Wellspring - n/a
I think I got the scale kind of... wrong.

Lost Temple - 7
Very close quarters, certainly, but I never felt cramped in the way that has been remarked on a few times above. The torches, the lighting and the music all contribute to a tense atmosphere, which fits the map well.

Rush Job - 8
Heh, nice work. A little ring-heavy, unfortunately. Running backwards firing rail rings is always fun.


Crystal Dimension - 7
I'm not sure that running all the way to the shield is worth it, and also I found it a little too easy to die in the middle, but the map plays well nonetheless.

Forest War - 6
I was never quite sure where I was when playing this map. Certainly not bad, though.

Castle Jail - 6
A little short, and I don't think I once had occasion to leave the lower area, but things could get amusingly frantic at times.

Imbedded Urban - 7
One particular 2 vs. 2 I played on this map went rather well, although I agree with others' remarks regarding the bases' sizes - too cramped.

Wall Fortresses - ?
Due to the problems that are by now well-documented, I haven't played on this map yet. I'll add a review if I get round to doing so, though.

W.A's Soccer - 3
Argh, my eyes. Flashing walls are not good. This map lacks any incentive to deviate from the central path, and adds no extra challenge for the flag-bearer, leading to a straightforward race.

Terrace Tussel - 5
Not bad. Opportunity for conflict was limited, though.

Green Mushroom - 6
Bonus points for originality. A little small, though, and the springs to the bases made capturing slightly tricky.

Slime Tower - 7
I rather like this level. The way that vertical motion was used as the main occupation in travelling between bases was novel.

Well, there we go. I enjoyed playing through these maps, as always. It's also nice to see the numbers rising again. Might I be so bold as to suggest that we're ready to return to monthly contests, at least for multiplayer maps? I'm sure I could manage to make one match and one CTF map per month, and I daresay many others could too, especially considering that a substantial proportion of the above entries were created shortly before the deadline. Of course, I defer entriely to the organisers' opinions on the matter. :)
Single Player:

Dragon Valley Zone 2 - ZTaimat
It's really cramped. Really cramped. Play GFZ1 a couple of times. Play your map. Find something different? 3 out of 10

Green Land Zone 1 - KingofFlames
It's really cramped. Really cramped. Play GFZ1 a couple of times. Play your map. Find something different? 3 out of 10

Radical Highway Zone - Blue Blur
Well, it's dark. And 'pitty'. And cramped. What happened? 2 out of 10

Sunken Palace Zone - Ree-c
I'm running out of time and words, so I'll make it short. It's nice and big, but it needs decoration and more secrets. 7 out of 10

Paradise Cove Zone - Hyper Tails
This is just right down awful. It's a bunch of cramped hallways filled to the brim with enemies. Open Your Heart is so awesome, too. 1 out of 10


Waterfall Warfare Zone - ST218
Yes, well, it was a bit on the hefty side, no? It'd probably be great in a big game, but sadly more than a few players and the lag goes from bad to unplayable. You should evolve this into a Coop concept, that'd work better. 5 out of 10

Abyss Highway Zone - ZTaimat
Uh, it's a highway? Couldn't really tell, due to the darkness, but by palpating my way around, it felt more like a stinky death pit of doom. No plz. 2 out of 10

Toxic Turmoil Zone - Spazzo
Slime-filled maps are always a hassle to deal with and this is no exception. This is aggravated by the fact that there's absolutely no way out of the purple mess without the aid of a spring. Springs which, sadly, seem to be randomly scattered about. However, disregarding the slime pit and its related ailments, as well as the bidimensional pipes, the lack of varying decoration and the dirty, filthy spikes surrounding the shield, the level design is quite solid. Work on this plz. 7 out of 10

Rocky Ravine Zone - Blue Blur
I really liked this map. What you should do is brighten it up a little, change some textures, remove the godly Homing and bet on Rail. Do that, and by god, we'll have a winner. 9 out of 10

Agrabah Zone - Mikel
Uhh, no? 0 out of 10

Aquatic Caves Zone - Ree-c
Aquatic Caves was a pure example of what colormaps can do to a map. Seriously, lose the green, and we'll talk. As far as design goes, it was simple, but it worked. However, it was rather large, you might wanna fix that. Also, add some goodies for skipping around over the water, since it's very easy to do (and might I add fun). 7 out of 10

Molten Core Zone - Ree-c
Okay, you've made up for the green green. This was a great map, I enjoyed it very much. However, the repetition of silver kinda gets into your nerves... try alternating the textures a little. 8 out of 10

Techno Heights Zone - Ree-c
I'm not sure why people like this map, I wasn't very fond of it. It lacks content, the textures are boring, and the sudden pits are annoying. It could lose the flashing lights too, at first it seems they might hurt you, when they don't. It's just the right size, though. 6 out of 10

Greenery Hotel Zone - JJames19119
Good job. You've managed to make a working 'house' level. The teleports were amusing too, I was often put in comical situations due to their use. Bravo. 9 out of 10

Power Ring Zone - Walter
lol 3 out of 10

Searing Wellspring Zone - Oogaland
Right. Well, I, at first, considered it to be a Coop level. I was in error. =P It's kinda large, you should fix that. I couldn't exactly play here, because I couldn't find anyone. Again, as I've told ST, evolve it into a Coop concept. 6 out of 10

Lost Temple Zone - Chabo
After the enormous Wellspring comes the minuscule Temple. Which again proves that size does matter. Strangely enough, I did have some good times here. I'm not sure of what it is, but it works! 7 out of 10

Rush Job Zone - Neo Chaotikal
So, I was playing in Furious's server, when I thought about trying to make a working Match level in under 60 minutes. This is what came out. Oh, and the thing placement was done in 5 minutes tops, explaining the bad ring placement. Again, just like Isolated Canyon, visuals were what this map was based on. Although not nearly as close, seeing as I didn't even have time to align the textures.

Capture the Flag:

Crystal Dimension Zone - ST218
LOVE IT. Honestly, mind allowing me to use that shrine concept for an eventual stage of mine? Okay, the decoration and overall look of the map isn't the best, but hey, it's gameplay that counts, and this level's is absolutely fantastic. 10 out of 10

Forest War Zone - ZTaimat
The concept looks good on paper, but like the remainder of your maps, it needs to grow. It was just too cramped. The random pits were a problem as well. 6 out of 10

Castle Jail Zone - ZTaimat
The broken stairs were an immediate lose. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. If you didn't even bother checking if everything in your map was working correctly, I'm afraid it means you just didn't want to win. 4 out of 10

Imbedded Urban Zone - Blue Blur
Nice concept, but the 'cities' could use a little augmentation. There weren't enough roads, and the roads themselves were too small. Cramped bases and small plains to move around in don't help. This could be a much better map if it were scaled bigger. 6 out of 10

Wall Fortresses Zone - JJames19119
I liked the concept, but Rail is a bit overpowered in such close quarters. I'd imagine this map being very uncomfortable in large netgames. Good job, though. 5 out of 10

W.A's Soccer Zone - Walter
The flashy flashness and red sky make this map a seizure. The level design is absent. However, for some odd reason, it was fun. 4 out of 10

Terrace Tussel Zone - ST218
I didn't like this map. For every reason already stated in this topic. Also, ST didn't even bother fixing what I told him to, rendering the secondary path to the staircase useless. 3 out of 10

Green Mushroom Zone - FuriousFox
The concept was really fun. But the map is very small, rendering it only fun in a smaller netgame. The map is gorgeous, though. 7 out of 10

Slime Tower Zone - CZ64
The map works. That elevator to the side is useless, but the map works. It's very fun to play in. 9 out of 10
My votes for multiplayer are in!

Waterfall Warfare - 6/10

A tad too big. would work well wiht aroun ten people, but if you have less than four pepole...too much running and not enough shooting. I liked th eunderwater cave in the waterfall though.

Abyss Highway - 1/10

Too much death pit. if you aren't meticulous in your fighting (which I'm not. I just run around and shoot like mad) then you are toast. Sorry, but it's just a no-no.

Toxic Turmoil - 7/10

wow. again some careful stepping involved, but in a good way.

Rocky Ravine - 9/10

Nice. maybe you should've called it ring ravine. Rail would've been good here. that aside, it's awesome!

Agrabah - 0/10

unplayable. sorry man, but too little rings, and not fun at all.

Aquatic Caves - 6/10

big, and lots of space. but, underwater in't my thing. maybe a few more aqua shields would be good.

Molten Core - 8/10

pretty good. My only bad comment is: What? No way to dump lava on your enemies?

Techno Heights - n/a

I really don't know how to rate this one...

Greenery Hotel - 10/10

easily the best deathmatch map in the pack. original concept, and very wel done. perfect score.

Power Ring - 1/10

no. just no. too many weapon rings in one cramped space...

Searing Wellspring - 7/10

good match level, but a lot of sky glitches.

Lost Temple - 5/10

good for a 1-1 duel. maybe a four player game. but upwards of that, too little space.

Rush Job - 8/10

0_0 cool map, but redwall walls? @_@ good, but weird.


Crystal Dimension - 9/10

awesome depth for a CTF map! I like the sweeping staircase, the death pit was easy to cross if you focus, and there are other ways to sneak into( or drop into >:D ) the enemy base. good work!

Forest War - 7/10

ok, I guess. nothing really comes to mind.

Castle Jail - NA

Haven't played yet. I'll edit my post when it's done.

Imbedded Urban- 5/10

The bases are kinda cramped, but the concept works.

Wall Fortresses - 9/10

pwnage. The gravity change was well done, and the mix of auto-rail-infinity works perfectly. rapidfire sniping anyone? and the bases are well done. 9/10!

W.A's Soccer - 0/10

what to say? auto-bomb lags the map like crazy. the redwall sky and flashy stands are an eyesore, and there is no real challeng in capturing the flag.

Terrace Tussel - 4/10

??? It seems that it's only good with tails.

Green Mushroom - 7/10

nice concept, but a TOUCH too small. amke the same kinda map, but bigger, and we got a winner!

Slime Tower - 7/10

meh, it's ok. a lot of vertical action here. knuckles rules this map.
I give Rush Job a 10. It's a great balance of simplicity and uniqueness.
Drew said:
Mystic I have a question y u gotta be so negitive :?

First off, use punctuation and proper spelling. This is not AIM.

"Mystic, I have a question. Why do you have to be so negative?"

That being said, I have to be negative to give constructive criticism of someone's work. If you don't tell people what's wrong with their entry, how are they ever going to improve in future entries? If you just say "OMG THAT'S AWESOME", that doesn't tell the designer anything. However, if you say "I liked it overall, but this feature here could use some work", that gives the designer direct feedback which helps them improve upon future efforts.

It's not about being negative as it is about being helpful.
Results are in. (X=10, N=vote on own map, lowest score dropped)

Single Player
Dragon Valley 2 - ZTaimat - 445645333 = 4.11
Green Land 1 - KingofFlames - 6767507453 = 5.00
Radical Highway - Blue Blur - 6534533522 = 3.80
Sunken Palace - ree-c - 978878777 = 7.56
Paradise Cove - Hyper Tails - 5N84262121 = 3.75

MAP01 - Waterfall Warfare - ST218 - 754756556 = 5.56
MAP02 - Abyss Highway - ZTaimat - 733212221 = 2.56
MAP03 - Toxic Turmoil - Spazzo - 574N57777 = 6.43
MAP04 - Rocky Ravine - Blue Blur - 8X797X899 = 8.56
MAP05 - Agrabah - Mikel - 511000100 = 0.89
MAP06 - Aquatic Caves - ree-c - 845565676 = 5.78
MAP07 - Molten Core - ree-c - 786769788 = 7.33
MAP08 - Techno Heights - ree-c - 99778886 = 7.75
MAP09 - Greenery Hotel - JJames19119 - 98N78X99X = 9.00
MAP10 - Power Ring - Walter - 6X2434531 = 4.22
MAP11 - Searing Wellspring - Oogaland - 755677N67 = 6.43
MAP12 - Lost Temple - Chabo - 586331775 = 5.00
MAP13 - Rush Job - Neo Chaotikal - 7988788N8 = 8.00

Capture the Flag
MAP14 - Crystal Dimension - ST218 - 678877X9 = 7.75
MAP15 - Forest War - ZTaimat - 87547667 = 6.25
MAP16 - Castle Jail - ZTaimat - 337664 = 4.83
MAP17 - Imbedded Urban - Blue Blur - 66743765 = 5.50
MAP18 - Wall Fortresses - JJames19119 - 8NX6759 = 8.00
MAP19 - W.A's Soccer - Walter - 66203340 = 3.00
MAP20 - Terrace Tussel - ST218 - 85725534 = 4.88
MAP21 - Green Mushroom - FuriousFox - 87657677 = 6.63
MAP22 - Slime Tower - Chaos Zero 64 - 86679794 = 7.00

Sunken Palace - ree-c
Greenery Hotel - JJames19119
Wall Fortresses - JJames19119

I'd like to note that the CTF contest was decided by the fact that JJames voted and ST218 did not. I really do encourage everyone who entered to play and vote. The more votes there are, the less a single vote is going to affect the judging.
Wow. I really didn't expect my hotel level to get such a....ridiculously high score. Are you sure it adds up to a full 9? I'm honored, I think that's my highest scoring map thus far. :D

Hail Meh! *Shot*
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