[NOW UPDATED!] Playable Crawla

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Hm, I believe there were plans to make it shoot missiles and lay mines, but those were dropped I think. If so, then yes, it really has nothing going for it.
Well, seeing this wad makes me think: What is so special about this that would make people play as it? Sure, there are a lot of clones, but those characters are mostly those that people want to play as. This, on the other hand is just an edit of a badnik. Of course, then again, the characters can be unique. This, however, isn't even unique. Sure, it has hover, but that's about it. One could say that it's a dumb idea to release such thing, but it's probably even stupider to think of something like this.
Wow, lots of appositives!

If he adds more stuff to it, like Charyb said, it could be much more fun.
Well, seeing this wad makes me think: What is so special about this that would make people play as it? Sure, there are a lot of clones, but those characters are mostly those that people want to play as. This, on the other hand is just an edit of a badnik. Of course, then again, the characters can be unique. This, however, isn't even unique. Sure, it has hover, but that's about it. One could say that it's a dumb idea to release such thing, but it's probably even stupider to think of something like this.

I have a question, where's your awesome release? Because you sit back and say how stupid my release is without offering any tips; while at the same time you haven't released anything! This is yet another blatent form of mindless insults and hypocrisy.

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

Hm, I believe there were plans to make it shoot missiles and lay mines, but those were dropped I think. If so, then yes, it really has nothing going for it.

I actually spent a month trying to develop these concepts, sorry if they didn't work out. Someday I might perfect the coding
I have a question, where's your awesome release? Because you sit back and say how stupid my release is without offering any tips; while at the same time you haven't released anything! This is yet another blatent form of mindless insults and hypocrisy.

Except it's not.
People are perfectly allowed to give criticism without having made anything themselves. An eye experienced in making art isn't necessarily needed to give good criticism, it is only needed that they have experienced art enough to know what is good or bad. In other words, he is perfectly allowed to give criticism because he has played SRB2, seen other character wads, and developed an eye for the good and the bad in it. That's not hypocrisy at all.

And he certainly wasn't insulting you. He was simply asking "Why? There's nothing special about it."
That's not an insult, it was a piece of criticism saying "Add something to this to make it unique, something that people will look at and say 'Cool! I'm SO playing as him!'"

One could say that it's a dumb idea to release such thing, but it's probably even stupider to think of something like this.
Actually, he may even have been insulting you when he said this one sentence out of many. But, sheesh, get a thicker skin. It was probably just something stupid he said, not realizing that more is planned for this.

And again, I say, look at Soonata to figure out how to make things shoot. Sure, I'm not knowledgeable in coding myself, but if SpaceKGreen did it, why can't you?
Except it's not.
People are perfectly allowed to give criticism without having made anything themselves. An eye experienced in making art isn't necessarily needed to give good criticism, it is only needed that they have experienced art enough to know what is good or bad. In other words, he is perfectly allowed to give criticism because he has played SRB2, seen other character wads, and developed an eye for the good and the bad in it. That's not hypocrisy at all.

And he certainly wasn't insulting you. He was simply asking "Why? There's nothing special about it."
That's not an insult, it was a piece of criticism saying "Add something to this to make it unique, something that people will look at and say 'Cool! I'm SO playing as him!'"

Actually, he may even have been insulting you when he said this one sentence out of many. But, sheesh, get a thicker skin. It was probably just something stupid he said, not realizing that more is planned for this.

And again, I say, look at Soonata to figure out how to make things shoot. Sure, I'm not knowledgeable in coding myself, but if SpaceKGreen did it, why can't you?

It's not exactly easy to code a shooting action into a spindash without the bullet being destroyed as soon as it spawns. And my offense to what this guy said is that he just came in and told me how stupid my wad is without even giving me a suggestion of what he wants!
So jcokeinfinity is overreacting again? Calm down dude. Also Majro as Spirit Crusher (or maybe someone else) already wrote here its released, because it´s working it isn´t recolor and people may like it. Don´t forget it´s not finished yet, i trust this character will still get better.
So jcokeinfinity is overreacting again? Calm down dude.

It's not overreating if I can back it up.

Forum Rules said:
Only give constructive criticism. If you are sharing your opinion on something, give reasoning as to why.

People can get infractions for coming in and saying how stupid something is without offering any options to fix it.

Majro said:
Sure, it has hover, but that's about it. One could say that it's a dumb idea to release such thing, but it's probably even stupider to think of something like this.

First of all this guy must have forgot about other new things added to this wad
Playable Crawla's Description said:
New in Version 2.0
1) Crawla has been slowed down
2) Custom white spintrail
3) Flame Jets on spring-jump frames
4) Crawla Commander superframes
5) Custom CTF Flag
6) New Character Selection Pic

Second, coming in and saying that the developer (me) has blatently stupid ideas and that I don't know what I'm doing also breaks forum rules.
Forum Rules said:
Immaturity will not be tolerated. Think before you post and use some common sense.
Well, then. Let me try again. All you managed to do was editing sprites that are already in the game. How do you fix that? My suggestion would be coming up with completely new sprites and not just edit ones that already exist.
New in Version 2.0
1) Crawla has been slowed down
2) Custom white spintrail
3) Flame Jets on spring-jump frames 4) Crawla Commander superframes
5) Custom CTF Flag
6) New Character Selection Pic
The only change here that matters is Crawla being slower. The rest are just graphic changes. Having Crawla shoot is a bit interesting, but pointless in levels with no enemies, like RVZ or ERZ1.
My suggestion would be coming up with completely new sprites and not just edit ones that already exist.
Hey, people liked the Eggman WAD, and it was just sprites directly from the game. I'm perfectly fine with this Crawla, personally.
Well, then. Let me try again. All you managed to do was editing sprites that are already in the game. How do you fix that? My suggestion would be coming up with completely new sprites and not just edit ones that already exist.
The only change here that matters is Crawla being slower. The rest are just graphic changes. Having Crawla shoot is a bit interesting, but pointless in levels with no enemies, like RVZ or ERZ1.

How am I supposed to make a playable crawla wad without editing the crawla sprites? I also think we can overlook the 2 levels that a shooting ability would be useless in.

Your also contridicting yourself, you said that the crawla sprites were unoriginal; yet you complain about the update only have graphics changes!
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Maybe he thinks sprites are unoriginal even with updates. I agree you shouldn´t change sprites, just concentrate on that shooting please, that would make this character even better then it´s now.
Maybe he thinks sprites are unoriginal even with updates. I agree you shouldn´t change sprites, just concentrate on that shooting please, that would make this character even better then it´s now.

It's easier said than done, I've spent about a month trying to program in a shooting action; if someone would give me help, maybe it could be done.
I'll try making a match server with this char and forcing whoever joins to turn into one of those. That would be funny.
After much consideration, I have decided to end this project. When 2.1 comes out, I will create another crawla character, this time more awesome. I have recently taken a class on photoshop so, hasta lavista paint!
I've lost mah flash drive with the original work for this wad on it! :P
A completely different crawla wad is in order once 1.2 comes out.
Sorry I've been gone for so long, I've been playing Minecraft.
Sorry, you mean "once 2.1 comes out." not "1.2".
Oh, and Minecraft rules.
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