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New Netgame Launcher - Version 0.50 Available

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Would you like me to create an IPS patch for the dll bug? I've successfully run it, and edited it with Hexplorer.

Then again, I could host the modified version on my webspace if you need another mirror. I havn't tried the new version, though. I *could* make some graphic buttons for the GUI if you'd like.
*runs and does that*

Thanks. I'd like to get to the bottom of the cause of the problem, though. There are categorically no absolute paths in the source or the executable (unless I'm missing something really, really silly). Also, I've had it working on another machine without any hex editing, with mserv.dll in the same directory as the exe.

Those graphics would be great. Thank you.

Command Line Arguments

Thanks. That worked. And I've just finished implementing it using the other method I suggested, too. :-) No matter; I needed config.cfg editing for other stuff, anyway. I will concede that the command line method is a little more elegant.

EDIT: Ah. I see that the + method is a generic console command insertion technique. Useful.

Ok. I have a nifty little icon for you here, but one question before I do more:

Do you want me to make mouseup-mouseover-mousedown images for the buttons? Or, do you want me just to make little pictures that describe what they do?

You'd use an image box instead of a command button, and use the Image_MouseOver() , Image_MouseDown(), and Form_MouseOver() events to toggle the picture, and Image_Click() event instead of the Command_Click() event for the action.

I think single images would be better, thank you. I'd probably lose patience with lots of MouseOver events pretty quickly, since I haven't been very tidy in my coding so far.

So should I continue with the Mouse over-up-down style buttons?

Remmeber now, you'd have to have a boolean variable for every button that's clickable.

EDIT: Wha...? Where's the option to add extra WAD files?

Actually, yes; please continue with those MouseOver images. They'll be useful. Thank you.

The WAD-adding feature, along with plenty of others, will be in the final version. On this subject, would it be useful for me to post interim WIP versions before v1.0? Or will that just annoy people?

Well, I personally don't like having to redownload something unless it has significant improvement or it's the final version, but that's just me.

I'll get right to work on those buttons for ye...
*starts on reset button*

One vote for and one against... In that case, I'll release one more version between now and v1.0.

I'll aggregate the various images I get and employ them appropriately.

And Omega, while you're here: did you find out the command line argument that replaces -skin in SPMoves? Thanks.

<OmegaHedgehog> Hey, JTE
<OmegaHedgehog> What's the command that replaces -skin in SPMoves?
<JTE> ?... There's something that replaced -skin?
<JTE> skin, -skin, +skin?...

That's the best I can give you. I'm currently at the head of SPMoves but JTE knows the parameters better then I do, considering he was the person who made everything pre-Beta 8. Sorry =/

There. Pic 1. Sorry it took so long, I was kind of busy. This isn't even original art; It's old, reused art from TNAoStH, so enjoy your recycled heart out. :roll:

Steal this and I'll kill you. No, really. Ask Jason. *shot* :wink:

Now, I must get off my lazy ass and make NEW pictures. Yush.

*opens Macromedia Flash*

Thanks, Omega. I'll work that in to the single player tab when I get some time to work on the Launcher again.

Sorry for the terribly large bump, but I can't seem to figure out how to work mserv.dll for one of my own projects. Could you explain the Mserv API a little, or give me the source code or something, Oogland? Thanks.

MSERV.DLL is currently a horribly nasty kludge, due to the way in which I interfaced the Visual Basic launcher code with the C master-server-querying code. You really wouldn't want to use it in its current incarnation. However, I plan to rewrite it to make it slightly more elegant (read: less embarrassing). Once I've done that, which might even happen today, I'll document the DLL's exported functions for interested parties. I'll release the source, too, unless I think it still needs more work; it'll be public eventually, either way (anyway, it's GPLed, if I remember correctly).

If at any point it seems that I have forgotten I had promised to do all these things, feel free to poke me until I start working on them again.
Ok. Thanks.
I'm writing a simple program to query the master server once about every minute or so and play a little ding or something when there's a game on for the serious SRB2 player.
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