New logo? o_O

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I've actually uploaded a faster/more efficient version of SFSB to the SFSB page.. If it ran kinda slow for you in the past, you can try this one.. no guarantees though on a huge boost.
It is a little better. The graphics are still the glitchiest thing ever and I'm not getting a new video card for that piece of crap.
I don't have a video card at the moment, I need to change the slot it's in.

edit:I have one, but the slot it's in doesn't work for some reason
You can't have no video card. The video card is where your monitor plugs into. You may have a really BAD video card, but you do have a video card. My 266 Mhz laptop can run OpenGL, just not very well.
Uh hang on a sec. Let me recheck that.







Well, it is a used Dell Lattitude CPt running Win2k & Red Hat 8 on a 400 MHz Celeron with no major mods except that duct tape where the keyboard used to be...

Oh. NeoMagic256ZX w/ 4 megs.
Let's give it up for the cavemen!
so... how do you play as Sonic? ^_~ oh, and how do I get that last Metal Sonic? its frigging impossible!
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