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The Elementor
i need help with the srb2net thing (you know the thing that lets you add the characters) when ever i add a character or a stage, this window pops up and says something about a metal sonic file. it still says it even WHEN i take out metal sonic. i can still add the characters to play them when i play the game but it wont let me play multiplayer games because it says that i have to restart the game to do multiplayer. i restart the game and everything i put in it disappears for me to put it back in. what do i do?
...your kidding, right?
You can't play netgames with Wads, unless you start one and then add them, or the starter of the the netgame adds the wad.
You also have to put them back in by yourself by put addfile name.wad
In other words, the faqs is your friend.
No! No! No! you didn't understand the problem. im not trying to play net games on it, the mod thing is called srb2Net. it's the thing that lets you do the WAD thing for srb2. it lets me put them in it, but it wont let me start the game from the net thing after putting them in
sonic260 said:
No! No! No! you didn't understand the problem. im not trying to play net games on it, the mod thing is called srb2Net. it's the thing that lets you do the WAD thing for srb2. it lets me put them in it, but it wont let me start the game from the net thing after putting them in

Srb2 Net launcher?

Put it in the same directory as srb2win.exe >_>.
You know, I actually answered the question.
The faqs is your friend.
And the SRB2 wiki is your girlfriend.
If you add wads to the game, you can't join netgames.
You can only host with wads added.

If you wanna join games, Don't add wads.
Look at the faq and wiki. We shouldnt have to be telling you this...D:
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