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my new mod

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I can't download it. I can't connect to the server. Could you put it up on yousendit as well, since I want to try it but can't?
Thanks! Now just improve your grammar, and I'll be happy. :P
This is pretty good! I liked how you felt like you were going up the stairs really fast, because of the illusion that there are obscure angles at which the character runs. Oh! *gets an idea*
The GFZGRASS doesn't lower the framerate, it's the bazillion stairs it has to render that lowers the framerate =P
I don't have any framerate issues. Then again, it may be my computer.
Alrighty, I just played through the new version. The main problem it has is serious software mode renderer errors because of a lack of one-sided linedefs. There is also a lot of falling from high areas and having to do stuff over again, which is really annoying. For early efforts, though, they're not bad at all. Keep it up, and look at other people's work to see how to do 1-sided linedefs properly with the level design.
Also, the level design in act 2 is a bit confusing, makeit a bit more linear, if you can.
I hate confusing levels. IMO, the best levels have a beaten path, with other possible, harder or easier routes, kinda like S3&K.
im going to fix a few problems with act 2, i never knew about the software problems, i made it over the weekend and i use opengl on that computer.

and i am going to fix the large pitfalls in the level, maybe add springs or a path that sends you back to a local area, AND i am going to add a starpost or 2.

EDIT: got rid of the pitfalls, added a starpost, got rid of most errors, if you do fall there is usually a good comeback spring nearby :)

here it is
<-- and if you cant use upload hut, this is for yousend it, you'll have to copy-paste.
In general, it's best to play in both software and OpenGL when testing. Both renderer modes will trip up on different things. Software doesn't like really large rooms without 1-sided linedefs but has proper light levels, and OpenGL renders lighting differently and picks up on HOM easier, by making it REDWALL.
Actually, I think OpenGL's lighting is better for SRB2, considering how bright the game is, but I like software for Doom, so go figure.
However, no matter what your personal preference, it's still important to test in both renderer modes. They pick up on bugs that the other won't notice.
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