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I like his level that he made becuase the ghouls come out of nowhere and start haunting you.You can not get away from them, how did you do it!
Super_Sonix2.0.67 said:
I like his level that he made becuase the ghouls come out of nowhere and start haunting you.You can not get away from them, how did you do it!



Its a secret that should never be revealed...

Plus climbing the garage only makes them kill you faster.

On edge is right SS64, work on a mod you are actually going to work on (what's the chance) you already made like 4 - 5 mods which got cancelled

Wait... what?

I've only got 3 done.

One mod got locked.
One is being finished.
And one might not be out till 2008.
its a good map but i didnt like how the rings was replaced with super sonic cause when u shoot it looks like your spiting out super sonic!
Could use a little work. The streets, should have that black, and some items and textures seemed out of place. Also, at Twinkle Park, you could actually add a platform that moves up when you step on it.
blade teh hedgehog said:
Can you make a zip file?I can't download the wad file alone.


Sorry... No

No one will see any new levels until the whole thing is done.
(screenshots on my updating topic though)

I'm not doing a reupload for you.
The breaking or falling wall or whatever...scary...why does the side of the building break/fall just so ou can get some rings? Other than that...7/10. Funny near the pool. ''Adult swim'' lol.
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