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the superjump. not that it's a bad move, i love it, but the timing to pull it off is super strict and, it might just be my imagination but, i could only manage to pull it off while i wasn't holding any directional or strafe keys
It's true, you can only do the super jump when you don't hold directional keys, but the timing isn't too strict actually (once you learn how to do it, it's fairly easy to do). For me the questionable part was that at every super jump Mecha also dashes in whatever direction he is looking at, but I guess it just takes time to get used to.

It might need some polishing though...
If you land on the ground with super jump available (timing, no directional inputs) but you happen to just drop off the ledge before you pressed jump button, you'll dash forward.
Also super jump can be performed after finishing the level.


  • SuperDash.gif
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  • SuperEndJump.gif
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The super jump definitely needs a visual and audio indicator (for example: Mecha visibly crouches down and if you successfully jump at the right time, a distinct sound plays) and I feel you should be able to do it even if you are pressing the movement keys. Also I miss the armageddon blast :(
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I'm pressing Spin mid-air, but he won't bounce. I'm not sure what's going on. I'm using version 2.4, and my game is patched to 2.2.8.
That's simple: the bounce doesn't exist in Mecha's 2.4 version. Original poster forgot to edit Mecha's moveset information in this thread.
I think this version is almost a downgrade. Not only is the superjump basically just a garbage bounce that doesn't even carry momentum on slopes, but its also kind of tricky to pull off and doesn't even work when moving, meaning you have to come to a complete stop to even use it. At least that godawful running sound was removed.
Yeah, I dunno. He feels a bit weaker than before. His old dash felt more like the one he had in S&K. He doesn't really need a bounce, though. I don't think he did that in the game.

Love the music that plays when he goes Super, though. Dunno if that was in a previous version. Never played long enough to get Super. I got around it this time with BotSkin.
Yeah, I dunno. He feels a bit weaker than before. His old dash felt more like the one he had in S&K. He doesn't really need a bounce, though. I don't think he did that in the game.

Love the music that plays when he goes Super, though. Dunno if that was in a previous version. Never played long enough to get Super. I got around it this time with BotSkin.

Mecha Sonic does have a bounce attack, as well as a pseudo dropdash move in his boss fight. In fact, his basic form boss fight seems to be almost entirely copy and pasted from the Death Egg Robo Sonic.

Also, as a suggestion, It would be interesting to incorporate that fake ring circle move he did when he turns super into this mod.
Mecha Sonic does have a bounce attack, as well as a pseudo dropdash move in his boss fight. In fact, his basic form boss fight seems to be almost entirely copy and pasted from the Death Egg Robo Sonic.

It is kind of a bounce, but it's functionally similar to jumping in the middle of a spin dash, then holding spin as you land. Though the latter isn't as high.

Yeah, I noticed the similarities between the two bosses. It's almost like Mecha Sonic was the finished product. They even share the same official name, apparently, although I always called the original "Silver Sonic." The Mecha Sonic of S&K wasn't nearly as hard, though. He was kind of a downgrade, honestly. lol

Also, as a suggestion, It would be interesting to incorporate that fake ring circle move he did when he turns super into this mod.

I was thinking the same, but I'm not sure how that would work in 3D.
It's true, you can only do the super jump when you don't hold directional keys, but the timing isn't too strict actually (once you learn how to do it, it's fairly easy to do). For me the questionable part was that at every super jump Mecha also dashes in whatever direction he is looking at, but I guess it just takes time to get used to.

It might need some polishing though...
If you land on the ground with super jump available (timing, no directional inputs) but you happen to just drop off the ledge before you pressed jump button, you'll dash forward.
Also super jump can be performed after finishing the level.

Basically the superjump takes your speed prior to landing and uses that as a basis for the horizontal thrust it enacts when performed. Only I thought it was somehow a good idea to tie it to the direction mecha is facing... I'll fix that shortly

Also if you're using manuel's mecha sonic model he does indeed crouch after landing, its just not visible in the sprites because Mecha currently doesn't have landing sprites so there's no visible change

I'll probably end up reworking the superjump to not require releasing the movement keys and forgo the whole momentum conservation thing
Canine... why... why do you keep doing this? Why did you gut his moveset again? It was perfect 2 versions ago, why did you remove everything and leave behind a sad little jumpthok? There are already like, 3 characters who have a jumpthok! You found your niche with the boost hover!
To be honest, I don't really like the new version of the Mecha Sonic moveset. I was very upset that the cool and powerful bounce was replaced by weakly enhanced jumps that are even inconvenient to use. The fact Mecha Sonic can now hover with the help of a thok is cool, and he is better controlled in a spin state is also cool. But this very strong nerf bounce spoils everything.

I can understand that this can be done for balance, but damn, you are playing as a huge cool robot, and I would like it to be played accordingly.

I hope you read this comment, and yes, I still love this character and it's quite fun to play, but I wanted you to bring back some of the old mechanics from the old version.
mh. I haven't played it enough- but I can tell you gutting the entire moveset over and over, removing the option for people to enjoy the old versions and seemingly not paying attention to what people are saying is... I know you can do what you want. But what you have now is... 'eh' at best. Even version one was more unique and interesting.

When you gut an entire moveset you should ask for feedback and show it off first to see if that's what people actually want. Because if you just gut the entire skillset over and over nobody's going to be happy. AltSonic handled this far better because it's moveset was refined so heavily as to make him play incredibly uniquely compared to what he originally was, which had abilities that did not work well together.

If people are doing nothing but mentioning how awkward or not fun a character is after you change their entire playstyle, and not one person has really come forward and said it's an improvement by comparison- You may have done something wrong.

I don't even need to mess with the super-jump long to tell you that making it not work unless you aren't holding the movement keys is a terrible and awkward gameplay mechanic that does not flow well with Sonic games. It's counter-intuitive and is especially painful to any player's muscle-memory.

I would suggest that you don't just gut the skills out of nowhere anymore, and actually ask if this is something people would be willing to try and experiment with- rather than just going "Hey guys, incredible, new update, entire skill rework for the third time!". This just seems, in my opinion... like a not good character anymore as a result of this repeated gutting and dumbing down of the moveset.
Honestly, I agree with Snowy. If your gonna gut/change the moveset every few versions, you should at least listen to feedback and suggestions. Personally, I think the new moveset is eh at best. It doesn't really resemble mecha sonics abilities besides his spin attack. I think it would be better if it went back to being similar to how mecha was in s3&k, maybe tweaked a little to fit srb2. But I digress. Please consider peoples thoughts regarding the mod.
Basically the superjump takes your speed prior to landing and uses that as a basis for the horizontal thrust it enacts when performed.
The reason that feature threw me off is because it pretty much ruins all the precise platforming (A slight thrust in any direction messes it up). Either that or Super Jump becomes an entirely useless feature that exists because it's fancy. So, yeah, please remove momentum thing.
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The reason that feature threw me off is because it pretty much ruins all the precise platforming (A slight thrust in any direction messes it up). Either that or Super Jump becomes an entirely useless feature that exists because it's fancy. So, yeah, please remove momentum thing.

I've redone the superjump so now it can be performed while moving (the window to perform it is a bit longer if you're not moving). The height you gain is now dependent on how fast you were falling. This new fix should be out soon

The reason I removed the proper stomp is because I felt it conflicted with his rolling. (IE I'm speeding along in ball form then jump. I want to not have to hold down spin the entire time in order to avoid bouncing)

The float-thok got replaced with a jump thok -> slowfall to grant mecha a double jump while rolling (something which I felt was sorely needed during my playtesting). It still inherits your old speed.
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