MasterServer Ban list

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Also edited with a server, Sciky.

Name: r

Port: 5029
Version: 1.09.4

Log #1

Log #2

Edit: Oh, and a lost log from Torgo! Torgo's Log

Sciky already reported this, but these are both Torgo and my logs. "r" is at it again, and just as n00by. Sonic House X-Mas hangout.
*Looks at ssbb47's log* Logan the wolf is back, you've got to be kidding me, I'm sure lots of people remember what a pain in the ass he was.

R's server deserves a perma-ban, I know it wont get one but it really does.

sacity Hangout

Name:*eden e Adriano*


He talked about changing his ip adress with IP editor if he gets banned, I think his ban should be harsher for that.
Oh. Sorry about that. And to Sciky: A IP Editor. Lol Wut. That is just wrong. I hope that Logan_GBA finds his new IP and bans that too.
I basically said we'll just ban every new ip you come in with, like we did with unique.

Hangout, 22 minutes in act 1 of mystic realm.

Name:spanish or not enter here xd


Question, is sacity banned from the ms no matter what you're doing in it, or is it okay to play on as long as your in match or tag?
Sciky said:
Question, is sacity banned from the ms no matter what you're doing in it, or is it okay to play on as long as your in match or tag?
In SA City, there hardly are any rings, so what's the point in playing match/tag without using the console to play match/tag in?
At first, they were doing hangout this time, then they stopped when I warned. But, they kept doing rp, on and off, so I'm still going to report.
Log is here.
EDIT: Augh, I feel stupid. I forgot to list name and IP.
Hostname: dark's server
Version: 1.09.4
Permanent: No
Port: 5029
Hangout in X-mas house:

Name:techno's server (reserved)


He needs a perma or three week ban or something, come on, he roleplay's all the time, there was a couple of weeks where he was all
"I've seen the light!!" but that apparently was a lie because since then we've seen him roleplaying a few times, including this time.
After beating eggman the server wouldn't go back to greenflower act 1.

Hostname: brawls server
Version: 1.09.4
Permanent: No
Port: 5029
Chase not only do you need a log but also, he could have just been afk, yes usually when the credits finish the game does shut down,
but its not a strech to imagine him being away from the computer and the game getting stuck on the end of that screen, also you made
everyone leave that server, so noone was roleplaying. We also stopped him from roleplaying that entire time since his server first came up,
so there was never any roleplaying or hangout.
Sciky said:
Chase not only do you need a log but also, he could have just been afk, yes usually when the credits finish the game does shut down,
but its not a strech to imagine him being away from the computer and the game getting stuck on the end of that screen, also you made
everyone leave that server, so noone was roleplaying. We also stopped him from roleplaying that entire time since his server first came up,
so there was never any roleplaying or hangout.
What a pain... That was so annoying...
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