LOL i'm at school Serously!!

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Im at school lol we have free tiem on the net hello everyone!!!
Alright i g2g to period 3 its p.e. i g2g ill see you guys when i get home ok bye bye and peace :cry:
Keep in mind that posting twice within a one hour period is a bad idea, because people are gone for hours on forums what with busy schedules, work, school, and time zone differences, and fluid conversations aren't something that can be held here. You have to be prepared to wait a bit longer for responses.

Chances are, you'll be at home on the Net before anyone even comes here and notices you were at school on the Net.
This is why I went on IRC when I was online in school, which was a lot. Hell, SRB2 netplay is more stable thanks to me testing it on the school network. Great fun.
oMg l@@k d00dz im posteing fr0m mY H0uze iznt taht ubar 1337!?!?!?! :D :) :( :o :eek: :? 8) :lol: :mrgreen: :twisted:
Of course it is! Just look at the cooking directions on the side of the can!
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