Let's discuss North Korea's Nuclear weapons testing.

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But in all seriousness, he DOES have a point. It's highly unlikely that a large percent of the population would survive a nuclear war. Then the question becomes "What happens to the people after that?" Will the right peop;e survive the war? Will they come to their senses after the war? Or will we have people fighting, yet again for power?

I guess I'm being more than a little cynical over this, but it's not easy to look at this in an optimistic light.
Dark Warrior said:
But in all seriousness, he DOES have a point. It's highly unlikely that a large percent of the population would survive a nuclear war. Then the question becomes "What happens to the people after that?" Will the right people survive the war? Will they come to their senses after the war? Or will we have people fighting, yet again for power?

I guess I'm being more than a little cynical over this, but it's not easy to look at this in an optimistic light.
Very true. And when that time comes, I will rule the world!!!.*Shot*

Most likeley, people will fight for power. Thats just the world today. :cry:
shadow the fox said:
Dark Warrior said:
But in all seriousness, he DOES have a point. It's highly unlikely that a large percent of the population would survive a nuclear war. Then the question becomes "What happens to the people after that?" Will the right people survive the war? Will they come to their senses after the war? Or will we have people fighting, yet again for power?

I guess I'm being more than a little cynical over this, but it's not easy to look at this in an optimistic light.
Very true. And when that time comes, I will rule the world!!!.*Shot*

Most likeley, people will fight for power. Thats just the world today. :cry:

That, my friend, has always been the world of man.
I like potatoes.
You know, the news recently stated that the underground tests didn't turn out as planned. The explosion was far too small. It'd probably take 500 of those nukes to wipe out a city, so I'm not really worried about it.
Think of the people who are starving though in North Korea too fund that project. Many newscasters have said that North Korea is not going anywhere economically or technologically. They are basically stuck in the 70's. No cellphones. No internet. All that you have on T.V. would be propaganda news. And everyday they play hyms over the radio and in public places about how good the dictator is and such. Would you want to listen to hyms about a guy whos starving you to fund a Huge gigantic army all day. Crap I'd go insane without computer or any control with how the goverment deals with my tax dollars.
FoxBlitzz said:
You know, the news recently stated that the underground tests didn't turn out as planned. The explosion was far too small. It'd probably take 500 of those nukes to wipe out a city, so I'm not really worried about it.

Can you say "Anticlimatic"?

Seriously, people here have been jabbering on about the world ending due to just one of these bombs and here, they aren't even powerful enough to really wipe out any good sized portion of a city.
Sure, because CLEARLY they can't/aren't capable of/won't build more, and make them any stronger. Seriously, what they've shown us is just the tip of the iceberg. Just because the one they tested wasn't strong, doesn't mean more aren't coming...
It's sad that the world may end/be irreversibly damaged by nuclear war.
But that's what happens when insane people get power.
You've seen it happen in history, it's happening again.
Could we stop discussing about how all life will end? We will all die at some point.:| This topic was about the discussion of the North Korea Nuclear weapons test. :?
I agree with the person who posted above me. However, if Kim Jong-Il was willing to destroy everyone, then the UN would strike decisively before he even got to the button.
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