Least favorite feature of SRB2

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Omega the Hedgehog said:

[/recycled images from mid-2005]

You finally snapped, I see...
SSNTails said:
It must be your video card driver, then. E-mail them and tell them that they are stupid :)

But it happens on both ATI and nVidia. :/ I guess it's WindowBlinds then.
the Knuckles character model

i, personally, think knuckles is great, but the model isnt very good. Standing still is okay, but when moving the model goes ptooey.

The orderpizza varriable. Okay, so some text apears and says: /player has orderd a pizza. And? What happend? Nothing! Thats.....crazy.

Re: orderpizza

Super mystic sonic said:
The orderpizza varriable. Okay, so some text apears and says: /player has orderd a pizza. And? What happend? Nothing! Thats.....crazy.


You don't like the "orderpizza" command?
How DARE you?
I.....hate that command.

There's some text about: /player orderd a pizza. But where's the pizza? nowhere!

PS: try deleting 1 of your post above, those are 2 the same messages!
You can only delete posts if no one else has posted later on. Now that you posted, he can now only edit posts.

See for yourself. You had the chance to delete your post, but now only to edit.
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