La La LAA!!!

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Omega the Hedgehog said:
Look again. It had to be JPEG because it was 1 or 2k over, otherwise, and Mystic's a little strict on that kind of thing, so sorry, can't put the high-quality one up :?

EDIT: Fixed. You've gotta love Photoshop's optimizing features ^_~

You better fix that ****ing moron thing, though. It could be Super Bowl Half-Time all over again.
Lookin' VERY nice omega :D

Hey I gots a little "Proposition" for you Omega.

Hows about you take my avatar, and change it up in photoshop/jasc/whatever to make it look a little nicer, add kewl features, etc, etc, etc. You do a good job of it, and ill make it my current avatar and give you credit. If you want, you could also instead update my old avatar:

Also, if you need a good custom made sprite sheet, i gots one for you:

Omega the Hedgehog said:
Congrats, you've made me laugh. And as anyone else could tell you, that's quite hard to do ^_~

Who, me? Yes, me? Couldn't be! Then who?

Seriously, me, or Spaz?

And now you're reciting Family Guy quotes. The differences between you and I are becoming thinner and thinner with each passing day... *harpooned*
Omega the Hedgehog said:

And now you're reciting Family Guy quotes. The differences between you and I are becoming thinner and thinner with each passing day... *harpooned*

*cues Twilight Zone theme* :eek:
Omega the Hedgehog said:

And now you're reciting Family Guy quotes. The differences between you and I are becoming thinner and thinner with each passing day... *harpooned*

Thanks. i haven't really thought of hoaxing before so im gunna try makin a few more.
Going back to the avatars, I think the record for the most-time-avatar is Mystic's. How many time did he keep that avatar?
Do you like mine? I just made something simple, so it doesn't exceed 20k.
I probably hold the record of "most-frequent avatar changer" on this message board.

Anyway, I didn't make mine, but it's still sexier than everyone else's combined. Well, maybe except Omega's.
Actually, I had my beta Wood Zone avvy by SSNTails for a while. The one I have right now was five minutes in Paint.
I shall revise my opinion. My avatar is sexier than everyone else's except for Omega's and Hotdog's.
No, yours is just the sexiest. Period. Omega's is okay but the anatomy's all wonky, and hotdog's is just creepy. Yours is pleasing on the eyes.

Don't be humble, yours is just the best.
Shadow Hog said:
No, yours is just the sexiest. Period. Omega's is okay but the anatomy's all wonky, and hotdog's is just creepy. Yours is pleasing on the eyes.

Don't be humble, yours is just the best.

Done kissing Jake's ass, Shadow Hog? ;P
I can't believe my post got someone else to condescend Hotdog and Omega.

Let the battles begin. I'll get out the MS Paintbrushes.
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