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Knux Skin Remake

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Using models from Heroes, Adventure, and all that seems cool, but it's copyrighted material. I can't see SRB2 using those anytime soon, unless my knowledge of law needs a bit of brushing up.

Though, making an entirely new model works too. Say, if Jackel still has the Knuckles model with him, he could take newer and better sprite caps.
Sonic the Hedgehog as a character itself is copywrited material. The notes in some of the songs are surely copywrited material, as they're just well-done 'remixes'. Why not just make the game into another friggin Yukkle and Wizard game or something, if you're so worried?

Meh, like I said, I don't really care much in any case. I'm just here for the fun of making the nutty things I do. @_@ Graue is all into that free software stuff, though, talk to him about it if you want to go that way.
Yeah, you have a point. The thing is, though, Tails and the other bunch of graphics artists drew most, if not all of SRB2's visuals themselves.

Though, remembering the use of Metal Harbor's music and stuff, I can see why my point's somewhat invalid. Whatever.
If SEGA and Sonic Team REALLY wanted to follow ever rule in copyright, we'd have no sprites, sequenced music, fan art, fan games or anything fan created after the Sonic series. Yes, they are copyrighted but it's SEGA that allows us to do these things. They think of it as free advertising, the fan stuff is free as the people who make them don't profit from it and essentially, they're showing more Sonic stuff to other people, who might get interested in buying games. It's a win/win situation so you can understand why SEGA doesn't sue everyone who uses their copyrighted material. :P
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