June is OVER. No "June" video was delivered. Delay

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Dude, we just gave you guys plenty of screenshots in the 1.1 preview thread. Don't start whining because there's no video, it's not like we aren't giving you anything. Why, in my time, I would be lucky to get a screenshot with a maximum of 3 pixels of the new crawla sprites!
Conic said:
srb2kirbyo said:
conic said:
Yeah. I'd much rather they spent all the time making videos instead of making the game itself.
Why so, they would have a video of a buggy game?

I was being sarcastic.

Oh, I am sorry. It is hard to tell sarcasm in text form for me.

Spazzo(RAWR) said:
Dude, we just gave you guys plenty of screenshots in the 1.1 preview thread. Don't start whining because there's no video, it's not like we aren't giving you anything. Why, in my time, I would be lucky to get a screenshot with a maximum of 3 pixels of the new crawla sprites!
Is this sarcasm or not ? (I think not.)
Deleted by popular demand. :D

If one vote counts. X3

But yeah. Patience.
...My original post was a little overboard, xxZeroxx, I'd appreciate it if you got rid of the quote.

But in all honesty, I think Redsonic is being a bit ungrateful. It's not too much longer till SAGE, why wait for a video when that actual thing comes out in a few weeks?
Chisuun said:
...My original post was a little overboard, xxZeroxx, I'd appreciate it if you got rid of the quote.

But in all honesty, I think Redsonic is being a bit ungrateful. It's not too much longer till SAGE, why wait for a video when that actual thing comes out in a few weeks?

I agree! (Also, RedSonic is a huge whiner at the Sega forums..good gracious)

Seriously, just wait. Its not that big of a deal, screenshots are going to be the same as videos. (Besides the fact its moving..)
Okay, all you have to do is plaster the GHZ texture you see on the foreground onto the background, in various sizes, and you can get a good idea of what the original design looked like. Needless to say it was painfully bright and looked horrid. That texture was created to serve a purpose and it does a great job. I know it's hard for you to believe me, but trust me, that stage looks great when you play it. You won't notice the texture and it melds into the background, which is what it was made for.
Mystic said:
Okay, all you have to do is plaster the GHZ texture you see on the foreground onto the background, in various sizes, and you can get a good idea of what the original design looked like. Needless to say it was painfully bright and looked horrid. That texture was created to serve a purpose and it does a great job. I know it's hard for you to believe me, but trust me, that stage looks great when you play it. You won't notice the texture and it melds into the background, which is what it was made for.

Is it possible you could take a screenshot of your character far away from the walls?
Mystic said:
Okay, all you have to do is plaster the GHZ texture you see on the foreground onto the background, in various sizes, and you can get a good idea of what the original design looked like. Needless to say it was painfully bright and looked horrid. That texture was created to serve a purpose and it does a great job. I know it's hard for you to believe me, but trust me, that stage looks great when you play it. You won't notice the texture and it melds into the background, which is what it was made for.
Be right back, Plastering the texture.

Seemed alright to me, but then again, I did cause Glaber Syndrome, so I'm posting Screens for others to decide. (looked better in game.)


Mmm, giant checkerboards of puked carrots.

Yeah, that just doesn't look right at all. It needs a lot less saturation for it to be easy on the eyes, and that's basically what the GFZ texture had: less saturation. The more contrast in color, generally the more it's going to stand out, and you do not want the walls to stand out.
Glaber notice how the checkerboard all blends in from a distance even to the extent of making a moire effect. It was for this reason why the first texture for those walls was so much bigger... however it was so bright that it was hard to tell the landforms in the middle of the stage from the border, so I tried making it darker so that it would contrast properly. However this effectively resulted in the same texture that had been part of the Greenflower Zone motiff! After a great deal of brainstorming and experimentation, I came up with the "lego" texture you see now and it fit better than anticipated.

I know its hard to believe, but we actually do know what we are doing. I know you won't take my word for it if you won't take the word of the developers that have been around for much longer, but we actually do take a while to consider what works and what doesn't.. If after all of this discussion we are satisfied with the solution we came up with, then we should not have to answer to a miscellaneous forum member that does not realize what is going on behind the scenes.

And you asked for the old texture, it is, as Mystic said, more or less the same design as the old texture and in application, looked far uglier than I anticipated.
I have since replaced it with the new textures and it has also been replaced in the IWAD... So unless any of the other developers have early screenshots of my old reskinning attempts, we have nothing to show you.

EDIT: With respect to BlueWarrior's post, when you are working with a limited palette, everything is about contrast. How walls that serve different functions stand out from one another, how the floor looks different than the wall, and how the pattern of the wall itself stands out against itself.
Small patterns almost never work, especially in the application to the bordering walls, so my textures have always been patterns with clearly contrasting designs that are large enough to go over the intended area without appearing overtly repetitive.
Was there another texture after the GHZ texture that 1.09.4 still has? At the very least, I want to see what the other choices were.
That's the point, we were working with that, and as you just posted, that's ugly and generates major moire effect. Hence the creation of the textures you see in Sapphire Falls now to keep the theme but remove the issues that the theme generated.
Believe it or not, that texture looks even worse in motion because the moire effect triggers any time you move, Autosaver.
So while the current GHZ texture is ugly, the current choice is less ugly. I get that, but it's still ugly. Have you tried using the Lime forest ME textures or the GFZ Christmas textures?
Yes, glaber, believe it or not quite a bit went into this. That texture was MADE to fit what we needed because we couldn't find another texture to do the job. None of the other textures worked, except GFZROCK, and the entire POINT of this was to try to get away from seeing GFZROCK everywhere. Hence JEV made that texture to fit my specifications. We needed a dark texture with a large, repeating pattern that fit with the Green Hill motif, which is what he made. I really don't understand why some people have such a problem with the texture. It's a background texture and it looks a hell of a lot better than a lot of the textures people have been using in 1.09.4. Personally I really like it as it makes the level look quite different from the previous version of Sapphire Falls.
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