So I'm using the android version of srb2 and I downloaded the full version of your download but I hot the file, not the folder the file. Can you help me out or is there no solution yet/ever?
So I'm using the android version of srb2 and I downloaded the full version of your download but I hot the file, not the folder the file. Can you help me out or is there no solution yet/ever?
if you mean you got the 7zip you need a way to extract it. A surface level google search says theres an app called 7zipper that can do that for you
has a video with what happens to me when you load the version of adventure sonic (si hablan español pos traduzcan que use el traductor para poner esto xd)
Huh, happened to me as well. I tried to check if the models.dat file was missing anything, but it wasn't. (Traducción por sea caso: Huh, me pasó a mi también. Intenté revisar si le faltaba alguna cosa al archivo models.dat, pero estaba completo.)
I would like to note that Yoshi's model is currently completely broken


  • srb20054.gif
    5.2 MB · Views: 114
There seems to be some sort of weird rotation glitch when Adventure Sonic does a homing attack. Is that just me, or are others also experiencing this...?
Considering you just updated the models for the vanilla characters I think it's fair to go through some nitpicks for them here.

Fang still seems to be missing that one pose from when he gets defeated as a boss, right when you deal the final blow.
For Tails' idle animation, the timing of Tails' mouth growing and shrinking seems to be opposite that of the sprites. Combine that with the head not really tilting back at all, and the animation doesn't really sell Tails' yawning to me. Like, for the sprites, he tilts his head back just starting the yawn, and on the second frame he tilts it a little more, but in the model, at a certain angle the only notable difference between his standing and his idle poses is that his arm moves. Would it break the model to move it back a bit?
Knuckles' animations are just wonderful! I like how bouncy the walking animation is now. And hey, his head tilts back when he laughs! So it shouldn't be impossible for Tails.
Sonic's walking animation is fine enough, but I think I'll always prefer seeing the walking animation in sprite form unless you somehow capture the bounciness of the quills shown in the sprites in the future. Specifically the walking animation, the rest's great.
Metal Sonic doesn't have an effect for when you hit him in his boss battle. I think it's because the bit that flashes on the sprites uses the outline color, and I don't think the models use outlines. Makes me wonder if you could find a way to add outlines to the models somehow.
And now for something related to shields that I just remembered: Wow do I hate Fire Shield's dash. It's so small! So small it's hard to see. It's not used often, but it still bothers me.

Also I noticed Espio's ledge animation has him face the opposite direction his sprite does. That might be a bit of an oversight?
Otherwise... Yeah, this is solid stuff! Both modded and vanilla characters look cool! I hope it says a ton that the biggest nitpick I have regarding the characters is that Tails doesn't seem as big a sleepyhead as he does in sprite form. (I don't know why, but that bugs me more than the missing Fang pose.)
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Huh, happened to me as well. I tried to check if the models.dat file was missing anything, but it wasn't. (Traducción por sea caso: Huh, me pasó a mi también. Intenté revisar si le faltaba alguna cosa al archivo models.dat, pero estaba completo.)
ya lo logre, nesesitas volver a descargar el full del mod y remplazar todos los archivos para actualizar, asi lo conseguis, luego mando video
ya lo logre, nesesitas volver a descargar el full del mod y remplazar todos los archivos para actualizar, asi lo conseguis, luego mando video
Bueno, lo voy a intentar, aunque ya había borrado todos los archivos de la versión del pack 1.5 antes de descargar la nueva versión.
how do i get 3d models in mobile
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know what fuck this im out
Try searching Youtube for a mobile tutorial.
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has a video with what happens to me when you load the version of adventure sonic (si hablan español pos traduzcan que use el traductor para poner esto xd)
You need to put the models.dat file in the "SRB2 v2.2" folder, not the "models" folder.
wait do i nee to download both of these files becuse i want to add models to sonic
if you just want models for vanilla theyre included with the game. Patch is just what isn't included with the vanilla game, whereas full contains all of them. You probably just need patch
Try searching Youtube for a mobile tutorial.
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You need to put the models.dat file in the "SRB2 v2.2" folder, not the "models" folder.
Thanks for the solution but I managed to solve it, just replace everything with the current version by downloading the full download (se re nota el traductor xd)
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Bueno, lo voy a intentar, aunque ya había borrado todos los archivos de la versión del pack 1.5 antes de descargar la nueva versión.
xd, por cierto para ahorar espacio bore los de fuera del dlc osea los normales
Captura de pantalla (19).png
Thanks for the solution but I managed to solve it, just replace everything with the current version by downloading the full download (se re nota el traductor xd)
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xd, por cierto para ahorar espacio bore los de fuera del dlc osea los normalesView attachment 60706
y por cierto acá esta mi carpeta del robo blast y manía (el manía lo descarge de gamejolt, después si queres paso link por priv o algo así xd) con mods y todo:
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y por cierto acá esta mi carpeta del robo blast y manía (el manía lo descarge de gamejolt, después si queres paso link por priv o algo así xd) con mods y todo:
Captura de pantalla (20).png
Captura de pantalla (21).png
Captura de pantalla (22).png
Captura de pantalla (23).png

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so i need the patch for full ?
for pc download the full, then replace your models folder, to activate opengl in graphics and opengl options, then activate. to update download the most current full and replace the old 3D models folder as well as the old models.dat, after that you just activate or if you already activated it you play and that's it

(traduccion: para pc descarga el full, luego remplaza tu carpeta de models, para activar opengl en graficos y las opiones opengl, luego activa. para actuelizar descarga el full mas actual y remplaza la carpeta antigua de modelos 3D al iguall que la antigua models.dat, luego de eso ya solo activas o si ya lo activaste jugas y listo) (para lo del ingles use el traductor de google)
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Try searching Youtube for a mobile tutorial.
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You need to put the models.dat file in the "SRB2 v2.2" folder, not the "models" folder.
Apart from the video I recorded it with the cell phone, I play it on a laptop

(traduccion: aparte el video lo grabe con el celu, lo juego en laptop)
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y por cierto acá esta mi carpeta del robo blast y manía (el manía lo descarge de gamejolt, después si queres paso link por priv o algo así xd) con mods y todo:
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Captura de pantalla (20).png
Captura de pantalla (21).png
Captura de pantalla (22).png
Captura de pantalla (23).png

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for pc download the full, then replace your models folder, to activate opengl in graphics and opengl options, then activate. to update download the most current full and replace the old 3D models folder as well as the old models.dat, after that you just activate or if you already activated it you play and that's it

(traduccion: para pc descarga el full, luego remplaza tu carpeta de models, para activar opengl en graficos y las opiones opengl, luego activa. para actuelizar descarga el full mas actual y remplaza la carpeta antigua de modelos 3D al iguall que la antigua models.dat, luego de eso ya solo activas o si ya lo activaste jugas y listo) (para lo del ingles use el traductor de google)
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apart from the video I recorded it with the cell phone, I play robo blast on laptop

(traduccion: aparte el video lo grabe con el celu, juego robo blast en laptop)
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ok great, now it just does the thing of replacing the old 3D models folder and putting the new one in its place along with the new models.dat
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Here I give you the link to my sonic mania and sonic robo blast 2 with mods and everything already set as it should be for the 3D models: